Levkivsky M. V. Responsibility in humanistic and Christianity dimension
/ M. V. Levkivsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 3—5. The paper presents retrospective of educational, scientific, culturological and spiritual activity as well as creative heritage of Ivan Ogiyenko.
Text of the article: 02lmvghv.zip
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Tymoshyk M. S. . Ivan Ogiyenko (Metropolitan Ilarion) and modern Ukraine
/ S. . Tymoshyk M. // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 6—8. The problem of returning Ivan Ogiyenko's (Metropolitan Ilarion's) name and creation is examined in the context of common problems of the modem Ukrainian state. The paper contains a brief chronology of the struggle of national-democratic forces, civic, educational organizations of Ukraine for implementation of the scientist's deeds in Ukraine.
Text of the article: 02tmsisu.zip
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Sbruyeva A. A. The dialectics of local and global dimensions of I.Ogiyenko’s views on education
/ A. A. Sbruyeva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 9—11. The article is devoted to the analysis of the interconnection of local and global dimensions in the solution of language problems in the sphere of education by I.Ogiyenko and in the modern world educational policy. The author considers the problem of the interconnection of local and universal moral values.
Text of the article: 02saaoiv.zip
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Dicheck N. P. Ivan Ogiyenko' s ethics of national consciousness
/ N. P. Dicheck // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 12—14. Faith in moral and values potential of mother tongue and Christian moral philosophy of anthropocentric orientation make the basis of I.Ogiyenko' s ethical viewpoint. In his interpretation religious spirituality in the context of education in mother tongue is presented as an active universal ethical force, able to promote spiritual perfection of the nation.
Text of the article: 02dnpsio.zip
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Lyakhotsky V. P. Editing and publishing activity of Ivan Ogiyenko
/ V. P. Lyakhotsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 15—17. The article is an attempt to present systematization and periodization of Ivan Ogienko's editing and publishing activity.
Text of the article: 02lvpdio.zip
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Zavalnyuk O. M. I. I. Ogiyenko’s conceptual approaches to the formation of the university system in Ukraine (1918–1920)
/ I. I. Zavalnyuk O. M. // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 18—20. I. Ogiyenko’s new conceptual approaches to the formation and functioning of the national university system in Ukraine (the character of newly formed establishments, the basis of the formation of the students’ contingent, terms of specialists’ training, state help to the students) are considered.
Text of the article: 02zombvu.zip
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Kostrytsya M. Y. Local studies in epistolary heritage of I. I. Ogiyenko
/ M. Y. Kostrytsya // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 21—23. The article focuses on the place and importance of local studies in the epistolary heritage of I.I. Ogiyenko. The role of the "little motherland" in his scientific and cultural and educational activities is elucidated.
Text of the article: 02kmyuio.zip
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Artemova L. V. The renaissance of Ukrainian educational priorities in I. Ogiyenko’s works
/ L. V. Artemova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 24—26. I. Ogiyenko's works, such as "Culture of Ukraine" (1990) [3], "History of Ukrainian printing" (1994) [4] favoured the renaissance of national, historical and educational priorities which had been unknown to the broad public or undeservedly wrongly forgotten. Teaching the course "History of pedagogics of Ukraine" according to L. Artemova curriculum much attention should be paid to such first Ukrainian printers as Shveipold (Svyatopolk) Fiol, Francisk Skorina,Vasyl Tyapinsky, Petro Mstyslavets, Ivan Fedorov et al. Their labour extended the range of books, brought the knowledge providing the spiritual and educational life of Ukranian nation. The young generation does them jutice is proud of national priorities of their activity.
Text of the article: 02alvpio.zip
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Minenko T. The renaissance of autocephalous Orthodox Church (the concept of archbishop Ilarion)
/ // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 27—28. The author considers the principles and basic ideas of Archbishop Ilarion concerning the autocephalous status of Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
Text of the article: 02mtckai.zip
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Volodchenko Zh. M. I.I.Ogiyenko about the system of school education in the Brusyliv Church Brotherhood (XVIII-XIX centuries)
/ Zh. M. Volodchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 29—31. The article is devoted to the analysis of the system of school education (XVIII-XIX centuries) in Brusiliv made by I.I. Ogiyenko - the person of encyclopaedic knowledge who in an equal measure used his talent in different areas of science. In the rich and diverse heritage of the scholar there was a place for problems of school education.
Text of the article: 02vzhmcb.zip
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Sokhatska Y. I. Ivan Ogiyenko – a builder of the nation
/ Y. I. Sokhatska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 32—34. Ivan Ogiyenko, the editor of the magazine "Our Culture" (Warsaw, 1935-1937) cared about spiritual development of the nation, supported its national consciousness. This is proved by a number of cultural articles published in the above - mentioned magazine.
Text of the article: 02seiobn.zip
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Âîreiko O. M. Social organizations in Volyn region: the formation and the development of their activities
/ O. M. Âîreiko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 35—37. The article is an attempt to consider the retrospective of social educational societies in Volyn in the XIX beginning of XX centuries and the fact of Ivan Ogiyenko’s participation.
Text of the article: 02bomsnd.zip
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Savchenko I. V. Ivan Ogiyenko as a researcher of the life and works of Dimitry Rostovsky (Tuptalo)
/ I. V. Savchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 38—40. The article deals with Ivan Ogiyenko’s study of the life and works of Dimitry Rostovsky (Tuptalo) and defines the reasons of Metropolitan’s interest in the personality and literary heritage of the Sanctificator.
Text of the article: 02sivdrt.zip
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Bovsunivska N. Zhytomyr region - Motherland of Ivan Ogienko? a man of genius
/ // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 41—43. The article describes the artistic life of Zhytomyr during Ogiyenko’s visit at the end of the 19 th century.
Text of the article: 02bnmbgo.zip
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Khomich L. O. Realization of I. Ogiyenko ideas in teaching"Theory and history of pedagogics"
/ L. O. Khomich // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 44—45. The author considers peculiarities of realization of I. Ogienko's ideas concerning the integral system of education as well as contents of education aimed at the general cultural development of personality in teaching "Theory and history of pedagogics".
Text of the article: 02hlotip.zip
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Yeremeyeva V. M. The problem of personally oriented training of a teacher in the pedagogical heritage of I.Ogiyenko
/ V. M. Yeremeyeva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 46—48. The article considers I. Ogiyenko's point of view concerning the place of education and the place of a teacher in the development of the society.
Text of the article: 02evmpso.zip
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Fedorova M. The culture of children's behaviour: the retrospective view on the research
/ // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 49—52. The author analyses the historico-pedagogical aspect of the culture of children behaviour, the ideas of prominent educationalists, Professor I.Ogiyenko's statements and pieces of advice concerning the very process of upbringing.
Text of the article: 02fmadrd.zip
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Maksimova L. I. Ogiyenko and the idea of achievements of children's achieving success
/ // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 53—56. The idea of development of optimism and children’s feeling of achieving success are considered in the context of I. Ogiyenko’s heritage.
Text of the article: 02moodud.zip
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Rudnitska N. Yu. I.Ogiyenko and School Local Lore in Volyn
/ N. Yu. Rudnitska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 57—59. The article considers I.Ogiyenko’s contribution to Volyn’ region researches. Main aspects of school country study in Volyn in 20-s of the 20 th century are elucidated.
Text of the article: 02rnyukv.zip
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Bekh I. D. Personality in the spiritual and value dimension
/ I. D. Bekh // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 60—62. The conception of personality and determinants of its development, where the leading one is freedom of choice, is substantiated.
Text of the article: 02biddcv.zip
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Zabrotskyy M. M. I.Ogiyenko and problems of pedagogical psychology
/ M. M. Zabrotskyy // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 63—65. The perspective of understanding the spirituality as essential attribute of a person, his existential essence is substantiated; the pedagogical position as the peculiar position of a teacher, which reflects his spiritual essence is analysed.
Text of the article: 02zmmppo.zip
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Voznyuk O. V. Ecolog³cal respons³b³l³ty as the ma³n a³m of develop³ng personal³ty
/ O. V. Voznyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 66—68. ²t ³s proved that ecolog³cal respons³b³l³ty ³s the ma³n a³m of develop³ng personal³ty.
Text of the article: 02vovmor.zip
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Ternopilska V. I. The idea of responsibility in the humanitie
/ V. I. Ternopilska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 69—72. The article deals with the understanding of responsibility in the humanities in the context of the ideas of I. Ogiyenko.
Text of the article: 02tviogn.zip
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Maxymets S. Social-psychological training as a way of optimization of moral development of students
/ // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 73—75. The motivated methods of active education, which are aimed at the development of personality, are substantiated. The author determines the ways of activating adaptive possibilities of future teachers under conditions of training at higher pedagogical educational institutions.
Text of the article: 02msmrum.zip
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Kostyuchenco M. V. Culture of interpersonal relations of modern youth: approaches to understanding
/ M. V. Kostyuchenco // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 76—78. The article focuses on the culture of interpersonal relations at the present stage of developing the system of education.
Text of the article: 02kmvpdr.zip
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Korol L. N. The Development of Pupils’ Independence
/ L. N. Korol, N. V. Yatsiuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 79—80. The article deals with the peculiarities of the development of modern junior pupils’ and teenagers’ independence, some psychological and pedagogical conditions of their development in the teaching process.
Text of the article: 02klmurn.zip
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Pynchuk T. S. A great figure of Ukrainian national science and culture
/ T. S. Pynchuk, N. V. Yatsiuk, G. M. Dehtyarenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 81—83. The article contains information about the personality of Ogiyenko, his scientific- pedagogical, social and literary activity. The role of Ogiyenko is shown in the development of Ukrainian science "The Lay of Prince Igor". Metropolitan Ilarion’s activity of a translator is highly estimated, of the Bible in particular.
Text of the article: 02ptsnnk.zip
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Klymova K. Ya. Thorny steps to verbal skills
/ K. Ya. Klymova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 84—87. The article describes methodology of developing communicative speech properties of future language teachers.
Text of the article: 02kkyasm.zip
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Vasylenko A. N. Conceptual system of mythological views of Ivan Ogiyenko: the interpretation of Panteon and Pandemonium of ancient Ukrainian mythopoetics
/ A. N. Vasylenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 88—90. This article is an attempt to analyse the mythological conception of I.Ogiyenko, to ascertain the essence of the scholar's views on the system of nominations of gods and demons of Ukrainian mythology, to consider the role and the significance of mytholinquocultural heritage of the mythologist for investigation of the total system of mythopoetics of ancient Ukrainians.
Text of the article: 02vampdm.zip
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N. K. Misyats Ogiyenko and national language problems
/ // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 91—93. The linguistic personality of I. Ogiyenko is considered as a variant of solving national language problems.
Text of the article: 02mnknmp.zip
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Kucheruk O. A. "Pre-Christian Beliefs of the Ukrainian People" by I.Ogiyenko as the source for investigation of the Ukrainians’ spiritual culture
/ O. A. Kucheruk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 94—97. The article deals with I. Ogienko’ s monograph "Pre-Christian Beliefs of the Ukrainian People" as means for investigation of our ancestors’ spiritual heritage.
Text of the article: 02koadsp.zip
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Holubovska I. V. Natalena Koroleva’s authobioqraphy
/ I. V. Holubovska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 98—100. Natalena Koroleva’s authobiography is considered in the article as an important literary-documental source for understanding the writer’s vital a creative way.
Text of the article: 02givank.zip
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Skorobagatska O. I. I.I. Ogiyenko about the enlightener’s views of V.V. Kapnist
/ O. I. Skorobagatska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 101—103. The article contains characteristic of the enlighteners ideas of V.V. Kapnist.
Text of the article: 02soippk.zip
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Kazachenko T. M. The namens of figured fabrics (on the material of the Eastern-Polissya dialect)
/ T. M. Kazachenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 104—105. The sector of weaving vocabulary is analyzed in the Eastern-Polissya dialect.
Text of the article: 02ktmnut.zip
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Chorna E. I. Ivan Ogiyenko and modern priorities of civic up-bringing of growing generation
/ E. I. Chorna // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 106—108. The article analyses the priorities of civic up-bringing of growing generation in the conditions of establishing the Ukrainian state, the topicality of view of Ivan Ogiyenko`s an outstanding Ukrainian scientist, state and church man, for modern pedagogic.
Text of the article: 02chkipp.zip
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Mishkurova V. Ph. Ivan Ogiyenko about the humanization of educational process
/ V. Ph. Mishkurova, N. V. Yatsiuk, G. M. Dehtyarenko, M. I. Pashchenko, D. I. Pashchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 109—112. The humanization of educational process compels a person to apprehend spiritual values of the society. The basis of it, according to I. Ogiyenko, is studying Ukrainian culture and history, the knowledge of could traditions, customs, arts, mode of life, etc. Family and school are to cooperate so that the child feel comfortable at school.
Text of the article: 02mvfnvp.zip
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Shevnyuk H. Ideas of I.Ogiyenko in the context of modern cultural education
/ // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 113—115. In the article the historical and pedagogical views of I.Ogiyenko in the context of modern approaches to cultural education.
Text of the article: 02sholko.zip
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Dubasenyuk O. A. Realization of I.Ogiyenko’s ideas in the process of training future teachers for educational work
/ O. A. Dubasenyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 116—119. On the basis of the analysis of the ideas and pedagogical activities of I.Ogiyenko, a famous scholar and educationalist, the paper focuses on the stages and contents of training future teachers for educational work.
Text of the article: 02doavvr.zip
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Antonova E. E. Professional training of gifted future teachers in the I. Ogienko’s heritage
/ E. E. Antonova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 120—122. The article deals with the problems connected with gifted future teacher’s professional training at pedagogical universities.
Text of the article: 02aoepzo.zip
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Kuchynska I. O. The ways of spiritual upbringing in the heritage of Ivan Ogiyenko
/ I. O. Kuchynska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 123—125. The article is devoted to the problems of moulding spiritual values of the personality in the heritage of the Ukrainian eductionalist, scientist and theologian I.I.Ogiyenko. The educationalist's ideas concerning the formation the spiritual world outlook of the rising generation are considered.
Text of the article: 02kiosio.zip
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Shkvyr O. L. I.I. Ogiyenko’s pedagogical views in the context of national upbringing
/ O. L. Shkvyr // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 126—128. The author considers I.I. Ogiyenko’s views concerning the problem of national upbringing and the importance of his heritage for the future teachers' training to form monitoring under new socio-political conditions.
Text of the article: 02sholsu.zip
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Vitvytska S. S. Teacher’s culture
/ S. S. Vitvytska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 129—131. The article contains the analysis of the pedagogical heritage of I.Ogiyenko and other famous scholars. The author presents the results of investigating the main components of pedagogical culture.
Text of the article: 02vsskpo.zip
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Basyuk N. A. Ivan Ogiyenko and fostering the feeling of responsibility in children
/ N. A. Basyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 132—134. The views of I. Ogiyenko on the essence of the feeling of responsibility in children are analysed. The author presents the results of the verification stage of the research.
Text of the article: 02bnapvd.zip
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Sypchenko I. V. To the problem of gaining the experience of artistic pedagogical communication by the future teacher of music
/ I. V. Sypchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 135—137. The article deals with methodological aspects of gaining the experience of artistic pedagogical communication in the context of culturological ideas of I. Ogiyenko.
Text of the article: 02sivmvm.zip
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Leshchenko M. P. Pedagogical ideas of Ivan Ogiyenko and modern school
/ M. P. Leshchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 138—139. The author considers the ways of realizing Ivan Ogiyenko’s pedagogical conception in alternative individual oriented and creative education system in "Magic World" school.
Text of the article: 02lmpssh.zip
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Shorobura I. M. I. Ogiyenko's pedagogical ideas and future teachers' training
/ I. M. Shorobura // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 140—142. Ivan Ogiyenko is the prominent Ukra³nian educator, one of the founders of the national system of education and upbringing. The article deals with his educational activity from 1914 to 1919; his creative heritage is an invaluable treasure for the teacher; as well as his contribution to the solution of didactic problems. The heritage of the scientist should be used in the work of contemporary teachers.
Text of the article: 02shimmv.zip
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Reznichenko Z. V. Accounting Ivan Ogiyenko's views on pedagogical potential of folk decorative – applied art in professional of primary school teachers
/ Z. V. Reznichenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 143—144. The ways of using folk decorative – applied art in content and operational components of professional training of primary school teachers are presented in the context of Ivan Ogiyenko’s heritage.
Text of the article: 02rzvvpk.zip
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Novgorodsky R. G. The problem of socialization of Ogiyenko's pedagogical heritage
/ R. G. Novgorodsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 145—147. The article presents some views on the problem of socialization of an individual in the context of pedagogical heritage of Ivan Ogiyenko are presented. Some of his views on the social education in the family, school and other educational establishments as institutions of socialization of an individual are put to consideration.
Text of the article: 02nrgsio.zip
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Myssechko O. Ye. Contribution of I.Ogiyenko to strengthening of the values of civic education
/ O. Ye. Myssechko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 148—150. Ivan Ogiyenko’s creative heritage is considered in the context of contemporary concept of civic education in Ukraine. The authoe analyses spiritual values which form the basis of essential personal characteristics of a citizen of the Ukrainian state.
Text of the article: 02moecgv.zip
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Semenyuk T. V. Ogiyenko and modern school
/ T. V. Semenyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 151—153. The article deals with the role and significance of I. Ogiyenko’s pedagogical heritage in reforming and renovation of national education system and spiritual upbringing, including the use of the latest technologies in modern school.
Text of the article: 02stvoss.zip
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Vitvytska S. S. The problem of national education in pedagogical heritage of I. Ogiyenko
/ S. S. Vitvytska, N. V. Yatsiuk, G. M. Dehtyarenko, M. I. Pashchenko, D. I. Pashchenko, O. S. Beresyuk, Z. A. Osadcha // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 154—156. The article contains the analysis of pedagogical heritage of I. Ogiyenko, considers the ways and means of national education.
Text of the article: 02vsspso.zip
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Didus O. M. Pedagogical heritage of Ivan Ogiyenko in the modern aspect of studying the problem of spiritual and moral education of teenagers
/ O. M. Didus // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 157—159. The article focuses on the problem of spiritual and moral education of teenagers in modern school.
Text of the article: 02domdvp.zip
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Lohvytska L. V. I. Ogiyenko’s idea of national upbringing of children
/ L. V. Lohvytska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 160—162. The views of I.Ogiyenkoon the process of upbringing the children are considered in comparison with the regulations of the main state documents in the sphere of pre-school education.
Text of the article: 02llvvdo.zip
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Demyanchuk A. S. The views of I. Ogiyenko on higher education and the present
/ A. S. Demyanchuk, N. V. Yatsiuk, G. M. Dehtyarenko, M. I. Pashchenko, D. I. Pashchenko, O. S. Beresyuk, Z. A. Osadcha, T. I. Paguta // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 163—164. The article deals with the ideas of the famous Ukrainian educator I.Ogiyenko on higher education.
Text of the article: 02dasvos.zip
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Petrongovsky R. R. Senior pupils' structure of patriotism
/ R. R. Petrongovsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 165—167. An attempt is made at the substantiation of the essence and structure of patriotism of senior pupils in the context of Ivan Ogiyenko’s ideas.
Text of the article: 02prrsps.zip
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Seyko N. A. The essence and correcting possibilities of the child’s behavior in the context of Christian moral model
/ N. A. Seyko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 168—171. The author substantiates possibilities of theoretical and practical potentials of Christian educational model in the correction process of socially deviated behavior of children and teenagers.
Text of the article: 02snahmm.zip
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Ivanchenko A. V. I.Ogiyenko and the problem of ecological education
/ A. V. Ivanchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 172—174. The article is devoted to I.Ogiyenko’s views on the problem of ecological education in the process of Ukrainian folk fests and other celebrations.
Text of the article: 02iavvum.zip
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Doroshenko K. G. Humanistic ideal of upbringing
/ K. G. Doroshenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 175—177. The article presents the definition and the model of humanistic ideal as well as abrief characteristic of its formation in senior pupils' world outlook.
Text of the article: 02dkgivg.zip
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Bisyk N. N. I. Ogiyenko and the culture of behaviour of teenagers
/ N. N. Bisyk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 178—182. This article deals with the problem of culture and behaviour of teenagers from the point of view of I. Ogiyenko’s humanistic ideas.
Text of the article: 02bnmkpp.zip
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Hryshenkova T. A. Ivan Ogiyenko and the formation of future teachers language culture
/ T. A. Hryshenkova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 183—185. The author deals with the problem of fostering language culture of future teachers in the light of I. Ogiyenko's ideas.
Text of the article: 02gtokmv.zip
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O. I. Melnichuk. Ivan Ogiyenko and the culture of behaviour of future workers
/ I. Melnichuk. O. // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 186—188. The article is an attempt to analyse Ivan Ogiyenko`s heritage concerning the problem of the culture of behaviour and the ways of its solution in technical vocational establishments.
Text of the article: 02moipmr.zip
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Sydorchuk N. G. Self-educational activity as a factor of moulding the personality of Ivan Ogiyenko
/ N. G. Sydorchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 189—191. The article is an attempt to disover the influence of self-educational activity on moulding of the personality of Ivan Ogiyenko the outstanding scientific, state, public, church and cultural figure.
Text of the article: 02sngsoo.zip
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Moskyina T. F. Humanistic orientation of pedagogical heritage of Ivan Ogiyenko
/ T. F. Moskyina, N. V. Yatsiuk, G. M. Dehtyarenko, M. I. Pashchenko, D. I. Pashchenko, O. S. Beresyuk, Z. A. Osadcha, T. I. Paguta, , T. S. Guzhanova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 192—194. The article deals with the problem of national school to educate a humane personality in the light of I. Ogiyenko's ideas.
Text of the article: 02mtppso.zip
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Yatsenko S. L. The teacher as a subject of teaching and educational process in the system of personality – oriented education
/ S. L. Yatsenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 195—197. The article considers the problem of pedagogical activity of the teacher as one of the interacting subjects in the personality – oriented education.
Text of the article: 02yaslon.zip
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Barbara Sitarska The system of evaluating the efficiency of teaching students
/ // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 198—199. The author discusses the problem of evaluating the efficiency of teaching students in the process of studying psychological and pedagogical subjects.
Text of the article: 02bsoens.zip
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Myroshnychenko O. A. Content and structure of the conceptor "socially important qualities of the personality"
/ O. A. Myroshnychenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 200—202. The article describes the results of social pedogogical investigation of creating the model of socially important qualities of the personality.
Text of the article: 02moayao.zip
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Lityaga I. V. Some aspects of teenagers' communication problem
/ I. V. Lityaga // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 203—205. The article deals with the peculiarities of the phenomenon of teenagers’ communication in special pedagogical literature and practical pedagogical activity.
Text of the article: 02livspv.zip
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Levkivsky M. V. Junior pupils' responsibility: the newest technologies of formation
/ M. V. Levkivsky, N. V. Yatsiuk, G. M. Dehtyarenko, M. I. Pashchenko, D. I. Pashchenko, O. S. Beresyuk, Z. A. Osadcha, T. I. Paguta, , T. S. Guzhanova, V. I. Ternopilska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 206—209. The personality oriented technologies of fostering social responsibility of junior pupils at the educational institutions of a new type are analyzed.
Text of the article: 02lmvntf.zip
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Pidluzhna H . U. I. Ogiyenko on methods of forming reading skills of junior schoolchildren
/ . U. Pidluzhna H // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 210—212. The article contains the analysis of I. Ogiyenko`s views concerning the problems of forming pupils as readers Attention is focused upon the recommendations of the scholar which are still topical for today’s primary school.
Text of the article: 02pgvmsh.zip
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Korinna L. V. Moulding compatriot feeling in junior pupils
/ L. V. Korinna // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 213—215. The article concerns the problem of moulding compatriot feeling in junior pupils of the pedagogical lyceum.
Text of the article: 02klvvgs.zip
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Ilyina O. V. The culture of oral speech of future teachers as a prerequisite for their pedagogical organizational skills
/ O. V. Ilyina // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 216—218. On the basis of Ivan Ogienko’s works the author considers the problem of formation of the culture of oral speech of future teachers in the process of forming organizational pedagogical skills.
Text of the article: 02iovpou.zip
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Vovk V. P. The use of I. Ogiyenko’s heritage in training teachers to work with socially neglected children
/ V. P. Vovk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 219—221. The author exposes some conditions for teachers’ training to work with socially neglected children, using instructions of the outstanding Ukrainian educationalist I. Ogiyenko. The attention was focused upon training future teachers to work with the parents of such pupils, humanization of educational process and formation of nationally aware teachers.
Text of the article: 02vvpszd.zip
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Kovalchuk V. A. Topicality of I.Ogiyenko's in solving the problem of professional competence of future teachers
/ V. A. Kovalchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 9. — P. 222—224. The author considers the content and the essence of professional competence and its important component of social competence of future teachers.
Text of the article: 02kvakmv.zip
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