Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. ISSN 2076-6173
ÂICÍÈÊ Æèòîìèðñüêîãî äåðæàâíîãî óí³âåðñèòåòó ³ìåí³ ²âàíà Ôðàíêà

Issue 14 (2004)

Dubasenyuk A. A.  The Technological Approach to the Organization of Work with Pedagogically Gifted Students (based on the results of All-Ukraine competition for knowledge of pedagogics among students) / A. A. Dubasenyuk, E. E. Antonova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 3—6.
The article features the necessity of the goal-oriented work with pedagogically gifted students of teacher's training universities. The authors suggest the technology of organizing All-Ukraine competition for knowledge of pedagogics as an efficient form of work with gifted students.
Text of the article: 04doapom.zip

Klymova K. Ya.  The Formation of Stylistic Competence on the Basis of the Professional Training of the Psychologists and Social Pedagogues / K. Ya. Klymova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 7—10.
The article describes methodology of developing of stylistic competence of the future psychologists and social educators.
Text of the article: 04kkyasp.zip

Rudnitska N. Yu.  V. G. Skorokhod's Ideas about the Principles and Methods of Countrystudy Work / N. Yu. Rudnitska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 11—14.
The article sets out to show the contribution made by V.G. Skorokhod into the development of principles and methods of countrystudy work (based on archive material, historical and pedagogical sources).
Text of the article: 04rnyukr.zip

Yeremyeyeva V. M.  Present-day State of Teachers' Training for the Individualization of Teaching Process in Comprehensive Schools / V. M. Yeremyeyeva // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 15—18.
The article contains research data as to the level of preparation of secondary school teachers from different regions of Ukraine for the individualization of teaching process.
Text of the article: 04evmndu.zip

Voznyuk O. V.  Socialization Viewed within Gender Education Problems / O. V. Voznyuk, E. E. Antonova, M. V. Levkovsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 19—22.
The article provs that gender education is considered to be an important aspect of the process of youth's socialization and should be directed at the achievement of the androgenic psycho-sexual orientation of a person.
Text of the article: 04vovpgv.zip

Sidorchuk N. G.  The Basic Tendencies of Formation of Teacher’s Professional Research Activity within the Period Of 1802-1917 / N. G. Sidorchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 23—27.
The article reveals social and pedagogical background as well as major tendencies of teacher’s professional research activity in higher pedagogical education on the basis of its historical and pedagogical analysis and considering regional and specific historical conditions within the period of 1802-1917.
Text of the article: 04sngddv.zip

Sejko N. A.  Charity in the Field of Education in Ukraine (based on the periodicals of the end of 19th the beginning of the 20th centuries) / N. A. Sejko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 28—31.
The paper addresses the role of press in the dissemination of information on charity in the field of education in Ukraine based on the regional and national periodicals.
Text of the article: 04snappk.zip

Levkivska O. M.  Civil Manners of Students in English (theoretical aspect) / O. M. Levkivska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 32—34.
The paper deals with the theoretical aspects of civil manners formation among students of England.
Text of the article: 04lomkas.zip

Mantula T. I.  The Periods of Interaction between Mankind and Nature / T. I. Mantula // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 35—38.
The article sets out to provide the characteristics of the periods of interaction between mankind and nature. Special attention is given to the ecologically grounded behavior and on the consuming attitude towards nature.
Text of the article: 04mtivlp.zip

Pluschyk E. V.  The Peculiarities of Teaching Musical Intonation / E. V. Pluschyk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 39—41.
The article considers the methods of orchestral training while teaching musical intonation at classes of music.
Text of the article: 04pevmov.zip

Shmelyova T. V.  Grygory Vashchehko and Esthetic Upbringing of Young Learners / T. V. Shmelyova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 42—44.
The article deals with Grygory Vashchenko’s views on the esthetic upbringing of young learners.
Text of the article: 04shtvsh.zip

Zalibovska-Ilnótska Z. V.  Categorial Analysis of Basic Concepts of Study of the Problem of Forming the Communicative Competence of Future Teachers of Elementary School / Z. V. Zalibovska-Ilnótska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 45—46.
The paper introduces the results of the categorial analysis of basic concepts in the context of cultivating communicative competence of prospective teachers of an elementary school.
Text of the article: 04zizvsh.zip

Ternopolskaya V. I.  Responsibility of the Personality: Humanities Aspect / V. I. Ternopolskaya // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 47—50.
The paper analyzes the humanistie aspect of responsibility as the generalizing feature of a personality, which determines psychological, social and spiritual prospects of person's development.
Text of the article: 04tvioga.zip

Virkovsky A. P.  Synergetic Approach to the Understanding of the Concept "Spirituality" / A. P. Virkovsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 51—54.
The synergetic approach to the analysis of the concept of "spirituality" highlights the basic features of the concept of "spirituality" and gives a comprehensive description of the dynamism of its development among the youth.
Text of the article: 04vapppd.zip

Chemerys Î. À.  Categorial Analysis of the Concept of "Factor" in the Context of Studying the Problem of Increasing the Level of the Progress in Studies of Future Teachers of Mathematics / Î. À. Chemerys // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 55—57.
The article deals with the comparative characteristic of the concepts of "factor" and "condition" in order to conduct the further study of psychological and pedagogical factors of steppingup the progress of future teachers of mathematics while studying the andvanced course of geometry.
Text of the article: 04choama.zip

Krivonos A. N.  Didactic Principles of Creation of a Methodological Complex for Differentiated Study of Algorithmization Basics and Programming in the Course of Computer Science in Schools of the New Type / A. N. Krivonos // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 58—61.
The paper considered the possibility of employing module-rating training while studying the basics of algorithmization and programming in a school course of computer science.
Text of the article: 04komznt.zip

Gordiyenko O. A.  Teaching New Vocabulary at the Lessons of the Ukrainian Language for Junior Students / O. A. Gordiyenko, E. E. Antonova, M. V. Levkovsky, T. O. Shevchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 62—65.
The article deals with the peculiarities of teaching new vocabulary at the lessons of the Ukrainian language for junior students. This paper suggests a number of ways to improve the process of teaching new vocabulary for junior students.
Text of the article: 04goampk.zip

Tsilinko M. G.  Electronic Millivebermeter / M. G. Tsilinko, E. E. Antonova, M. V. Levkovsky, T. O. Shevchuk, Ì. Ì. Prokopenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 66—71.
This article presents the picture and basic circuit of the electronic millivebermeter and suggests methods of applying the device for carrying out experiments in the course of physics.
Text of the article: 04tsmgem.zip

Echkalo Y. V.  The Ways of Improvement the Methodology of Teaching Physics for Secondary school students / Y. V. Echkalo, E. E. Antonova, M. V. Levkovsky, T. O. Shevchuk, Ì. Ì. Prokopenko, A. A. Konoval, I. A. Teplitsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 72—75.
The article highlights the methodology of employing computer modeling in teaching physics.
Text of the article: 04eyuvkf.zip

Voitovich I. S.  The Formation of Experimental Skills of Students on the Primary level of Teaching Physics / I. S. Voitovich, E. E. Antonova, M. V. Levkovsky, T. O. Shevchuk, Ì. Ì. Prokopenko, A. A. Konoval, I. A. Teplitsky, Y. M. Halatyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 76—79.
The article sets out the major experimental skills of students and suggests a method to cultivate them on the primary level on teaching physics.
Text of the article: 04vissvf.zip

Halatyuk Y. M.  The Application of a Computer for Monitoring Creative Activity in Teaching Physics / Y. M. Halatyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 80—83.
The article examines the possibility of applying computers to monitor creative and cognitive activity of students introducing necessary software.
Text of the article: 04gyumnf.zip

Gryschuk V. V.  The Employment of the Whole Group of Galileo’s Transformations while Solving Physycal Problems / V. V. Gryschuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 84—86.
This article illustrates that the curves of coordinate axes stay within the boundaries of inertial systems.
Text of the article: 04gvvrfz.zip

Pastushenko S. M.  Studying the Electrical Oscillations in the Course of Teaching Physics / S. M. Pastushenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 87—90.
The article features certain aspects of the methods of studying the oscillation processes in teaching physics for secondary school land university students. This item leads to conclude that the efficiency of teaching physics for university students depends upon the continuity of teaching physics throughout school and university education. The article provides examples of interior and exterior relations as well as methodological suggestions to help students solve problems on the topic "Electrical oscillations".
Text of the article: 04psmkkf.zip

Rybalko A. V.  Methodological Approach to the Classification of Study Tasks according to Their Didactic Aim / A. V. Rybalko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 91—94.
The author suggests the classification of study tasks in physic taking into account their didactic aims and methods of scientific perception and substantiates the necessity of this classification.
Text of the article: 04ravdts.zip

Kozel V. M.  Performing an Experiment on a Computer Display / V. M. Kozel, E. E. Antonova, M. V. Levkovsky, T. O. Shevchuk, Ì. Ì. Prokopenko, A. A. Konoval, I. A. Teplitsky, Y. M. Halatyuk, M. V. Fedyowich, D. A. Stepanchikov // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 95—100.
The articles considers the employment of video aids of physical experiments carried out in school by meaus of a computer.
Text of the article: 04kvmeek.zip

Davidenko A. A.  Creative Tasks on Physics / A. A. Davidenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 101—104.
The article gives a psychological and pedagogical analysis of the notion of a creative task and suggests a classification of creative physical tasks. The paper features the tasks which might be solved technically and demonstrates the importance of creative tasks in teaching physics.
Text of the article: 04daatzf.zip

Rudnitsky V. L.  Employing Problems Featuring the Subjects of Inservice Training in Subject-Profile Integrated Courses / V. L. Rudnitsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 105—109.
The article considers the role and place of physical problems in subject-profile integrated courses. It illustrates and analyzes the solution of a specific problem featuring inservice training.
Text of the article: 04rvlpik.zip

Korinna L. V.  Civil Values’ Formation of Senior-Formers as a Categorially-Conceptual Problem / L. V. Korinna // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 110—112.
The article deals with the category analysis of the problem of civil values’ formation of senior-formers and singles out the categories as "civil upbringing", "civil education" and "civic responsibility".
Text of the article: 04klvkpp.zip

Moskvina T. P.  The Categorical Analysis of the Formation of Humane Interrelationship between Children under Conditions of the Radiology Control Zone / T. P. Moskvina // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 113—116.
This article describes the results of the categorical analysis of the research in the formation of humane interrelationship between children under the conditions of the Chernobyl zone.
Text of the article: 04mtpzrk.zip

Dubovyk S. H.  The Linguistic Basis of the Functional Approach to the Study of the Case Category of Nouns in Higher School / S. H. Dubovyk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 117—120.
The article highlights the problems of the methodology of teaching grammar material of the Ukrainian language in higher educational establishment. It acresses the linguistic basis of the functional study of the case category of nouns. The methodology of using the functional approach to the study of the case system presupposes their consideration in the unity of its meanings, forms and functions.
Text of the article: 04dsgvsh.zip

Spirin O. M.  Contents of the Teaching Material on Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence in the Course of Computer Science / O. M. Spirin // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 121—124.
The article features scientific criteria for selection of the teaching material and analyses the contents structure of fundamentals of artificial intelligence in the computer science course for physics and mathematics students of higher teacher' training establishments.
Text of the article: 04somiki.zip

Derkach V. V.  Methodological Problems of Organizing the Primary Level of Teaching the Polish Language to Students of Language Disciplines / V. V. Derkach, E. E. Antonova, M. V. Levkovsky, T. O. Shevchuk, Ì. Ì. Prokopenko, A. A. Konoval, I. A. Teplitsky, Y. M. Halatyuk, M. V. Fedyowich, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. N. Kozachenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 125—128.
The article sets out to provide principal requirements for organizing the primary level of teaching the Polish language to students of language disciplines.
Text of the article: 04dvvmsf.zip

Yanchuk N. V.  Urgent Problems of Teaching the Modern Ukrainian Literary Language in Higher Educational Pedagogical Establishments / N. V. Yanchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 129—132.
Urgent problems of teaching the modern Ukrainian literary language on the basis of chapters "Lexicology" and "Phraseology" learning material are observed in this article in the context of realization of the functional and communicative approach to learning languages.
Text of the article: 04yanvpz.zip

Bashmanivska L. A.  Ïîºäíàííÿ ë³òåðàòóðíî-êðàºçíàâ÷îãî òà ìîâíîãî àñïåêò³â ó ïðîöåñ³ âèâ÷åííÿ óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ìîâè òà ë³òåðàòóðè â øêîë³ / L. A. Bashmanivska, E. E. Antonova, M. V. Levkovsky, T. O. Shevchuk, Ì. Ì. Prokopenko, A. A. Konoval, I. A. Teplitsky, Y. M. Halatyuk, M. V. Fedyowich, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. N. Kozachenko,   // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 133—135.
The article considers the combination of literary and country study as well as linguistic aspects in teaching the language and literature at school.
Text of the article: 04blalsh.zip

Kratasyuk L. M.  A Lesson of the Ukrainian Language as One of the Major Means of Developing Students’ Creativity / L. M. Kratasyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 136—138.
The article conveys the possibilities of developing students’ creative abilities in the process of studying the Ukrainian language. It investigates the most favorable conditions which facilitate enable creative thinking of an intelligent person.
Text of the article: 04klmtzu.zip

Vlasenko V. V.  About a Scholar, Educationalist and a Person of a Profound Soul / V. V. Vlasenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 139—141.
The article givesis a brief sketch of the life and scientific career of an outstanding Ukrainian scholar.
Text of the article: 04vvvlbd.zip

Tytarenko N. A.  The Immpecable Beauty of Person / N. A. Tytarenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 142—143.
The paper features the reminiscences of cooperation with M. M. Bogdan at the Ukrainian language department of Zhitomir Pedagogical University.
Text of the article: 04tnakbe.zip

Shchurenko M. K.  Reminiscences of a Friend and Colleague / M. K. Shchurenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 144.
The paper features the reminiscences of student and postgraduate years of study of M. M. Bogdan.
Text of the article: 04shcmkk.zip

Serdega R. ².  Peculiarities of Coining the Names of Stalks and Leafs of Agricultural Crops in Kharkovschina’s Dialects / R. ². Serdega // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 145—146.
The article highlights linguistic and geographical peculiarities of coining the names of stalks and leafs of agricultural crops in Kharkovschina’s dialects.
Text of the article: 04srigkh.zip

Kuznetsova G. V.  The Analysis of Semantic Shift Kinds in Modern English Phraseology / G. V. Kuznetsova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 147—151.
The main problems of semantic shifts within phraseological meaning, the kinds and the reasons of such shifts are the concern of the present article.
Text of the article: 04kgvsam.zip

Samyjlyk Y. I.  The Dialectual Groups of Vygonoshchi Polesye / Y. I. Samyjlyk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 152—154.
The article examines the questions of the connections between different dialectal groups of Vygonoshchi Polesye. It also explains the distinct character of the Central Telekhany dialectal group.
Text of the article: 04syaima.zip

Srovbur L. N.  From the History of the Confix – êà-.........-ø (à) / L. N. Srovbur // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 155—156.
The article deals with the history of formation and functioning of the confix – êà-.........-ø (à), which forms nouns with different lexical and wordbuilding meanings.
Text of the article: 04slmiko.zip

Shevchuk M. V.  Elements of the Business Style as a Comical Means in Works by Ostap Vyshnya (Genre-Creating Aspect) / M. V. Shevchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 157—159.
The article highlights stylistic and genre-creating functions of the business style elements in the fiction and the poetry (based on feuilletons by Ostap Vyshnya).
Text of the article: 04shmvov.zip

Kontorchuk G. K.  The Usage of Winged Words in the Satirical Novel "Pretenders to Papaha" by O. Chornoguz / G. K. Kontorchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 160—162.
The article sets out the stylistic role of winged words as a humoristic means of the fiction text.
Text of the article: 04kgkppa.zip

Grimashevych G. I.  The Structural Organization of the Polysemantic Nominations of theitems of Clothing in the Middle-Polissya Dialect / G. I. Grimashevych // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 163—167.
The article highlights the issue of polysemy of a dialect word according to the subject group of clothing vocabulary, accumulated by the autor from the Middle-Polissya dialect.
Text of the article: 04ggiocg.zip

Tyshchenko T. M.  Lexico-Semantic group of Hemp Nomination in Dialect Varieties of Podillya and Mid-Dnieper Junction Area / T. M. Tyshchenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 169—171.
The composition, structural organization and geographical spread of the lexics dealing with hemp nomination in dialect varieties of Podillya and mid-Dnieper junction area are the concern of the present paper.
Text of the article: 04ttmpss.zip

Denysiuk V. V.  Word-building Variants of Anthroponyms / V. V. Denysiuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 172—176.
This article addresses the word-building variants of anthroponyms found in the monuments of the historiographical genre of the 2nd part of the 17th – 18th centuries.
Text of the article: 04dvvsva.zip

Moysiyenko V. M.  Observations on the Phonetic Peculiarities of the "Volynsky Gospel" / V. M. Moysiyenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 177—179.
This article analyses the phonetic peculiarities of the "Volynsky Gospel" (one of the most recent literary works in the history of the Ukrainian language) which significantly reveals speech elements.
Text of the article: 04mvmove.zip

Budnikova L. T.  Formation of Feminine Names with the -k-a Formant in the Slovak and Ukrainian languages / L. T. Budnikova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 180—182.
The formation of feminine nomina agentis and nomina atributtiva names from masculine personal names by means of the suffix -ka in the Slovak language as compared with the corresponding names in the Ukrainian language is the concern of the paper.
Text of the article: 04bltsum.zip

Savela T. V.  Regarding the Problem of Singling out Zero Derivational Suffix in Compound Nouns / T. V. Savela // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 183—185.
The paper deals with theoretical aspects of the problems of desaffixation in nominal composites. Traditionally, there composites are referred to the lexical-syntactical way of word formation.
Text of the article: 04stvnss.zip

Vrublevska G. Y.  Linguistic and Creative Processes of the Youth Jargon Formation / G. Y. Vrublevska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 186—187.
The article deals with the youth jargon and sets out a few ways by which the criminal argo (neutralized in its extensional usage) is assimilated by the youth slang.
Text of the article: 04bgimzh.zip

Ternova A. I.  Dynamics of Zerosuffixal Formations of Names of Pluralia Tantum Nouns in the Modern Ukrainian Language / A. I. Ternova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 188—193.
The article sets out to provide the derivational analysis (by means of lexical and word-formative types) of zerosuffixal derivatives which are used in the modern Ukrainian language in the plural form only.
Text of the article: 04tainum.zip

Pristay B. P.  The Stress in Dialects and Accent Variance / B. P. Pristay // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 194—199.
The article sets out accent peculiarities and stress system of the Ukrainian language (based on a dialectal material).
Text of the article: 04pbrgav.zip

Lytvynchuk L. V.  The Male Binary Denominations of the Registration Book of Zhytomyr Castle Government in 1611 / L. V. Lytvynchuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 200—202.
The article presents the analysis of the male binary denominations of the registration book of Zhytomyr castle government in 1611 as regards the semantics of the second component.
Text of the article: 04llvgur.zip

Krehno Ò. I.  From the History of Formation of the Lexical and Semantic Group "Salary – Taxes – Obligations" in the Ukrainian Language of XIV-XVIII Centuries / Ò. I. Krehno // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 203—206.
The article analyses the influence of nomens on identification of the pay-money relations on the Ukrainian lands in XIV-XVIII centuries.
Text of the article: 04ktiums.zip

Titarenko V. M.  The Theory of Language Contacts in Modern Terminology / V. M. Titarenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 207—209.
The article deals with the unstability of terminology; the mechanism of penetration of borrowings from the point of view of synchronology and diachronology; the reasons of appearing of foreign elements and their estimation in the modern linguistics.
Text of the article: 04tvmpst.zip

Viniar H. M.  The Development of the Derivational Means System on the Basis of Root-Word Morphemes / H. M. Viniar // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 210—214.
The article investigates transitiveness of derivational affixes which have become frequently used in modern word-forming process as a result of internationalizing the language, despecializing of terms and the increasing necessity to define new phenomena.
Text of the article: 04vgmbkm.zip

Khmelinskaya R. M.  The Change of the Semantic Volume of a Word (Based on Architectural Vocabulary) / R. M. Khmelinskaya // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 215.
The article sets out the issue of semantic changes of borrowings in the process of their learning (based on architectural vocabulary of the Ukrainian languge).
Text of the article: 04hpmsos.zip

Dyachenko N. M.  Regarding the Study of Somatisms / N. M. Dyachenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 216—219.
The article deals with the analysis of the approaches made by scholars in terms of the study of somatic vocabulary and defines the main role of this lexico-semantic qroup of words in the generation of the secondary nomination.
Text of the article: 04dnmpvs.zip

Prus V. V.  Criteria of Word Stem Qualification within Morphemic Analysis / V. V. Prus // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 220—222.
The article sets out issues on morphemics and, specifically, the types of stems which should be defined within morphemic analysis. The word structure and its division are also the concern of the present paper.
Text of the article: 04pvvcma.zip

Dobrolyozha G. M.  Imagery Paradigm of Phraseologisms with a Component "Dog" / G. M. Dobrolyozha // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 223—227.
One can learn the phraseological heritage of the native land by means of a textbook but it’s more interesting to learn phraseologisms which include specific and vivid phraseological characters (these often include a dog and his family).
Text of the article: 04dgmfks.zip

Huzhanova T. S.  Huzhanov S.I / T. S. Huzhanova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 228—230.
The Problems of Phrase Formation Surveyed in the Light of Theoretical Principles Suggested by A. A. Potebnya
Text of the article: 04gtssip.zip

Sydorenko S. I.  The Formal State and Functional Range of Verbal Perfect Forms in G. Chaucer’s Works / S. I. Sydorenko, E. E. Antonova, M. V. Levkovsky, T. O. Shevchuk, Ì. Ì. Prokopenko, A. A. Konoval, I. A. Teplitsky, Y. M. Halatyuk, M. V. Fedyowich, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. N. Kozachenko,  , O. Yu. Andrushenko // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 231—235.
The article considers the formal state and functional range of perfect constructions in the second half of the Middle English period on the basis of "The Canterbury Tales" by G. Chaucer.
Text of the article: 04ssipft.zip

Sokolovska S. F.  German Youth Jargon: Ways of Formation and Present Status / S. F. Sokolovska, E. E. Antonova, M. V. Levkovsky, T. O. Shevchuk, Ì. Ì. Prokopenko, A. A. Konoval, I. A. Teplitsky, Y. M. Halatyuk, M. V. Fedyowich, D. A. Stepanchikov, A. N. Kozachenko,  , O. Yu. Andrushenko, M. A. Fahurdinova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 236—239.
This article examines the peculiarities of German youth jargon and defines, its main lexical characteristics. It analyses the ways of its formation as an integral element of socio-functional structure of the contemporary German language.
Text of the article: 04ssffss.zip

Kobeletska O. I.  The Psalm of Eternity by Mykola Filyansky / O. I. Kobeletska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 240—241.
The article analyses the major motifs in the poems by Ukrainian poet Mykola Filyansky.
Text of the article: 04koivmf.zip

Holubovska I. V.  The Story about a "Lonely Wanderer" (the Autobiographical Novel by Natalena Koroleva "The Roads and Paths of Life") / I. V. Holubovska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 242—245,.
The article analyses the system of characters in Natalena Koroleva’s novel "The Roads and Paths of Life."
Text of the article: 04givism.zip

Syngayivska A. V.  Pragmatic Peculiarities of Modus Predicates With Retrospective and Contemporary Components of Meaning / A. V. Syngayivska // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 246—247.
The article highlights pragmatic peculiarities of verbs, nouns and adjectives – modus predicates which include retrospective and contemporary components of meaning.
Text of the article: 04savkkz.zip

Bashmanivsky V. I.  The characters of Ancient Literature in Sonnets by M. Zerov / V. I. Bashmanivsky // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 248—250.
The article highlights the characters of Ancient literature in Sonnets by M. Zerov.
Text of the article: 04bvilz.zip

Bilous B. P.  Ivan Franko’s Views on the Formation of the Ancient Ukrainian Literary Genres / B. P. Bilous // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 251—253.
The article deals with Ivan Franko’s Views on the ancient Ukrainian literature.
Text of the article: 04bbplzh.zip

Prysyazhnyuk L. F.  Peculiarities of Correlation between Metaphor and Simile / L. F. Prysyazhnyuk // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 254—258.
The paper presents the most well-known views on the character of correlation between metaphor and simile.It attempts to reveal the common and distinguishing features of the tropes under study; on the basis of the conducted analysis the author gives the definition of metaphor and simile.
Text of the article: 04plfspm.zip

Solovyova L. F.  Functional Peculiarities of Modern English Axiological Vocabulary in Newspaper Texts / L. F. Solovyova // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 259—264.
The role, place and certain peculiarities of applying Modern English axiological vocabulary in newspaper texts are the concern of the present paper.
Text of the article: 04slftgs.zip

Mordovets M. T.  Diagrams of Reaction Fragments Split of Nuclei of Heavier Mass by Means of Thermo Neutrons / M. T. Mordovets // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 265—274.
This article carries the diagrams displaying the most probable nuclide – the reaction fragments split of nuclei U-235 and Pu-239 by meaus of thermo neutrons and the products of the subsequent b-conversions of the fragments.
Text of the article: 04mmttne.zip

Listvan V. V.  Synthesis of New bis-a, b-Unsaturated Derivatives of 4-Methylcyclohexanone as Semiproducts for Obtaining Biologically Active Heterocycles / V. V. Listvan // Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo Pedagogichnogo Universytetu. — 2004. — ¹ 14. — P. 275—277.
A number of new bis-a, b-unsaturated ketones is obtained by condensation of 4-methylcyclohexanone with aromatic and heterocyclic aldehydes. Their physical and spectral properties are investigated; the possibility of their application for synthesis of new five-membered heterocycles – potentially biologically active compounds has been shown.
Text of the article: 04vvlbag.zip
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