Puchovska L. P. Teacher’s Professionalism in Different Educational Systems: Comparative Analysis
/ L. P. Puchovska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 3—5. The article presents the analysis of the catergory of teacher’s professional culture and selfconciousness in English and French educational systems. The author gives main criteria of an ideal model of teacher’s profession.
Text of the article: 00plpspa.zip
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Ivanova T. V. Cultural Aspects as a modern Approach in Professional Training of a Future Teacher
/ T. V. Ivanova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 6—11. On the basis of the results of empirical investigations among Ukrainian and Russian Youth the author analyses the problem of modern young man’s aim in life, as well as emotional and value sphere.
Text of the article: 00itvpmv.zip
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Dubaseniuk O. A. Investigation of Future Teachers’ Professional and Pedagogical Purposefulness
/ O. A. Dubaseniuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 12—14. The article considers the results of the investigation concerning future teachers’ professional and pedagogical purposefulness, in particular, the author analyses a motivational sphere of first-year students, contentment with a teachers’ profession during professional practice, factors of making agood teacher.
Text of the article: 00doasmv.zip
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Levkivsky M. V. Responsibility in the Context of a New Educational Paradigm
/ M. V. Levkivsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 15—17. The article considers scientifical, theoretical and methodological grounds of the problem of formation persons’ responsibility in the context of forming a new educational and upbringing paradigm in the Ukrainian state.
Text of the article: 00lmvnvp.zip
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Volodina N. V. Professional and Pedagogical Purposefulness as a Way towards Increasing the Quality of Teachers’ Training at the Pedagogical Institution of Higher Education
/ N. V. Volodina, I. V. Dubinets // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 18—20. The category of purposefulness is analysed as a characteristic of a teacher’s professional pedagogical training. The article considers the way of forming the students’ professional and pedagogical purposefulness at the pedagogical educational institution.
Text of the article: 00vnvpvp.zip
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Fedorova N. F. Teacher’s Creative Activity at the Innovational Education Institutions
/ N. F. Fedorova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 21—23. The article analyses specific features of innovational educational institutions in a modern Ukraine state. The author gives a structure of management functions in the educational system.
Text of the article: 00fnfizo.zip
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Dobrovolska L. P. Modern Approaches and Technologies of Future Teachers’ Professional Choice
/ L. P. Dobrovolska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 24—28. The article analyses basic factors and peculiarities of the future teachers’ professional choice for the system of educational in modern Ukraine.
Text of the article: 00dlpvmv.zip
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Ivanchenko A. V. Selfconsiousness and Selfmanagement as Factors of a Person’s Outlook Formation
/ A. V. Ivanchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 29—31. The author analyses influence of selfconsiouness and selfmanagement on the process of a person’s socialization and formation of their outlook.
Text of the article: 00iavsso.zip
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Kin O. M. M. F. Sumtsov about a Personality and Professional Qualities of a Teacher
/ O. M. Kin // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 32—34. On the basis of M.F. Sumtsov’s pedagogical heritage the author cousiders his pedagogical views on teacher training, an individual approach to organization of training-educational process in pedagogical educational establishments.
Text of the article: 00komyav.zip
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Polishchuk V. A. A Social Worker in France: the Sphere of Professional Activities and Functions
/ V. A. Polishchuk, I. V. Dubinets, G. B. Borozna // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 35—38. On the basis of scientific and theoretical analysis of home and foreign literature the author regards contents of social workers’ activity in France. Functions and the main trends of social teachers’ activity are classified.
Text of the article: 00pvapdf.zip
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Sbruyeva A. A. A Renewed Paradigm of Basic Education on the Brink of the 3rd Century (Social and Pedagogical Aspect)
/ A. A. Sbruyeva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 39—43. The article analysesthe main conceptual grounds of education development in the countries of European community. The author has made a comparative analysis of traditional and renewed paradigms in the sphere of education.
Text of the article: 00saaspa.zip
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Leont’eva O. Ju. Professional and Pedagogical Peculiarities of Pedagogical Personnel’s Training in English Colleges
/ O. Ju. Leont’eva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 44—46. The article analyses content, forms and methods of professional pedagogical personnel’s training for educational institutions in England in the system of colleges. The author considers components of professional pedagogical training of specialists.
Text of the article: 00loyuka.zip
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Levkivsky M. V. Social and Legal Responsibility of a Personality
/ M. V. Levkivsky, I. V. Dubinets, G. B. Borozna, O. V. Voznyuk, T. V. Nedashkivska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 47—51. Two aspects of moral and normative responsibility of a personality (subconscious and conscious) are analysed; the task of their integration is set; the factors of the process of forming the conscious responsibility as the ability to self reflection and orientation to potentional and probable aspect of reality are revealed.
Text of the article: 00lmvpdo.zip
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Borysyuk S. O. Some Aspects of Social Teachers' Metodological Training in the System of a Higher Pedagogical Education
/ S. O. Borysyuk, I. V. Dubinets, G. B. Borozna, O. V. Voznyuk, T. V. Nedashkivska, A. I. Kononchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 52—53. The article considers scrientific and theoretical grounds of social teachers' training in Ukraine on the example of the course "Methodology and methods of social and pedagogical investigations".
Text of the article: 00bsovpo.zip
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Kutova N. A. Gender Initiatives in Pedagogical Education
/ N. A. Kutova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 54—57. The article considers essence, tasks and methods of gender policy realization in the Ukrainian Society. The author analyses possible perspectives of its development in our country.
Text of the article: 00knaipo.zip
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Trubavina I. M. Training Future Social Teachers for Prevention of Violation in a Family
/ I. M. Trubavina // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 58—62. The article considers practical and pedagogical aspects of future social teachers' training for work in the families of risc groups.
Text of the article: 00timpns.zip
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Rasskazova O. I. Organization of Pupils' Social and Creative Activity in an Out-of-School Institution
/ O. I. Rasskazova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 63—65. The article considers the essence and contents of component in forming pupils' social activity.
Text of the article: 00roiupz.zip
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Kovalchuk V. A. Formation of the System of Professional Skills of the Future Teachersto Solve Social and Pedagogical Tasks
/ V. A. Kovalchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 66—68. The article considers the methods of solving social and pedagogical tasks in the context of social teachers' professional and pedagogical training.
Text of the article: 00kvaspz.zip
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Myroshnychenko O. A. Formation of Socially Important Ideals and Value Orientations in Modern Youth
/ O. A. Myroshnychenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 69—71. The article presents the results of empiric scientific and pedagogical investigations in the formation of socially important ideals in modern youth.
Text of the article: 00moaico.zip
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Shanskova T. I. A Systemic Approach to Work with Pupils' Parents in Socially Oriented Training of Students
/ T. I. Shanskova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 72—74. The article presents the main contents of the special course "Social and Educational Training of Studens for Work with Parents" on the basis of applying a systemic approach towards the study of pedagogical phenomena.
Text of the article: 00shtibu.zip
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Sypchenko I. V. Activity of The Volyn' Society for Upbringing of Children with the Department of their Defence
/ I. V. Sypchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 75—77. The article analyses peculiarities of activity of the Zhytomyr charitable societies at the beginning of the XXth century. The author outlines contents, forms and methods of activity of seperate societies.
Text of the article: 00sivviz.zip
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Os'muk N. H. Influence of Ideas of Foreign and Native Social Pedagogy on Formation of the System of "Social Education" in Ukraine in 20-30ies of the XXth century
/ N. H. Os'muk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 78—81. The article considers pedagogical ideas of A. Disterveg, P. Natorpa, J. D'yui as well as K. Ushynsky, S. Rusova in the context of forming a system of social education in Ukraine.
Text of the article: 00ongssu.zip
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Peretyatko O. V. Formation of Social and Cultural Activity of Ukrainian Teacher: History of the Problem
/ O. V. Peretyatko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 82—84. On the basis of archive sources the author presents main trends in the development of the our home teachers' social and cultural activity at the beginning of the XXth century in Slobozhanshchina.
Text of the article: 00povvip.zip
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Koziy M. K. Formation of a Teacher's Professional Personality by Means of Ancient Mythology
/ M. K. Koziy // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 85—89. The article analyses means of ancient mythology with the aim of their actualization and usage in professional activity of modern teachers. The author also considers peculiarities of ancient mythology influence on a pupil's personality.
Text of the article: 00kmkzam.zip
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Yuryeva K. A. Ethnopedagogics in V. O. Sukhomlynsky's Creative Legacy
/ K. A. Yuryeva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 90—93. The article considers views of a Ukrainian our home teacher on educational opportunities and meaning of outlook theories, ethics and a esthetical views and convictions of Ukrainian people realized in his ethnopedagogical legacy.
Text of the article: 00yukass.zip
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Shumilova I. F. Professional Training of Local Teachers Area in the Subasov (the end of XIXth c. – XXth century) as a Historic-Pedagogical Problem
/ I. F. Shumilova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 94—97. An attempt has beem undertaken to describe contents and trends of professional teachers' training in educational institutions and at special courses in the Subasov area on the basis of archive sources analysis.
Text of the article: 00shifpp.zip
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Onypchenko O. I. Teacher's Board about Teachers' Training in Ukraine and Aboard in the 2nd half of the XIX th century
/ O. I. Onypchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 98—101. The article presents own view of influence of women's gymnasiums teachers' board of tzar Russia on formation of future teachers on the basis of archive sources analysis.
Text of the article: 00ooidps.zip
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Ternopil'ska V. I. Responsibility of Senior Pupils: Historic-Pedagogical Aspect
/ V. I. Ternopil'ska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 102—105. The article analyses historic roots of the problem of a pupil's responsibility. The author considers the views of J.-J. Russo, Jh. Lock, S. Rusova, A. Makarenko in the context of the problem of a person's responsibility.
Text of the article: 00tviipa.zip
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Popova O. V. Training of Teachers in the Kharkiv Region in 20-30-ies of the XXth Century
/ O. V. Popova, I. V. Dubinets, G. B. Borozna, O. V. Voznyuk, T. V. Nedashkivska, A. I. Kononchuk, V. A. Luk'yanova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 106—109. The article attempts to describe the contents and organization of educational workers' training and preparation to the realization of social education in educational institutions of the Khrakiv region.
Text of the article: 00povohk.zip
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Sira I. T. On Formation of a Future Teacher's Personality in theKharkiv Scientific-Pedagogical School Legacy
/ I. T. Sira // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 110—112. The article presents outlooks of the representatives of the Kharkiv scientific-pedagogical school M. Grygor'ev, A. Zil'bershtein, I. Fedorenko on a personality of a future teacher's training as a systemic and orhanized process.
Text of the article: 00sitpsh.zip
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Sokolova A. V. Ya. A. Mamontov's Views on the Problem of the Choice of a Teacher's Profession
/ A. V. Sokolova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 113—116. There has been made an attempt to outline the outlook of an Ukrainian teacher of the 20-30ies of the XXth century on the problem of the choice of a teacher's profession. The main features of this profession have been analysed, i.e. calling, intuition, capacity towards creativity.
Text of the article: 00savvpp.zip
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Kruk M. Z. Out-of-Class Military-Physical Culture Work in Ukrainian Schools (20-30ies of the XXth century)
/ M. Z. Kruk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 117—120. The article analyses the main trends of on-of-class physical culture and military-applied work, aimed at strengthening of pupils' health and training of future soldiers in comprehencive school in the USSR.
Text of the article: 00kmzshu.zip
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Shtefan L. A. Problems of Social Workers' Training in Ukraine in 20-30ies of the XXth Century
/ L. A. Shtefan // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 121—124. The article considers scientific theoretical and methodological problems of social teachers' training for the system of "social education" in Ukraine. The author analyses the role of pedagogical literature and press in training specialists.
Text of the article: 00shlaus.zip
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Ivanchenko A. V. Creative Use of H. Vashchenko Pedagogical Legacy at School
/ A. V. Ivanchenko, I. V. Dubinets, G. B. Borozna, O. V. Voznyuk, T. V. Nedashkivska, A. I. Kononchuk, V. A. Luk'yanova, Z. A. Osadcha, N. V. Felonyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 125—128. The article reveals the peculiarities of interpretation of the essence and content of national education in Ukrainian school and the teacher's role in applying H. Vashchenko's ideas by a famous Ukrainianteacher in a modern training- educational process on the example of school in the Ruzhin district the Zhytomyr region.
Text of the article: 00iavvsh.zip
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Antonova O. Ye. Basic Pedagogical Training of Future Teachers (Historical Aspect)
/ O. Ye. Antonova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 129—131. The article considers the questions connected with a future teacher's basic training at pedagogical instituions of education in Ukraine during XIX XXth centuries.
Text of the article: 00aoevia.zip
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Logvyna-Byk T. A. Modern Technologies of Teacher’s Professional and Pedagogical Training
/ T. A. Logvyna-Byk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 132—135. On the basis of home and foreign scientific and pedagogical literature study the article considers main modern technological approaches to teacher’s professional and pedagogical training. The author pays special attention to Manheim system of teachers’ training.
Text of the article: 00lbtapv.zip
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Lakyushyna T. L. Pecularities of Conducting Pedagogical Practice in Logopedics at the Faculty of Studying Mental Defects and Physical Handicaps
/ T. L. Lakyushyna, I. V. Dubinets, G. B. Borozna, O. V. Voznyuk, T. V. Nedashkivska, A. I. Kononchuk, V. A. Luk'yanova, Z. A. Osadcha, N. V. Felonyuk, L. L. Logvinova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 136—138. On the basis of own scientific and pedagogical experience the article considers a system of the realization of practical and pedagogical teachers’ training. Practical recommendation is given as for conducting practice and control over its course on the side of teachers from pedagogical chairs.
Text of the article: 00ltlldf.zip
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Tan'ko T. P. Musical Training of Future Teachers in the Pedagogical Institutions of Higher Education in Ukraine (40-50ies of the XXth century)
/ T. P. Tan'ko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 139—142. The article is devoted to the historical aspect of musical training of future teachers in pedagogical institutions of higher education in Ukraine. The analysis is realized on the basis of archive materials and monographs of the first half of the XXth century.
Text of the article: 00ttpkpu.zip
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Tararak N. H. Formation of Elements of Students’ Pedagogical Mastery in the Process of Studying the Subject of a Vocal-Choral Course
/ N. H. Tararak // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 143—145. The article considers the content of future teachers’ music education, peculiarities of their speech and vocal technique as a structural element of the pedagogical mastery.
Text of the article: 00tngvhc.zip
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Spirin O. M. Grounds of differential approach to teaching Computer Science
/ O. M. Spirin // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 146—151. The notions of differential approach in higher school were analyzed. The ways certain psychological and pedagogical reasons for its implementation in the process of teaching Computer Science at the faculty of physics and mathematics were presented in the article.
Text of the article: 00sompvi.zip
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Molchanova H. I. Types of Education in the Institution of Higher Education and their Possibilities in the Development of a Teacher’s Creative Potential
/ H. I. Molchanova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 152—157. The article distinguishes types of education in an institution of higher education and their possibilities in the development of a teacher’s creative potential, analytical and theoretical analysis of this typology is given.
Text of the article: 00mgitpp.zip
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Vasyl’eva L. Ja. Business Game in Teaching Methodology of Mathematics
/ L. Ja. Vasyl’eva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 158—150. The article gives recommendation as for the use of a business game in teaching methodology of Mathematics. The author thoroughly analyses the realization of the game gradually and hometasks in the process of its preparation.
Text of the article: 00vlyamm.zip
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Tykhonova T. V. Technology of a Person Oriented Education in Professional Training of Teachers of Computer Stadies
/ T. V. Tykhonova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 161—163. The article presents a technology of a person oriented education in professional training of teachers of computer science. The author analyses some person oriented technologies.
Text of the article: 00ttvpvi.zip
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Belova Ju. Ju. Future Labour Teachers’ Training to Formation of Pupils’ National Values
/ Ju. Ju. Belova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 164—168. On the basis of the empirical investigation the author proposes a system of methodological recommendations for formation of pupils’ national values at the lessons of labour training.
Text of the article: 00buuncu.zip
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Fedorenko O. I. Formation of Logical Skills in the Process of Teachers’ Professional Training
/ O. I. Fedorenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 169—171. The article considers the problem of formation of logical skills as an important part in the system of basic skills of students at a pedagogical training institution on the basis of Ukrainian scientific pedagogical literature analysis and the empirical experiment.
Text of the article: 00foippv.zip
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Samsonova O. V. Problems of Educational Process Improvement by Means of the Latest Technologies
/ O. V. Samsonova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 172—174. The author considers specific features of introduction modern and pedagogical training in the course of teaching subjects’ professional theoretical engeneering.
Text of the article: 00sovznt.zip
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Dubovyk L. P. Elaboration of Structure and Content of Future Labor Training Teachers’ Professional Skills in Aesthetization of Educational Premises
/ L. P. Dubovyk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 175—179. On the basis of scientific and pedagogical experience the author considers the problem of formation of future teachers’ skills in the context of its aestetic filling.
Text of the article: 00dlpenp.zip
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Tarasenko N. V. Formation of Students’ Professional Skills and Creative Independence in the Process of Pedagogical Practice
/ N. V. Tarasenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 180—182. The article analyses the content, place and role of a student’s pedagogical practice in the process of their professional training. The author gives types of tasks and methodological instruments of practice.
Text of the article: 00tnvppp.zip
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Hyrenko N. A. Formation of Pupils’ Sensory-Motor Sphere in Subsidiary School in the Process of Labor Training
/ N. A. Hyrenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 183—185. On the basis of psychological and pedagogical investigation the author of the article considers the peculiarities of development and correction of sensory-motor sphere of children with mental defects.
Text of the article: 00gnaptn.zip
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Vitvyts’ka S. S. A Student as an Object of Pedagogical Activity
/ S. S. Vitvyts’ka // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 186—188. On the basis of her own scientific and pedagogical experience the author of the article considers a problem of first-year students’ adaptation in a higher educational institution environment. The author analyses reasons of possible ways of overcoming negative manifestations in the process of training, scientific and communicative adaptation.
Text of the article: 00vssopd.zip
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Burkova L. V. A Structural Approach to the Notion of Pedagogical Technology
/ L. V. Burkova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 189—192. On the basis of theoretical analysis of home and foreign scientific and pedagogical literature the article analyses the category “technology” and peculiarities of its realization in a pedagogical educational establishment.
Text of the article: 00blvppt.zip
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Gerasymenko S. D. Individual Education at School as a Modern Technology of Teacher’s Professional and Pedagogical Training
/ S. D. Gerasymenko, I. V. Dubinets, G. B. Borozna, O. V. Voznyuk, T. V. Nedashkivska, A. I. Kononchuk, V. A. Luk'yanova, Z. A. Osadcha, N. V. Felonyuk, L. L. Logvinova, V. D. Rabushko, N. N. Abakumova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 193—195. The article considers the problem of individualization of an educational process in a modern Ukrainian school. The author analyses the categories of individualization, an individual education, an individual approach in the context of their use in a pedagogical educational institution.
Text of the article: 00gsoppv.zip
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Lutsenko V. V. The Use of Computer Technologies in a Future Music Teacher’s Professional Training
/ V. V. Lutsenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 196—198. The article considers the problems of computer technologies use in the process of future music teacher’s training. The special course “Basis of Moderm Computer Arrangement”, worked out by the author, has become the result of this investigation.
Text of the article: 00lvvmvm.zip
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Shuhailo H. V. Development of Compositional and Graphic Skills in the Process of Differentiated Studying Computer Technologies for the Future Teachers of Computer Science
/ H. V. Shuhailo // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 199—202. The article has analysed composition and graphic skills of future informatics teachers in the process of differentiated studying of computer technologies on the example of a graphic editor program.
Text of the article: 00shgvkt.zip
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Pylypchuk V. V. Integrative Possibilities of Future Teachers’ Technological Training
/ V. V. Pylypchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 203—205. The article considers the peculiarities of future teachers’ technological training as a basis of theoretical and methodological knowledge, college is singled out as a basic branch of a higher school.
Text of the article: 00pvvpmv.zip
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Hudyma O. Yu. Management of Pupils’ Independent Cognitive Activity in Basic School under Circumstances of Modular Organization of Educational Process
/ O. Yu. Hudyma // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 206—210. The article interprets the problem of the management of pupils’ independent cognitive activity in basic school under circumstances of modal organization of educational process. To reveal this topic a great member of home and foreign scientific literature was used.
Text of the article: 00goyunp.zip
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Koloskina O. I. Problems of Modern Technologies of Teaching National Self-Awareness
/ O. I. Koloskina // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 211—214. The article considers the problem of modern technologies application of teaching national self-awareness. The process of up-bringing the pupils of the ground of national self-awareness in the Donetsk region is analysed on the example of teaching Ukrainian.
Text of the article: 00koifns.zip
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Pashchenko M. I. Active Methods of Training Future Teachers
/ M. I. Pashchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 215—218. The article considers the essence, content and peculiarities of application of methods of active training in future teachers’ professional and pedagogical training. The author reveals methods of application these methods in the process of teaching Pedagogy.
Text of the article: 00pmipmu.zip
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Yeremeeva V. M. Planning and Organization of a Pedagogical Technology of Future Teachers’ Training for Pupils’ Individual Training in Basic School
/ V. M. Yeremeeva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 219—221. On the basis of her own teacher’s experience the author considers the application of an individual approach to the organization of training and educational process at the pedagogical higher educational institution. The author analyses the content of categories “individualization”, “an individual approach” etc.
Text of the article: 00yevmsh.zip
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Moiseyeva M. A. On the Problem of Piano Accompaniment of Melodious-Choral Repertoire
/ M. A. Moiseyeva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 222—224. The article classifies the types of accompaniments as a basis of the principle of gradual complication of instrumental accompaniment texture in the process of studying the course “Practical Studies in School
Text of the article: 00mmaphr.zip
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Kolesnyk I. V. Peculiarities of Chornobyl’ Accident Influence on the Development and Upbringing of Children
/ I. V. Kolesnyk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 225—227. The article deals with medical, psychological, pedagogical and social consequences of the ChNP accident, which influenced physical, mental, social development of children and teenagers, who live in contaminated regions.
Text of the article: 00kivrvd.zip
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Yatsenko S. L. Grounds of a Person Oriented System of Gymnasium Education
/ S. L. Yatsenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 228—230. The article considers specific features of person oriented system of education on the basis of own practical work experience in a gymnasium pertaining to humanities. A comparative characteristic of traditional and person oriented system of education is given.
Text of the article: 00yaslgo.zip
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Halatyuk Ju. V. Theoretical Grounds of the Special Course “Innovational Approaches in Organization of Creation Educational Activity in Physics”
/ Ju. V. Halatyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 231—233. On the basis of own teacher’s experience the article considers possibilities of the above - mentioned special course in the context of the training future of teachers’ physics . The author analyses the program of a special course and a complex of skills, which are formed in the process of its studying.
Text of the article: 00gyuvdf.zip
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Zabrots’ky M. M. Diagnostics of Formation and Development of Teacher’s Communicative Competence
/ M. M. Zabrots’ky, I. V. Dubinets, G. B. Borozna, O. V. Voznyuk, T. V. Nedashkivska, A. I. Kononchuk, V. A. Luk'yanova, Z. A. Osadcha, N. V. Felonyuk, L. L. Logvinova, V. D. Rabushko, N. N. Abakumova, V. M. Trokhymenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 234—236. The article considers the use of certain methods to diagnose the level of formation of teacher’s communicative competence and its further development.
Text of the article: 00zmmkku.zip
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Kazanzhy I. V. Formation of Educational Environment at the Higher Educational Pedagogical Institution as a Means of Future Specialists’ Training to the Realization of Educational Activity
/ I. V. Kazanzhy // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 237—239. The article considers possibilities of psychological and pedagogical subjects in the context of their teaching of the higher educational pedagogical institution. The author analyses specific features of educational environment in the pedagogical educational institution.
Text of the article: 00kivzvd.zip
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Brandes V. M. Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Teacher’s Training to Activity in the Context of the Person Oriented Paradigm of Educational
/ V. M. Brandes, I. V. Dubinets, G. B. Borozna, O. V. Voznyuk, T. V. Nedashkivska, A. I. Kononchuk, V. A. Luk'yanova, Z. A. Osadcha, N. V. Felonyuk, L. L. Logvinova, V. D. Rabushko, N. N. Abakumova, V. M. Trokhymenko, A. P. Virkovs’ky, V. O. Voznyuk, Je. M. Romanenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 240—244. The article analyses an educational-disciplinary and person-oriented pedagogical paradigm as a ground of traditional and humanistic approaches in the organization of teaching and educational process.
Text of the article: 00bvmspo.zip
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Vakhovs’ky L. Ts. Axiological Characteristic of Phylosophy of Upbringing in German Enlightment
/ L. Ts. Vakhovs’ky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 245—248. The article analyses a mechanism of the changes withm a value paradigm, modernization of archaic dogmas and orientations in the Age of Enlightment. The author considers philosophical-educational views of Johann Gotfried Herder, Immanuil Kant and other German enlighteners.
Text of the article: 00vlcvnp.zip
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Kostyushko Ju. O. Principles of Non-Directive Pedagogy as a Necessary Condition of Solving Interpersonal Conflicts between a Teacher and Pupils
/ Ju. O. Kostyushko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 249—251. The article considers content and essence of non-directive pedagogy in the context of development and possibility of solving interpersonal conflicts which appear in an educational-training process. The author presents the analysis of the problem in home and foreign scientific literature.
Text of the article: 00kyuouu.zip
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Kuz’michova V. A. Forms and Methods of Students’ Music Education in Music-Dramatic Institutes of Ukraine in 20-30-ies of the XXth century
/ V. A. Kuz’michova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 252—254. On the basis of a wide series of archive and historic-pedagogical sources the author considers the content of music education on the basic of activity of music-dramatic institutes of Ukraine.
Text of the article: 00kbadou.zip
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Kostel’na L. I. Teacher’s Activity at Modular Organization of Education
/ L. I. Kostel’na // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 255—256. The article considers the problem of an active approach to modular organization of education. The author gives characteristic to modal education and its methods at such organization of an educational process.
Text of the article: 00klimon.zip
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Basyuk N. A. General Scientific Understanding of Person’s Responsibility
/ N. A. Basyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2000. — ¹ 6. — P. 257—259. The article analyses the category of person’s responsibility as a scientific notion and a subject of investigation in home and foreign psychological and pedagogical literature.
Text of the article: 00bnarvo.zip
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