Lutaj M. Ye. The Rectors standing at the head of the Zhytomyr Teachers Training Institute
/ M. Ye. Lutaj // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 3—10. The article deals with the archival date on the life and archivity of the managing staff of the Zhytomyr Teachers Training Institute.
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Shvydak O. M. Political conscience as a factor of political activity
/ O. M. Shvydak, N. A. Sivtsova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 11—15. The article highlights essence, main aspects and peculiarities of political conscience as a factor of political activity being activized on the ground of scientific analysis.
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M. M. Samardak An attempt to take a look at the reverse side of the good and evil
/ // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 16—20. The article deals with the main ideas of the book “Beyond Good and Evil” by F.Nietzsche in the context of intellectual processes in Western Europe of the 19-th century.
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Kozlovets M. A. Referential structures as a factor of the social identification of a personality
/ M. A. Kozlovets, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 21—25. The article highlights mechanisms of social identification of a personality in the presentday context, and analyzes factors which influence the growing gap between individual factual and referential adherenñe.
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Lenchuk I. H. Methodical aspects of the coordination in evident spatial geometry of the theory of combinations of two bodies with practice
/ I. H. Lenchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 26—31. The reasonable advice concerning qualitative performance of the evident projective drawings to typical tasks of school rate spatial geometry is offered.
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Peleshok E. Kh. Work on proverbs and riddles at Ukrainian reading lessons in junior forms
/ E. Kh. Peleshok, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 32—34. The article deals with certain peculiarities of work on small folk-lore genres (proverbs and riddles) at Ukrainian reading lessons in junior forms.
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Akhmetov R. F. The appearance of physical culture and sport in Zhitomir region
/ R. F. Akhmetov // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 35—37. The article focuses on the appearance of physical culture and sport in Zhitomir region territory.
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Kalinina L. V. Formation of the group communication skills with the help of debates
/ L. V. Kalinina, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 38—41. The article contains the division of debates into three kinds, the description of three groups of skills, necessary for debates and shows three stages of communication skills formation: pre-discussing, discussing and independent discussing.
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Andriychuk R. H. The theoretic-methodical substantiation of physics knowledge application in profile training
/ R. H. Andriychuk, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 42—44. The problems of the complete scientific outlook formation of senior pupils with subject-profile integration are considered.
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Prischepa V. P. Peculiarities of Modern Methods of Studying Fiction at German Lessons
/ V. P. Prischepa // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 45—47. The article is dedicated to the scientific substantiation of the creative activity conception of studying fiction in the aspect of culture-orientated teaching of German to students and senior pupils.
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Marchuk V. M. On Problems of Physical Fitness of Person
/ V. M. Marchuk, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 48—49. The article considers methods and principles of massage and self-massage, which contribute to raising strengthening ability to work.
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Yeremeyeva V. M. Historical Tendencies of the Development of the Basic Pedagogical Notions of the Individualization Training Theory as a Special Organization Process
/ V. M. Yeremeyeva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 50—55. The article focuses on the essential characterics of the basic pedagogical notions: “individual approach”, “individual work”, “ individualization”. The author models her own definitions of the above categories in their interconnection and interdependence.
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Pastovensky A. V. Employnment of Computers Technologies in Planning Methods at School
/ A. V. Pastovensky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 56—58. The author considers the ways of employment of Microsoft Excel electronics tables for diagnostics of teachers’ professional level with the aim of determining methods directions at school.
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Petrongovsky R. R. Senior pupils' patriotic education in the radiological control zone
/ R. R. Petrongovsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 59—62. The essence structure, ways and means of the patriotic education of the senior pupils in the radiological control zone are analyzed (on the basis of Zhytomyr region).
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Trouhan L. V. Physical perfection of an individual as a component of Ukrainian kozak pedagogic
/ L. V. Trouhan // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 63—64. The article is aimed at defining the historical relations of some special physical training exercises as an important component of the development of Ukrainian youth.
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Aiounts L. R. Content and Purposefulness of Applied Professional Training in Physical Culture at Pedagogical Higher Schools
/ L. R. Aiounts // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 65—66. The author considers content, purposefulness and specific features of applied professional training of future teachers in physical culture as a necessary component of educating tutors.
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Semenjuk T. V. The project of educational space in modular-developmental training
/ T. V. Semenjuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 67—70. The conceptual model of graph-schemes as an innovational variant of thematic planning for pedagogical activities of teachers and pupils is represented in modular-developmental training.
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Zaritska O. L. The development of algorithm culture of pupils and students
/ O. L. Zaritska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 71—73. The article considers the problem of the development of algorithm culture of pupils and students in the process of solving problems by means of computers.
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Kucheruk O. A. Aesthetic commentary on fiction prose as a means of improving communicative skills and habits of pupils
/ O. A. Kucheruk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 74—77. On the basis of scientific and pedagogical experience the author highlites the problem of improving communicative skills and habits of pupils in the process of studying the Ukrainian language. The author focuses on aesthetic commentaries on the fiction prose as a means of forming the speech culture of pupils.
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Beh ². D. Structure of mutual understanding ³n the system «person – person»: genesis and correction
/ ². D. Beh, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 78—82. On the bas³s of theoret³cal analys³s and general³sat³on of the human study ³nvest³gat³on trends and on the bas³s of synerget³c approach an attempt ³s made at structural³s³ng the essence of mutual understanding ³n the system «person – person»; the perspect³ve d³rect³ons of ³ts correct³on are represented.
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Brandes V. M. An Attempt of Building the Technology of Resolving the Problems in the Context of the Concept of Functional Asymmetry of Cortex of a Man
/ V. M. Brandes, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky, O. V. Voznuyk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 83—87. The authors made an attempt to substantiate the technology of resolving the problamatic situations and offer the structure of such technology on the basis of the concept of functional asymmetry of man’s cortex, which nowadays demonstrates new system-forming and heuristic possibilities.
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Machushnyk O. L. Research on the peculiarities of developing the moral qualities of honesty and sincerity among first form pupils
/ O. L. Machushnyk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 88—92. The article highlights the peculiarities of development of such moral qualities as honesty and sincerity among first form pupils.
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Portnitska N. F. Psychological peculiarities of immitation in childhood
/ N. F. Portnitska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 93—95. In the article the dynamics and importance of imitative activity in the mental development of a child are examined.
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Brandes V. M. Fairytale as an important factor of mankind’s development
/ V. M. Brandes, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky, O. V. Voznuyk, O. V. Voznuyk, M. M. Zabrotsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 96—100. Using the concept of the functional asymmetry of person’s brain, the authors maintain that fairy-tale may serve as an important factor of man’s development.
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Levitsky A. E. Comparison of functional peculiarities of the systems of English and Ukrainian nominative units
/ A. E. Levitsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 101—105. The article centres on the functional peculiarities of the system of nominative units in present-day English in comparison with those of Ukrainian. The main attention is drawn to the ways of enlarging the above system, its lexical and syntactical constituents.
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Prischepa V. Ye. The Phenomenon of Compression in the German Language (the Historic and Linguistic Aspects of the Problem)
/ V. Ye. Prischepa // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 106—109. Cetrain compression structures are considered as regards their speech-economical function in the process of the development of the German language, beginning with Old High German.
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Misyats N. K. Anthroponyms in Lina Kostenko’s poetry in the aspect of frames theory
/ N. K. Misyats // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 110—114. Anthroponyms in the poetical teõts by Lina Kostenko are analysed from the position of cognitive linguistics in the aspect of frames theory. It appears that anthroponyms provide the informative-conceptual filling of the text. Besides, they characterize the language and the author’s style.
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Lebedeva T. B. Loans - assimilations in the German Military Vocabulary
/ T. B. Lebedeva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 115—119. In the lexical Subsystem of German according to the ways of the expression of the concept the following three groups of Anglo-American loans - assimilations are revealed: 1) the loans which define the concepts descriptively in the German language; 2) the loans of the alternative choice; 3) the loans without the alternative choice.
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Ilchenko O. M. On some etiquette markers in Anglo-American scientific discourse in light of componential analysis
/ O. M. Ilchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 120—126. Several epistemic etiquette markers (some verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, quantifier "one", indefinite article) that reduce the categoricity of the utterance in scientific discourse are considered. Componential analysis of such markers employing special metalanguage was also performed.
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Onopriyenko T. M. Epithet as the Primary Trope and the System-forming Centre of Tropology (on the material of the English Language)
/ T. M. Onopriyenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 127—130. The article deals with the debatable problem of a primary trope and the status of epithet as the system-forming center of tropology.
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T. P. Kovalyova Anthropocentrism of Man-Made Nature Description in the Novels of William Somerset Maugham
/ // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 131—133. The article deals with the linguopoetic peculiarities of man-made nature description in the novels of William Somerset Maugham, displaying its connection with pragmatics and contents of the novels, in particular, with the images of the characters. The research points out lexico-stylistic means of textual actualization of anthropocentrism of man-made nature description.
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Sokolovsky A. H. Word-building patterns of neologisms belonging to the “Human being” lexical field (on the material of Modern English)
/ A. H. Sokolovsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 134—137. The author analyses certain active processes of forming affixal patterns of neologisms belonging to the “Human being” lexical field in Modern English.
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Syngayivska A. V. Semantic and functional peculiarities of the words of different parts of speech with temporal semes
/ A. V. Syngayivska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 138—140. The article deals with the semantic and functional peculiarities of the words of different parts of speech – verbs, adjectives and nouns – with temporal semes.
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Akhmetchina J. F. The sources of subjective reality of the fantastic world in S. King's stories
/ J. F. Akhmetchina // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 141—143. The problems of human being and his relations with surrounding world, which plays the role of "mirror", are observed in this article (according to S. King's stories — "The Settlement", "Pet's Cemetery", "Hell's Cat" and novel "The Talisman").
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Grimashevich G. I. The names of shouldered sleeveless clothes of Polissya
/ G. I. Grimashevich // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 144—147. The names of shouldered sleeveless clothes are fixed and analysed in the aspects of etymology and motivation; the attention to localization of the names researched in the dialects of all eastern Slavonic languages is paid.
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Belikhova L. I. Analogical Mapping in a Poetic Text (on the Material of American Poetry)
/ L. I. Belikhova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 148—152. The paper focuses on linguistic and cognitive mechanisms of a poetic verbal image formation. The author argues that analogical mapping embrace s a set of attributive, relational, situational and constructional cognitive operations within different domains of the verbal image space. Constructional mapping as an operation is of cognitive and linguistic nature. It is traced on all linguistic levels: phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic.
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Potapenko S. I. Situational orientational functions of the definite nouns and noun phrases in Modern English
/ S. I. Potapenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 153—158. The article shows that English definite nouns and noun-phrases denoting agents, space, temporal, successive, contrasting, triple and other types of relations existing independently of the activity denoted by the predicate perform the orientating function.
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Snikhovska I. E. Linguistic Competence As Speech Play-Acting Factor
/ I. E. Snikhovska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 159—161. The article considers the meaning of the linguistic competence of the speakers in à discourse with elements of speech play-acting. The author analyses the conditions of figurative associative interpretation of a linguistic sign in interpersonal communication directed at the achievement of a humoristic effect.
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Yevchenko A. V. Parabolization as a Principle of Creating Intellectualism in a Drama-Antiutopia
/ A. V. Yevchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 162—166. The author analyzes a drama-antiutopia in the context of intellectual literature of the XX century and considers parabolization as one of the key principles of creating intellectualism. The author claims that the principle studied determines in a work of fiction the qualities of allegory and parable and describes the literary means of the latter.
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Fursova L. I. The problem of Functional Peculiarities of a Term
/ L. I. Fursova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 167—171. The article analyses functions of a term.
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Karpova O. O. The comparison of the order in the chain prepositive attributes in the English and Ukranian languages
/ O. O. Karpova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 172—174. The article deals with the unexplored up to this moment order of the chain prepositive attributes in the Ukranian language in comparison to the fixed order in the English language.
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Zrobok N. M. A Semantic Approach to the gender classification of Nouns and its connection with gender variation
/ N. M. Zrobok // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 175—179. The article treats the problem of the basic approaches to the Gender classification of Nouns and its connection with gender variation.
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Bondarenko Ya. O. Comminucative-cognitive characteristics of a personage’s speech (on the material of Ì.Herzog’s speech from S.Bellow’s novel “Herzog”)
/ Ya. O. Bondarenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 180—184. The article deals with a complex communicative-cognitive analysis of the protagonist’s idiolect. The correspondence between cognitive and communicative peculiarities is established. On the basis of complex verbal analysis the type of the linguistic personality is determined.
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Danylych V. S. Castelian Phonetic System and Language Practice of Middle Spanish Language Speakers
/ V. S. Danylych // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 185—189. The article focuses upon the phonetic variability of words, which reveals itself in the language and literary manuscripts of medieval Spain (XII-XIV centuries). The link between the real state of the synchronic language functioning and historical evolution of its phonetic system is underlined in the article.
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Yankovska V. V. Cognitive Style as a Way of World Image Representation
/ V. V. Yankovska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 190—194. The author focuses his attention on cognitive style, viewed in the context of the problem of the human factor in the language. In its turn, it involves studying the world image of a personality as an interaction of three constituents: the real view of the world, conceptual and linguistic world images.
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Moskvin P. P. Gibbs-Thomson Effect and Phase Equi-librium at the Nonplanarity Boundary on Ba-Sr-Fe-O System
/ P. P. Moskvin, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky, O. V. Voznuyk, O. V. Voznuyk, M. M. Zabrotsky, O. K. Tkachenko, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. O. Rudenky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 195—200. On a basis of the theory of associated solutions the equations which describe the phase quasiequilibrium between the curved crystal interphase and liquid solution were proposed. These equations were used for the estimation of phase equilibrium displacement because of nonplanarity boundary in Ba-Sr-Fe-O system.
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Onyschenko Yu. K. Extraction of Sn(II)-cations of Decanoic Acid
/ Yu. K. Onyschenko, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky, O. V. Voznuyk, O. V. Voznuyk, M. M. Zabrotsky, O. K. Tkachenko, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. O. Rudenky, O. B. Nychyporuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 201—202. The results of the investigation of the extraction of Sn2+ of decanoic acid.
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Listvan V. V. The New Pyridine Carboxylic Acids Derivatives as Potentially Physiologically Active Substances
/ V. V. Listvan, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky, O. V. Voznuyk, O. V. Voznuyk, M. M. Zabrotsky, O. K. Tkachenko, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. O. Rudenky, O. B. Nychyporuk, V. M. Listvan, I. S. Biletska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 203—206. The new heterocyclic compounds, mainly pyridine derivatives, are synthesised with the purpose of the effective physiologically active substances search. A four new containing pyridine cycle aldehydes were obtained, a line of azomethynes and other compounds are synthesised on their base. The possibility of application of aldehydes obtained for synthesis of cholesterol derivatives with liquid crystals properties has been shown.
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Stadnychenko A. P. The Effect of Trematode Invasion and Various Concentrations of Carbophos on the Hemoglobin Content in the Hemolymph of Planorbarius Corneus (Mollusca:Pulmonata:Bulinidae)
/ A. P. Stadnychenko, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky, O. V. Voznuyk, O. V. Voznuyk, M. M. Zabrotsky, O. K. Tkachenko, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. O. Rudenky, O. B. Nychyporuk, V. M. Listvan, I. S. Biletska, G. Ye. Kirichuk, L. N. Yanovich, // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 207—211. Changes of physicochemical properties of the hemolymph of Planorbarius corneus due to the effect of carbophos (1, 25, 50,75 mg/l) are observed. The analysis deals with the main characteristics of the hemolymph: its volume, active reaction, hemoglobin content, hemoglobin provision of the total body mass and the mass of the soft body of mollusks under normal conditions and as a result of trematode invasion.
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Truskavetsky R. S. Anthropogenous Degradation of Hydromorphous Biogeocenosa and Problems of their Rational Use
/ R. S. Truskavetsky, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky, O. V. Voznuyk, O. V. Voznuyk, M. M. Zabrotsky, O. K. Tkachenko, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. O. Rudenky, O. B. Nychyporuk, V. M. Listvan, I. S. Biletska, G. Ye. Kirichuk, L. N. Yanovich, , Ye. S. Truskavetsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 212—214. The article deals with degradation of hydromorphous biogeocenosa (wetlands) under the influence of amelioration, prospective ways of their rational use, and restoration of their ecological functions.
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Annamukhammedova E. The Effect of Feeding Conditions on Nutrition and Protein Metabolism Parameters of Calves
/ , N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky, O. V. Voznuyk, O. V. Voznuyk, M. M. Zabrotsky, O. K. Tkachenko, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. O. Rudenky, O. B. Nychyporuk, V. M. Listvan, I. S. Biletska, G. Ye. Kirichuk, L. N. Yanovich, , Ye. S. Truskavetsky, // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 215—217. The treatment of corn by methods of extrusion and micronization in the composition of mixed feed is stated to improve the adoption of food protein and to increase the growth intensity of calves.
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Truskavetsky Yå. S. Determination of Certain Neuromediators in the Nerve Tissue
/ Yå. S. Truskavetsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 218—219. A quick and accurate method is offered for electrophoresis determination of such neuromediators as aminobutyric and glutamic acids, and also for determination of aspartic acid in the cerebral tissue.
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Gradovskij V. M. Mollusñs of the Family Melanopsidae, Lithoglyphidae, Bithyniidae
/ V. M. Gradovskij // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 220—222. The author presents new data on the quality composition of the trematodofauna of the mollusñs of the families Melanopsidae, Lithoglyphidae, Bithyniidae.
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Vyskushenko D. A. Lymnaea Stagnalis Heart Activity Under its Poisoning by Zinc Chloride
/ D. A. Vyskushenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 223—227. Lymnaea stagnalis heart activity under its poisoning by zinc chloride was analyzed. Under the influence of zinc chloride investigated concentrations animals increase their heart rate.
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Minyuk M. Ye. Aspidogastrids as Specific Parasites of Unionids
/ M. Ye. Minyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 228—231. The peculiarities of parasitism of aspidogastrids in unionids are described. The list of species-hosts of Aspi-dogaster conchicola Baer are presented.
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Kunitskiy V. M. Fauna and Ecology of Small Snails (Planorbinae) of the Ñentral Polisya
/ V. M. Kunitskiy, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky, O. V. Voznuyk, O. V. Voznuyk, M. M. Zabrotsky, O. K. Tkachenko, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. O. Rudenky, O. B. Nychyporuk, V. M. Listvan, I. S. Biletska, G. Ye. Kirichuk, L. N. Yanovich, , Ye. S. Truskavetsky, , D. A. Antonyuk, O. V. Vasilenko, I. O. Pershko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 232—234. In waterbodies in the Central Polissya there have been found 20 species of small snails (Planorbinae) of 2 kinds- Planorbini (15) and Segmentinini (5) of types. Four of them have been registered in this territory for the first time. They are Anisus contortus, Segmentina montagozoniana, Hippeutis fontana, H.euphaea. The authos provide the data concerning the spread of each species within the region. Ecological peculiarities of species of each genus and the whole sub-family are characterized.
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Melnychenko R. K. The Karyotypes of Mollusks of the Genus Colletopterum (Bivalvia, Unionidae, Anodontinae) of the Ukrainian Fauna
/ R. K. Melnychenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 235—237. The karyotypes of two species of the genus Colletopterum, widely distributed in Ukraine, were examined. The diploid number of chromosomes (2n), their morfology and fundamental number (NF) were defined: Ñ.ponderosum 2n=20m+10sm+8sm-st=38, NF=76; C.piscinale 2n=20m+2sm–m+10sm+6sm–st = 38, NF=76. The comparative karyological analysis of the genus was made. The polyploidy of some cells in the gonads of mollusks in eight Ukrainian population was noted.
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Ñhernomaz T. V. Ciliary Activity of Outliving Cells in the Glimmeral Epithelium of Gill Apparatus of Unionidae
/ T. V. Ñhernomaz // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 238—240. The article provides the data concerning the activity in vitro of glimmeral epithelium of hydrokinetic apparatus of Unionidae. Rate and duration of ciliary beating of Unio conus borysthenicus and U. pictorum ponderosus free of parasites and of specimens invaded by trematode Bucephalus polymorphus, as well as specimens populated by larva of Rhodeus sericeus were considered.
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Harbar O. V. Morphometrical Limits for the Species of the Genus Lymnaea (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) in the Fauna of Ukraine
/ O. V. Harbar, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky, O. V. Voznuyk, O. V. Voznuyk, M. M. Zabrotsky, O. K. Tkachenko, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. O. Rudenky, O. B. Nychyporuk, V. M. Listvan, I. S. Biletska, G. Ye. Kirichuk, L. N. Yanovich, , Ye. S. Truskavetsky, , D. A. Antonyuk, O. V. Vasilenko, I. O. Pershko, K. V. Krizska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 241—243. Morphometrical characteristics of the genus Lymnaea living in Ukraine are discussed in this paper. Possibilities of applying the morphometrical characteristics as diagnostic characters are considered.
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Sytnik Yu. M. Investigation of Ecology-toxicological State of the Pripyat’ and Stokhid Rivers
/ Yu. M. Sytnik, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky, O. V. Voznuyk, O. V. Voznuyk, M. M. Zabrotsky, O. K. Tkachenko, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. O. Rudenky, O. B. Nychyporuk, V. M. Listvan, I. S. Biletska, G. Ye. Kirichuk, L. N. Yanovich, , Ye. S. Truskavetsky, , D. A. Antonyuk, O. V. Vasilenko, I. O. Pershko, K. V. Krizska, O. M. Arsan, G. Ye. Kirichuk, L. M. Yanovich // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 244—248. Ecologo-toxicological state of the Pripyat’ and Stokhid rivers has been investigated. The authors present the analysis of the content of petroleum products, phenol, pesticides, surface-active substances and heavy metal ions in water.
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Sytnik Yu. M. Hydrochemical Investigation of the Stokhid and Pripyat’ Rivers in the Summer of 2000
/ Yu. M. Sytnik, N. A. Sivtsova, I. M. Zakharchenko, T. O. Shevchuk, O. O. Zakshevska, V. L. Rudnitsky, L. I. Pogrebennik, O. V. Voznuyk, M. V. Levk³vsky, O. V. Voznuyk, O. V. Voznuyk, M. M. Zabrotsky, O. K. Tkachenko, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. O. Rudenky, O. B. Nychyporuk, V. M. Listvan, I. S. Biletska, G. Ye. Kirichuk, L. N. Yanovich, , Ye. S. Truskavetsky, , D. A. Antonyuk, O. V. Vasilenko, I. O. Pershko, K. V. Krizska, O. M. Arsan, G. Ye. Kirichuk, L. M. Yanovich, O. M. Arsan, A. O. Morozova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2001. — ¹ 8. — P. 249—255. The hydrochemical (pH, HCO3-, Fe2+, Fe3+, O2, NH4+, NO2-, NO3-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+,K+, Cl-, PO43- etc. ions content) and hydrogical regimes of the “Pripyat’-Stokhid” regional landscape park reservoirs have been investigated. Temporal comparison of these regimes is presented.
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