Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. ISSN 2076-6173
ÂICÍÈÊ Æèòîìèðñüêîãî äåðæàâíîãî óí³âåðñèòåòó ³ìåí³ ²âàíà Ôðàíêà

Issue 10 (2002)

Garbar D. A.  The problems and the perspectives of cariological investigations of snails (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) / D. A. Garbar, O. V. Garbar // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 3—4.
The most widespread methods of caryological investigation of snails are analyzed. The main ways, which will promote their improvement are determined.
Text of the article: 02gdachm.zip

Zolotarev V. N.  Morphological differences in mussels of Mytilus edulis group / V. N. Zolotarev // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 5—8.
The analysis of the shell structure in the mussels of Mytilus edulis group (M. trossulus, M. trossulus, M. gallo-provincialis) from 19 regions of the Northern Hemisphere was carried out. These molluscs were earlier identified by allozyme characters. The mussels with unabridged prismatic layer deposited under the ligament all belong to M. trossulus. In some M. trossulus from the Pacific region, in all M. trossulus from the Baltic Sea and in some M. edulis the partial development of the prismatic layer under anterior and posterior parts of ligament was found. In M. galloprovincialis and in the most of M. edulis prismatic layer occurs only under posterior part of ligament or is absent in this area.
Text of the article: 02zvnrmg.zip

Korniushin A. V.  A summary of the long-lasting taxonomic discussion: how many species of freshwater bivalve molluscs are there in the fauna of Ukraine? / A. V. Korniushin // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 9—11.
The problem of species diversity of the Ukrainian bivalve molluscs is discussed in the light of different approaches to their systematics and taxonomy. The suggested list includes 30 species whose distinctness is supported by different methods. Alongside traditional widely distributed European species, it includes Sphaerium nucleus, S. ovale and Euglesa globularis. The status of some intraspecific forms of Batavusiana crassa, Pseudanidonta complanata, E. casertanà and E. personata needs further investigations.
Text of the article: 02kavnfu.zip

Pravdukhina O. Ju.  On genetical variety of freshwater molluscs Unio tumidus Phil (Bivalvia, Unionidae) / O. Ju. Pravdukhina, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 12—15.
The distribution of allele frequencies of polymorphics loci alcoholdehydrogenase and glucosedehydrogenase was investigated by means of electrophoresis in polyacrilamide gel with 21 samples Unio tumidus from Lithuania, Ukraine, Russia. Temporal and spatial genetical variability of this species is determined.
Text of the article: 02poyupm.zip

Protasov A. A.  Composition, distribution and abundance of mollusks in water bodies effected by thermal and nuclear power plants / A. A. Protasov, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 16—17.
The data on composision, distribution, abundance, roles of bivalves and gastropod mollusks in water bodies effected by thermal and nuclear power plants are presented.
Text of the article: 02paaspe.zip

Stadnychenko A. P.  Role of the Lymnaeid molluscs in distribution of schistosome cercariosis in Ukraine / A. P. Stadnychenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 18—20.
In Ukraine 6 species of the family Lymnaeidae distribute schistosome cercariosis. The distribution of this disease, the mode of invasion, the clinic picture, the prophylactic measures and the treatment are discussed.
Text of the article: 02saptcu.zip

Izzatullaev Z. I.  Results of a study of bivalve molluscs of central Asia = Èòîãè èññëåäîâàíèÿ äâóñòâîð÷àòûõ ìîëëþñêîâ Öåíòðàëüíîé Àçèè / Z. I. Izzatullaev // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 21—23.
The article is devoted to many years’ research (1972 - 2001) of bivalve mollusks of Central Asia. It is established that it is inhabited by 51 species of molluscs belonging to 16 genera, 8 families and three orders. Among them 13 species and 1 subgenus are described as new for science. Their ecology, distribution by basin types, byotopes, life forms and economic significance have been studied.
Text of the article: 02izimca.zip

Taylor D. W.  New data on biogeography, classification and phylogeny of Ðhysidae (Gastropoda: Hygrophila) = Íîâûå äàííûå áèîãåîãðàôèè, êëàññèôèêàöèè è ôèëîãåíèè Ðhysidae (Gastropoda: Hygrophila) / D. W. Taylor // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 24—26.
Physidae are a family of freshwater pulmonate gastropods with about 90-100 named species, newly divided among 23 genera in seven tribes and four clades. Morphological studies resulted in discovery of many new characters, some of them progressive, yielding criteria for primitive versus advanced states. Thus it is possible to assert that primitive groups are concentrated on the Pacific coast from Mexico to Costa Rica, and to trace the spread of lineages from this region to other parts of the world.
Text of the article: 02tdwcpp.zip

Garbar O. V.  Taxonomical value of morphological features on example of subgenus Peregriana of genus Lymnaea / O. V. Garbar // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 27—29.
Complex analysis of the conhologycal and anatomical characteristics of 7 species of the subgenus Peregriana has been done. Quantitative characters of the shell and reproductive system were shown to have limited diagnostic value on the level of species and sections.
Text of the article: 02govprl.zip

Gradovskij V. M.  The keys for identification of the families, generes, species of the Lithoglyphidae, Melanopsidae and Bithyniidae are described / V. M. Gradovskij // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 30—32.
Tables for identification of the mollusks of the family Lithoglyphidae, Melanopsidae, Bithyniidae.
Text of the article: 02gvmlmb.zip

Melnychenko R. K.  The peculiarities of karyotypes Unionidae (Mollusca, Bivalvia) of Ukrainian fauna / R. K. Melnychenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 33—36.
The article contains the comparative karyological analysis of the mussels of the Unionidae family. The differential and integral significance of karyotype in systematics of Unionidae is determined. The author notes the aneuploidy and polyploidy of some cells in the tissues of gills and gonads in many Ukrainian populations.
Text of the article: 02mrkufu.zip

Sverlova N. V.  On the necessity of creating the common system of national names for land molluscs / N. V. Sverlova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 37—40.
The article focuses on the necessity of elaborating the national malacological nomenclature (for the land molluscs). Possible principles of its construction are expounded. Russian and Ukrainian names àre proposed for a number of mollusc species.
Text of the article: 02snvnm.zip

Yurishinets V. I.  What is concealed under the species names of Dreissena polymorpha and D.bugensis? / V. I. Yurishinets // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 41—42.
The nomenclature and taxonomy position of the species Dreissena polymorpha and D. bugensis are discussed basing on modern approaches to taxonomy, area and biology of the genus Dreissena.
Text of the article: 02yuvipb.zip

Zhukovskaya E. A.  The correlation of color polymorphism and morphological traits of shells of mussel M. galloprovincialis Lam from Black the Sea / E. A. Zhukovskaya, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 43—46.
Dependence of the morphological traits of mussels M. galloprovincialis from the Black Sea on the shell colour was investigated. The authors indicate the dissimilar influence of colour polymorphism on the number of morphological traits in the samples of mussels of different age and from different generations.
Text of the article: 02zheagl.zip

Kramarenko S. S.  On the land snail genus Brephulopsis (Gastropoda; Pulmonata; Buliminidae) interspecies hybridization / S. S. Kramarenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 47—49.
The article touches upon the variation of the land snail Brephulopsis spp. conchological traits in the interspecies hybridization zone. During five years the particular shell phenotype was formed – the shell size has increased (cylindrica’s trait), but frequency of the individuals with apertural barrier has increased too (bidens’s trait).
Text of the article: 02kssgpb.zip

Marianna Soroka Genetic structure of Dreissena polymorpha population from small and isolated water bodies = Ãåíåòè÷åñêàÿ ñòðóêòóðà ïîïóëÿöèè D. ðolymorpha ìàëûõ è èçîëèðîâàííûõ âîäîåìîâ /   // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 50—52.
The article contains the analysis of the genetic structure and level of genetic variability of selected populations of D. polymorpha from Western Pomerania.
Text of the article: 02mspfwp.zip

Babak S. V.  Morphology of Lymnea stagnalis L. Hemocytes in the different physiological states / S. V. Babak, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 53—54.
The article deals with morphological peculiarities of hemocytes of water mollusk Lymnea stagnalis L. (Gastropoda, Lymnaeiformes). Specific polymorphysm of hemolymph’s cells in the different physiological states (diapause, reproductive period) iwwedik s determined.
Text of the article: 02bcvrfs.zip

Beryozkina G. V.  Some directions of the egg clusters adaptive evolution in freshwater gastropods / G. V. Beryozkina // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 55—57.
The paper considers morphological types of egg clusters in freshwater gastropods and principal directions of the evolution of their adaptation for reproduction in fresh waters.
Text of the article: 02bgvpbm.zip

Khlus L. M.  Conchological variation of mollusk Eobania vermiculata Mull. for ontogenesis / L. M. Khlus, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 58—61.
The difference of the degree of increase of basic metric indices at decrease of shell’s globularity is determined. The phenomenon adaptivity due to the arid character of the climate is suggested.
Text of the article: 02hlmvmo.zip

L. M. Khlus Phenotypic variation of land mollusk Helix lutescens Rssm /  , O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,   // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 62—65.
The heterogeneity of 3-d distant populations of the land mollusc Helix lutescens Rssm .in shell banding was studied. 24 morphs were found; the population from Chernivtsy has the qreatest intrapopulation variation. The difference between populations was statistically highly significant, while the number of common morph was low.
Text of the article: 02hlmhlr.zip

Varigin A. Yu.  Age variability of the ratio of soft tissue and shell mass to total mass for Black Sea mussels / A. Yu. Varigin // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 66—67.
Age variability of ratio of soft tissue mass and shell mass to total mussel mass was studied in the different areas of the north-western part of the Black Sea. The moiety of soft tissues for the Black Sea mussels with age growth increases approximately from 30.2 up to 49.7 of total mollusc mass. The moiety of shell mass diminishes with age insignificantly - approximately from 49.8 down to 45.3 of total mussel mass. Usually between the second and third year of the life cycle of mussels these parameters become equal at 44-45 level of total mollusc mass. The trend of these processes is apparently identical in all studied areas, though the quantitative characteristics of age variability of the above-mentioned parameters have their own features.
Text of the article: 02vayutm.zip

Krazhan S. A.  Cultivation of Ampullaria as new object of aquaculture under industrial conditions of warmwater fish-farms in Ukraine / S. A. Krazhan // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 68—69.
The possibility of cultivation of Ampullaria under industrial conditions of warmwater fish-farms in Ukraine has been determined. The technology of reproduction of these molluscs has been developed. Commodity production has been obtained.
Text of the article: 02ksargu.zip

Ladygina L. V.  Cultivation of microalgae as forage for sires and larvae of oysters / L. V. Ladygina // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 70—71.
Three kinds of nutritious environments for cultivation of microalgae are investigated: Isochrysis galbana, Monochrysis lurheri, Phaeodacrilum tricornutum, Dunaliella viridis, Thalassiosira weisflogii. It is shown that microalgae grow faster and give the maximal concentration on Convey environment. When mass cultivating of microalgae as forages for larvae of oysters it is expedient to use flowing modes of cultivation, which allow to support culture in a phase of active growth for a long time.
Text of the article: 02llvplu.zip

Pirkova A. V.  Affection of Black Sea oysters witn the shell oyster disease: prophylaxis and selecting resistand oysters / A. V. Pirkova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 72—74.
The article presents the comparative analysis of two Black Sea oyster species, Ostrea edulis and O. lamellosa, taken from Kazachja bay and Donuzlav lake. Both of the species are affected with the shell oyster disease equally. The percentage of the affected individuals from Kazachja bay and Donuzlav lake are 80 and 60 respec-tively. Oyster size structure reflects the decrease of oyster reproduction under natural conditions. Having ana-lysed the etiology of Ostracoblabe implexa, which causes the shell oyster disease, we suggest the prophylaxis and point out some possible ways of selecting resistent oysters.
Text of the article: 02pavsuz.zip

Astakhova L. E.  Trematodofauna of Lymnaeid snails of Zhytomyr Polissja / L. E. Astakhova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 75—78.
The article describes 33 kinds of trematodes, belonging to 11 families, which have been found on the territory of Zhytomyr Polissja parasitizing in pond snails. It is admitted that the character of invasion of different kinds of Lymnaeid snails by the larvae of separate groups of trematodes is different. The quantity and quality of trematodofauna of the pond snails is influenced by biotic and abiotic factors.
Text of the article: 02alezhp.zip

Vasylenko O. M. The influence of trematoda invasion on basic trophological indices of Lymnaea auricularia.  Âïëèâ òðåìàòîäíî¿ ³íâà糿 íà îñîáëèâîñò³ òðîô³êè ñòàâêîâèêà âóõàòîãî / M. The influence of trematoda invasion on basic trophological indices of Lymnaea auricularia. Vasylenko O. // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 79—82.
The paper contains the data on quantity of daily rations, assimilation of food and the duration of its passing through the alimentary canal of Lymnaea auricularia (Linne, 1758) for three groups of food resources (vegetable, animal and allochthonic). It has been established that trematoda invasion causes the quantity increase of the main trophological indices for all kinds of food.
Text of the article: 02vomtsv.zip

Garbar D. A.  The role of Planorbinae of Ukrainian Polissya in distribution of paramphistome invasion of the horned cattle / D. A. Garbar, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,   // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 83—85.
In the aquatic basins of Ukrainian Polissya 13 species of Planorbinae are the obligate intermediate hosts of the trematoda Paramphistomum ichikawai – the exciter of the paramphistomatosis of the horned cattle.
Text of the article: 02gdazht.zip

Korol E. N.  Land snails as intermediate hosts of Trematoda of superfamily Brachylaimoidea (Allison, 1943) / E. N. Korol // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 86—89.
The paper contains the list of 9 species of Trematoda of superfamily Brachylaimoidea (Allison, 1943) developing with land snails from Ukraine as intermediate hosts. Larval stages of Pseudoleucochloridium soricis (Soltys, 1952) were obtained from land molluscs of Faustina faustina for the first time. The description of metacercariae is presented.
Text of the article: 02kennba.zip

Kurandina D. F.  Trematodofauna of the mollusks of some transborder rivers of the Dnieper basin / D. F. Kurandina, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 90.
The authors investigated the trematodofauna of the mollusks of some transborder rivers of the Dnieper Basin (the Pripyat, the Desna, the Vita and their tributaries).
Text of the article: 02kdprbd.zip

Yavorsky I. P.  The small pond snail as an intermediate host of trematode larvae of Fasciola hepatica on the Precarpathian pastures / I. P. Yavorsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 91—92.
Astatic biotopes of mountain pastures are more favorable for the development of small pond snail than lowland ones. The parasitic worm infection of snails on Precarpathian pastures becomes more dangerous during the summer rainy period.
Text of the article: 02yaippp.zip

Kirpan S. P.  To the study of the land mollusc fauna in the cities of Ukraine / S. P. Kirpan, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 93—96.
The state and perspectives of the study of the land mollusc fauna and ecology in the cities of Ukraine is briefly characterized. The lists of species for seven cities located mainly in the west and south of Ukraine are made on the grounds of the literature data and personal collections.
Text of the article: 02kcpmgu.zip

Oskolskaya O. I.  Influence of global climatic changes on the fauna composi-tion of the Inkerman area mollusks of early Oalaecene (Western Crimea) / O. I. Oskolskaya, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 97—99.
The Monts and Danish deposits were investigated by the method of sampling sites in Inkerman region. It is es-tablished that the degradation of mollusc communities had been taking place in the course of historical development. It can be proved by the reduction of species diversity, average dimensions of the molluscs, their density and biomass.
Text of the article: 02ooirpi.zip

Pershko I. O.  About the first discovery of Fagotia danubialis (Mollusca: Pectinibranchia: Melanopsidae) in Sluch / I. O. Pershko, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 100—101.
The first discovery of Fagotia danubialis in the river Sluch is registered. The characteristics of the conchological and ecological peculiarities are described.
Text of the article: 02piopms.zip

Son M. O.  Gastropoda of temporary water bodies in the central part of Odessa Region / M. O. Son // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 102—104.
The distribution of freshwater molluscs among some biotopes in Odessa Region has been investigated. 33 species have been found: Contectiana contecta, Bithynia producta, Bithynia tentaculata, Bithynia decipiens, Opis-torhophorus hispanicus, Opistorhophorus troscheli, Opistorhophorus baudonianus, Opistorhophorus valvatoides, Dygircidum bourguignati, Valvata spirorbis, Cincinna piscinalis, Lymnaea auricularia, Lymnaea ovata, Lymnaea palustris, Lymnaea truncatula, Lymnaea stagnalis, Physa fontinalis, Costatella integra, Aplexa hypnorum, Planorbarius cornea, Planorbarius purpura, Planorbis carynatus, Planorbis planorbis, Segmentina nitida, Segmentina distinguenda, Armiger crista, Armiger bielzi, Anysus vortex, Anysus vorticulus, Anysus contortus, Anysus spirorbis, Anysus leucostoma, Anysus dazuri. Opistorhophorus valvatoides, Dygircidum bour-guignati, Valvata spirorbis and Anysus dazuri are pointed out in Odessa Region for the first time.
Text of the article: 02smocho.zip

Uvaliyeva K. K.  A supplement to studying the malacofauna of the desert landscapes of the Balkhash-Iliysk depression / K. K. Uvaliyeva, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 105—106.
The data on the malacofauna of the desert landscapes of the Balkhash-Iliysk depression are verified and sup-plemented.
Text of the article: 02ukkpls.zip

Khokhutkin I. M.  The electron catalogue of the malacological collection of the Zoological Museum (The Institute of Ecology of Plants and Animals, Russian Academy of Sciences) / I. M. Khokhutkin, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 107—110.
The malacological collection of the Zoological Museum at the Institute of Ecology of Plants and Animals (Russian Academy of Sciences) is presented as electron-formalized. On 01.03.2001 it comprised 4990 samples, 83456 specimens of 203 species and 39 families. Freshwater species: 1334 samples (72 dry and 28 humid); 34598 specimens, 90 species. Terrestrial: 3646 samples (74,3 dry and 25,7 humid); 40586 specimens, 108 species. Some of the samples belong to marine and slight-saline water species. The fundamental part of the collection is from the Urals region – 68879 specimens (82 ), 4095 samples, 124 species, 27 families.
Text of the article: 02himmkz.zip

Yurishinets V. I.  On recent Lymnocardiidae (Bivalvia: Cardioidea) in the fauna of Ukraine: unresolved problems / V. I. Yurishinets, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 110—112.
Species diversity of the brackish water family Lymnocardiidae in the fauna of Ukraine is anayized. Discrepancies between taxonomies presented by different authors and limited value of the traditional species diagnostic characters are shown. In particular, the analysis of metric characters distribution in the lots from Lake Sasyk near the Danube and the Dnieper, could not provide unequivocal discrimination of the rounded form (typical Hypanis colorata) and the elongated form (presumably H. jalpugensis). At the same time, some anatomical characters, such as the length of siphons and siphonal muscles and position of the outer demibranch, proved to be significant. Recent changes in the distribution range of the group (decrease of some populations and expansion of the others) are to be studied as well.
Text of the article: 02yuvinp.zip

Iga Lewin Gastropod communities of the reservoirs and the rivers of the Ciechanowska Upland = Ñîîáùåñòâà Gastropodà â âîäîõðàíèëèøàõ è ðåêàõ Öåõàíîâñêîãî Íàãîðüÿ /   // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 113—115.
The aims of research were: analysis of the number of species, density, domination, constancy and commonness of the gastropod communities in the water environments of the Ciechanowska Upland (northeastern part of Po-land), analysis of biodiversity of the snail communities and similarity among them, research on the relationship among freshwater snail communities and the certain environmental factor, research on usefulness of snail communities as a factor of water quality. Four rivers: the Lydynia, the Pelta, the Sona, the Wkra, 4 old beds of the Wkra river and 9 anthropogenic reservoirs (clay-pits) were researched. The zoocenology analysis of snail com-munities was carried out using dominancy, constancy, commonness indices and biodiversity indices: Simpson Diversity Index (D), Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index (H'), Evennes Index (J’). 27 gastropod species are presented in the rivers of the Ciechanowska Upland. The first permanent population of Ferrissia wautieri (Mirolli) in Poland has
Text of the article: 02ilrrcu.zip

Malgorzata Strzelec The threat of native molluscs by the New Zealand mud – snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum (gray) = Óãðîçà äëÿ ìåñòíûõ ìîëëþñêîâ ñî ñòîðîíû íîâîçåëàíäñêîãî ñëèçíÿ /   // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 116—117.
Potamopyrgus antipodarum has been introduced to brackish and fresh waters of Europe probably in the first half of XIXth century, when the regular clipper lines have connected from 1840 the British Isles with New Zealand. Because these snails can survive in water to 24.6 salinity only, the transportation of individuals on outer parts of ship is impossible (Strzelec, 1996).
Text of the article: 02msspag.zip

Zhytova O. P.  Ecology of Galba subongulata aud episotological role of galb biotopes of various typrs under the conditions of Zhytomyr Polissya / O. P. Zhytova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 118—119.
Spread density of settlements of mollusks Limnaea (G. subangulata) as well as their infection with parthenitae and larvae Fasciola hepatica under the conditions of Zhytomyr Polissya have been studied.
Text of the article: 02zhopzp.zip

Makarov Yu. N.  Molluscs in eutrophic areas of the Ukrainian shelf of the Black Sea (observations 1997-1998) / Yu. N. Makarov, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 120—122.
The paper contains the data on distribution of mollusks in eutrophic areas of the Black Sea and adjacent water areas. On the basis of the benthos samples of 1997-1998 marine expeditions their number and biomass both in the open parts of sea and in the coastal part as well as in open lagoons are determined. The relation of the molluscs to other groups of invertebrate benthos is considered.
Text of the article: 02myuncm.zip

Pavlyuk R. C.  Mollusks in trophics of Amphilia of Western Ukraine / R. C. Pavlyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 123—124.
On the basis of observations of stomach contents (3500 individuals of 13 species of Amphibia which were captured in 7 regions of Ukraine) an insignificant part of Mollusca in amphibia' trophics is discovered. Mollusca have been found in stomachs of 8 species of (Triturus vulgaris L., T. cristatus Laur., Salamandra salamandra L., Bufo bufo L., Rana ridibunda Pall., R. esculenta L., R. temporaria L., R. terrestris And.).
Text of the article: 02ppszzu.zip

Sinitsyna O. O.  On population characteristics of bivalve mollusks in the lakes of Koninskie district – the cooling system of two thermal power stations / O. O. Sinitsyna, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,   // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 125—127.
The levels of abundance and length-weight characteristics of 5 Unionidae species in Koninskie Lakes System (Central Poland) ware studied. The article presents the analysis of the conditions under which the quantitative characteristics of these mollusks reach the greatest development which stimulates the division of ecological niches.
Text of the article: 02soodte.zip

Snegin E. A.  The use of graund Gastropoda species as indicators of relict cenoses / E. A. Snegin // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 128—129.
The use of ground Gastropoda species as indicators of relict communities of glacial and preglacial periods under the conditions of the southern partially wooded steppe region. Stating a problem of inserting the species mentioned in the lists of regional Red Books.
Text of the article: 02seairc.zip

Uvaliyeva K. K.  The most important results of the systemic-ecological research of molluscs from the arid zone of Kazakhstan / K. K. Uvaliyeva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 130—132.
The paper contains the generalized data on the cameral fauna analysis of 1991-2000, systematics of ecology and the role of terrestrial and water mollusñs in different ecosystems of the arid zone.
Text of the article: 02ukkazk.zip

Fundukchiev S. E.  On feeding Phasianus colchicus (Teru.) with terrestrial molluscs / S. E. Fundukchiev, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,   // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 133—134.
In nourishment of Phasianus conchicus zeratchanicus alongside seeds, berries and fruits a certain share is given to insects and mollusks. Among the latter Succineidae-Pxyloma elegans (Risso), Ariophantidae-Macrochlamys sogdiana Martens and Hydromiidae-Xeropicta candaharica (L.Pff) families are especially important. By eating these mollusks Phasianus colchicus fulfils sanitary fanctions and kills dangerous intermediate hosts of parasites which affect people and animals.
Text of the article: 02fsefnm.zip

Tsaryk J. V.  Ecological peculiarities of freshwater molluscs in Roztochchia / J. V. Tsaryk, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 135—136.
Data concerning ecological peculiarities of Mollusca in water reservoirs of Roztochchia are analysed. It was established that water reservoirs near "Sirka" factory have unfavorable conditions for development of Mollusca.
Text of the article: 02cyvpmr.zip

Shurova N. M.  Changes of the population characteristics of the Black Sea mussel and strategy of forming its population in modern conditions of environment / N. M. Shurova, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 137—139.
The temporal variability of the population characteristics of mussels from the Black Sea was analyzed. The simplification and significant rejuvenation of the age structure, decrease of biomass of mussels, average mass of a single mussel, reproduction of molluscs, time of surviving of cohorts and maximal duration of their life were established, the augmentation of P/B-coefficient and mortality of the mussels were estimated, that testifies to higher rate of a revolution of organic matter under the conditions of significant eutrophication of the Black Sea waters.
Text of the article: 02shnmus.zip

Bondarenko L. V.  Morpho-functional characteristics of some representatives of Crimean terrestrial mollusks / L. V. Bondarenko, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 104—143.
Morpho-functional characteristics of Helix lucorum, Eobania vermiculata and Helix pomatia are determined, velocity of the movement of H.lucorum natural conditions and in the experiment are calculated. Monitoring of the number of the given terrestrial fauna representatives during 1998-2000 is carried out.
Text of the article: 02blvnmk.zip

Danilova M. M.  Ratio of plant and animal organisms in the gastric tract of the Black Sea mussels / M. M. Danilova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 144—146.
The Black Sea mussels have a broad food spectrum which is especially noted in 20-45 mm specimens. However, in each group 2-3 species dominate. For the Odessa Bay mussels there is a seasonal trend in food composition which is connected with charges in the biological seasons of the phytocoenosis and with the period of mass reproduction of invertebrata, especially protozoa. In the spring, diatoms (57,6 in a abundance, 84,8 in mass) and peridineans (66,7 – in abundance and 88,5 in mass) predominate. In spring, zooplankton plays a secondary role (0,1-5 ) in mussel nutrition. In summer it makes up 40-70 of the food pellet consisting of tintiniids and copepods. Remnants and fragments of organisms and whole animal bodies (bryophytes, rotatoria, turbellarian larvae, eggs of isopods, noctiluca and oth.) are also secondary. Zooplankton in summer and phytoplankton in the spring are the main component in mussel nutrition.
Text of the article: 02dmmchm.zip

Kandiuk R. P.  Sterols of some molluscs in north-west Black Sea and perspectives of their utilization / R. P. Kandiuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 147—148.
The sterol content of mass bivalve molluscs in north-west Black Sea - Mytilus galloprovincialis, Ostrea taurica, Mya arenaria and Scapharca inaequivalvis was investigated. In spite of the quantitative difference in sterol content, all of investigated molluscs may be the object of cultivating and source of significant biologically active substances of lipid nature that may be utilized for creating medical-prophylactic preparations.
Text of the article: 02krpmpi.zip

Krizskaya K. V.  Influence of toxic agents of different nature on gastropoda molluscs / K. V. Krizskaya // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 149—152.
Influence of some toxic agents of different nature (chloride of ammonium, sulphate of sodium, urea, ethanol, gidroksilamin) on molluscs Lymnaea stagnalis and Planorbarius corneus (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) is investigated. The basic toxicological parameters are determined.
Text of the article: 02kkvchm.zip

Lisovskaya V. I.  Seasonal changes in glycogen content in mussels of Odessa Bay foulings / V. I. Lisovskaya, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko, G. V. Ivanovich, V. V. Adobovsky,   // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 153—155.
Seasonal changes in glycogen content in two groups of mussels (2-3, 3-4 cm) in Odessa Bay foulings have been studied. A direct correlation (r=0.82) has been noted between glycogen content and temperature, and between the former and salinity (r=-0.56).
Text of the article: 02lviooz.zip

Minyuk M. Ye.  The effect of aerial exposure on the heart rate of the freshwater mussel, Colletopterum piscinale (Bivalvia: Unionidae) / M. Ye. Minyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 156—158.
The effect of aerial exposure on the heart rate and on the lifespan of the freshwater mussel, Colletopterum piscinale from different age groups are investigated. Dependence of the heart rate and the life-span under the effect of the aerial exposure on the infection by parasites and the age of mollusks are shown.
Text of the article: 02mmepbu.zip

Chernomaz T. V.  Ciliary activity of the glimmeral epithelium of gill and leg Unio conus (in vitro) as test-function at ecologo-physiological investigations / T. V. Chernomaz // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 159—162.
Ciliary activity of outliving cells of the glimmeral epithelium of gill and leg of Unio conus in a norm was investi-gated. The author determined the influence of physiological status, invaded by parasites, season and temperature on the rate and duration of ciliary beating of glimmeral epithelium.
Text of the article: 02chtvfd.zip

Bondarchuk Yu. M.  Hard Metal Toxicity for Freshwater Mollusks (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Lymnaeidae) / Yu. M. Bondarchuk, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko, G. V. Ivanovich, V. V. Adobovsky,  , D. A. Vyskushenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 163—165.
Some toxicological parameters and the peculiarities of heavy metal accumulation in freshwater mollusks are es-tablished in the article.
Text of the article: 02byumpl.zip

Vyskushenko D. A.  Copper Sulphate Influence on Water Balance of Lymnaea stagnalis / D. A. Vyskushenko, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko, G. V. Ivanovich, V. V. Adobovsky,  , D. A. Vyskushenko, T. M. Pavelchuk, O. D. Shimkovich // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 166—169.
Water balance changes of Lymnaea stagnalis under the influence of copper sulphate are analyzed in the article.
Text of the article: 02vdabls.zip

Kirichuk G. Ye.  Peculiarities of cumulation of heavy-metal ions by freshwater mollusks / G. Ye. Kirichuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 170—175.
The article deals with peculiarities of cumulation of heavy-metal ions depending on the type of mollusks’ food. The level of cumulation of Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu in different tissues and organs of these animals has been determined. The author has derived the equations of polynominal dependence of heavy-metalion cumulation on the weight of the organ.
Text of the article: 02kgempm.zip

Kolesnik O. I.  Breach of the stability of the water balance of Lymnaea stagnalis under the influence of the zinc chlorid / O. I. Kolesnik, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko, G. V. Ivanovich, V. V. Adobovsky,  , D. A. Vyskushenko, T. M. Pavelchuk, O. D. Shimkovich, M. B. Sajkin // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 176—178.
Influence of the zinc chlorid (2, 10, 18 mg/l) on the water balance of Lymnaea stagnalis is described.
Text of the article: 02koodhc.zip

Oskolskaya O. I.  The effect of economic activities, on morpho-physiological characteristics of Unio stevenianus from different regions of the Chorna river (Western Crimea) / O. I. Oskolskaya, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko, G. V. Ivanovich, V. V. Adobovsky,  , D. A. Vyskushenko, T. M. Pavelchuk, O. D. Shimkovich, M. B. Sajkin, R. A. Nesterova, V. A. Timofeyev // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 179—181.
The morphological, physiological and biochemical parameters of Unio stevenianus from four various of regions of the river Chorna are considered. It is established that the basic physiological-biochemical parameters in soft fabrics of mollusks at increase of a level pblution is compensated by growth of wosking surfaces, and, as a consequense, increase of a parameter of a degree of gills cutting.
Text of the article: 02ooiczk.zip

Pilipko I. M.  Influence of the zinc chlorid on the lung and skin respiration of Lymnaea stagnalis / I. M. Pilipko, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko, G. V. Ivanovich, V. V. Adobovsky,  , D. A. Vyskushenko, T. M. Pavelchuk, O. D. Shimkovich, M. B. Sajkin, R. A. Nesterova, V. A. Timofeyev, A. V. Sadovnikov // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 182—184.
The peculiarities of the lung and skin respiration of Lymnaea stagnalis in the presense of zinc chlorid in the water environment are described.
Text of the article: 02pimshd.zip

Pinkina T. V.  Gastropod pulmonata molluscs in tne system of biological monitoring / T. V. Pinkina, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko, G. V. Ivanovich, V. V. Adobovsky,  , D. A. Vyskushenko, T. M. Pavelchuk, O. D. Shimkovich, M. B. Sajkin, R. A. Nesterova, V. A. Timofeyev, A. V. Sadovnikov, V. C. Hyryn, L. D. Ivanenko, A. M. Mokr³tska, O. A. Mostipaka, O. V. Pavluchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 185—187.
Recommendations for utilization of gastropod pulmonata molluscs in the biological monitoring are described.
Text of the article: 02ptvsbm.zip

Stadnychenko A. P.  The role of mollusks in radionuklides distribution in water ecosystems / A. P. Stadnychenko, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko, G. V. Ivanovich, V. V. Adobovsky,  , D. A. Vyskushenko, T. M. Pavelchuk, O. D. Shimkovich, M. B. Sajkin, R. A. Nesterova, V. A. Timofeyev, A. V. Sadovnikov, V. C. Hyryn, L. D. Ivanenko, A. M. Mokr³tska, O. A. Mostipaka, O. V. Pavluchenko, R. K. Melnychenko, O. P. Zhytova, L. M. Yanovich, G. E. Kirichuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 188—192.
Patch pollution of the Middle Dnieper basin ecosystems with radionuclides (40K, 90Sr, 134-137Cs, 226Ra, 232Th) is registred. The role of mollusks in reservoir radioactive substances migration is investigated.
Text of the article: 02saprve.zip

Yanovich L. M.  The influence of the toxicant ("Raund-up", ammonium nitrate) on the gonads of mollusks of the family Unionidae / L. M. Yanovich, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko, G. V. Ivanovich, V. V. Adobovsky,  , D. A. Vyskushenko, T. M. Pavelchuk, O. D. Shimkovich, M. B. Sajkin, R. A. Nesterova, V. A. Timofeyev, A. V. Sadovnikov, V. C. Hyryn, L. D. Ivanenko, A. M. Mokr³tska, O. A. Mostipaka, O. V. Pavluchenko, R. K. Melnychenko, O. P. Zhytova, L. M. Yanovich, G. E. Kirichuk, A. O. Chernyshova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 193—196.
The article presents the results of laboratory experiments of toxic influence of "Raund-up" and ammonium nitrate on the gonads of mollusks of the family Unionidae.
Text of the article: 02yalmszp.zip

Stadnychenko A. P.  rematoda invasion and sulphate copper impact upon carotenoids of haemolymph of Lymnaea stagnalis (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Lymnaeidae) / A. P. Stadnychenko, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko, G. V. Ivanovich, V. V. Adobovsky,  , D. A. Vyskushenko, T. M. Pavelchuk, O. D. Shimkovich, M. B. Sajkin, R. A. Nesterova, V. A. Timofeyev, A. V. Sadovnikov, V. C. Hyryn, L. D. Ivanenko, A. M. Mokr³tska, O. A. Mostipaka, O. V. Pavluchenko, R. K. Melnychenko, O. P. Zhytova, L. M. Yanovich, G. E. Kirichuk, A. O. Chernyshova, L. D. Ivanenko, O. A. Mostypaka, L. O. Stepchuk, R. A. Gomenyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 197—201.
Trematoda invasion and different concentrations of sulphate copper (0.2-1.8 mg/l) impact on carotenoids of haemolymph of Lymnaea stagnalis have been investigated. These molluscs demonstrate a decrease of contents of carotenoids in haemolymph by 23-35 . This deviation is expressed in infected molluscs to a far greater extent than in noninfected ones.
Text of the article: 02sapipt.zip

Kirichuk G. Ye.  The influence of different concentrations of the hydroquinone on physiological status for duration function of chewing cells in the glimmeral epithelium of gill apparatus of a Rivicoliana rivicola / G. Ye. Kirichuk, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko, G. V. Ivanovich, V. V. Adobovsky,  , D. A. Vyskushenko, T. M. Pavelchuk, O. D. Shimkovich, M. B. Sajkin, R. A. Nesterova, V. A. Timofeyev, A. V. Sadovnikov, V. C. Hyryn, L. D. Ivanenko, A. M. Mokr³tska, O. A. Mostipaka, O. V. Pavluchenko, R. K. Melnychenko, O. P. Zhytova, L. M. Yanovich, G. E. Kirichuk, A. O. Chernyshova, L. D. Ivanenko, O. A. Mostypaka, L. O. Stepchuk, R. A. Gomenyuk, G. V. Muzh, A. A. Lenartovich, L. V. Samchushuna // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 202—205.
An influence of different concentrations of the hydroquinone (0,042; 0,42; 4,2 mg/l) on physiological status for duration function of chewing cells in the glimmeral epithelium of gill apparatus of an Rivicoliana rivicola was investigated.
Text of the article: 02kgearr.zip

Dmytruk R. Ya.  The character of changes of the quantitative composition of malacofauna and its dependence on climatic conditions / R. Ya. Dmytruk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 206—209.
The article presents a new method for investigating the natural conditions of the past. It consists in segregating malacofauna complexes into cold-requiring, moisture-requiring and shade-requiring groups of mollusks whose quantitative changes were used for investigating the dynamics of certain climatic and landscape characteristics.
Text of the article: 02dryazku.zip

Haliman I. A.  Preliminary results of the "pontization" process of the Azov Sea on the example of mollusks / I. A. Haliman // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 210—211.
The 9 species from Black Sea fauna has been discovered in the fauna of the Azov Sea.
Text of the article: 02hiampm.zip

Heifetz E. O.  Primary orientation of mollusc shell and its reorieutation in the context of evolutionary morphology / E. O. Heifetz // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 212—216.
Common peculiarities of the shell growth in mollusks are discovered. They permit to solve a number of evolutional and morphological problems, considered in the paper.
Text of the article: 02heokem.zip

Êlymova K. Ya.  Topical problems of mastering the professional style of speech by future biology teachers (on the example of studying "Zoology of Invertebrata" and some other special subjects) / K. Ya. Êlymova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 217—220.
The paper focuses on verbal methods of teaching zoology and systematic work on the development of students’ professional style of speech at the Department of Natural Sciences. The work is realized through intersubject relations of special disciplines and the Ukrainian language. The paper is illustrated with examples which present the author’s analysis of the degree of mastering special terminology by students (specifically when studying "General characteristics of Mollusca" and other topics).
Text of the article: 02kkyahd.zip

Mikheyeva G. N.  Malakological investigations carried out by the Chair of Zoology of Zhytomyr Pedagogical University and their significance for the development of students’ cognitive interests / G. N. Mikheyeva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 221—223.
The article focuses on the objects and directions of malacological research and also on the significance of applying its results in teaching biology at school.
Text of the article: 02mgmisu.zip

Bilous V. Y.  Medical, educational, and scientific activities of I.T. Ymkovyi / V. Y. Bilous, O. V. Garbar, O. P. Kodolova, A. A. Silayeva, O. P. Kodolova, L. M. Khlus, K. N. Khlus, A. V. Naidenko, K. M. Khlus,  , O. I. Popovichuk,  , L. V. Nizovska, S. S. Kramarenko, N. V. Sverlova, M. O. Son, A. N. Shklyaruk, V. V. Shokholov, V. A. Timofeyev, Yu. M. Bondarchuk, N. S. Kan, N. G. Yerokhin, M. Ye. Grebennikov, A. V. Korniushin, I. S. Munasypova, E. F. Kostylyov,  ,  ,  , I. P. Javorsky, S. V. Stadnychenko, O. I. Oskolskaya, O. A. Shevchenko, G. V. Ivanovich, V. V. Adobovsky,  , D. A. Vyskushenko, T. M. Pavelchuk, O. D. Shimkovich, M. B. Sajkin, R. A. Nesterova, V. A. Timofeyev, A. V. Sadovnikov, V. C. Hyryn, L. D. Ivanenko, A. M. Mokr³tska, O. A. Mostipaka, O. V. Pavluchenko, R. K. Melnychenko, O. P. Zhytova, L. M. Yanovich, G. E. Kirichuk, A. O. Chernyshova, L. D. Ivanenko, O. A. Mostypaka, L. O. Stepchuk, R. A. Gomenyuk, G. V. Muzh, A. A. Lenartovich, L. V. Samchushuna, N. K. Misyats // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2002. — ¹ 10. — P. 224—226.
The authors pay tribute to medical, educational, and scientific activities of the late I.T. Yamkovyi.
Text of the article: 02bviity.zip
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