Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. ISSN 2076-6173
ÂICÍÈÊ Æèòîìèðñüêîãî äåðæàâíîãî óí³âåðñèòåòó ³ìåí³ ²âàíà Ôðàíêà

Issue 52 (2010)

Dovhan A. O.  On Optimism in the Context of Leibniz’s Ideas (not only anticartesian) / A. O. Dovhan // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 3—8. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article on the bases of the works' analysis it is concluded that the difference between philosophical system of G. Leibniz gnoseological optimism and conceptual approaches of other philosophers is in the justification principle of cognitive process infinity, which is the ontological foundation of the objective world infiniteness.
Text of the article: 10daoorl.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4303

Ivanova Ê. A.  Conflict and Tolerance: Becoming of Tolerant Relations in Society / Ê. A. Ivanova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 9—12. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article the problems of becoming of tolerant relations in society are analyzed. It is shown that tolerance, preceding the variety of possibilities of development, is mortgaged in the cultural stereotypes of society. A key moment is claiming of positive character of unforeseeableness of processes in society and culture. Efficiency of forming of tolerance as pre-conditions of steady and democratic development, supposing existence of great number of possible ways of development, providing adaptiveness of the socio-cultural system in the conditions of internal and external conflicts is underlined.
Text of the article: 10ikatvs.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4363

Hanstantinov V. A.  Tolerance in a Politically Unstable Society / V. A. Hanstantinov // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 13—16. — ISSN 2076-6173.
Analysis of contradictions as sources of instability and intolerance in modern Ukrainian society is carried out. The role of the ruling elite in political instability is considered. A tolerance-building measures in the context of reforming the political system are suggested. It is proved that political tolerance in an unstable Ukrainian society on the stage of its democratic consolidation serves one of its prerequisites, a background that contributes to the necessary transformations.
Text of the article: 10hvopns.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4364

Koval T. V.  Old Age Fear Phenomenon: the Experience of Philosophical and Scientific Reflection / T. V. Koval // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 17—21. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The paper analyzes the approach to studying aging and the causes of old age fear. The study was conducted in an interdisciplinary plane, which made it possible to outline the semantic field of "old age fear."
Text of the article: 10ktvfnr.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4365

Kuchin Ya. G.  The Labour Relations in Modern Ukrainian Society / Ya. G. Kuchin // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 22—25. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article highlights the current state of labour relations in the Ukrainian society, in particular attention is paid to business development. A number of aspects of peculiarities of the modern labour relations development are identified in the paper. The need for adequate research of the modern Ukrainian business is emphasized in the article. The paper highlights the factors motivating business.
Text of the article: 10kyagus.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4366

Nazarenko M. S.  Eschatology and Futurology as Two Ways of History Prognostication / M. S. Nazarenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 26—31. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article is devoted to analysis of two ways of historical prognostication: eschatology and futurology. The essence of these two ways is discovered. Special attention is paid to determination of categorical apparatus and methods and also typology of these philosophical doctrines.
Text of the article: 10nmsspi.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4367

Atroshchenko T. O.  The Preparation of a Would-be Upbringer for Pre-school Children’s Speech Competency Development / T. O. Atroshchenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 32—35. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with pre-school children’s speech competency development and characteristics of learning courses with the help of which the work is carried out. It explains the essence of "speech competency" concept and the ways of its development. The demands as for a would-be upbringer’s professional skills are denoted in the context of pre-school children’s speech competency development.
Text of the article: 10atomkd.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4368

Vlasenko O. M.  The Development of Future Teacher’s Pedagogical Skills by Means of Situational Modeling / O. M. Vlasenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 36—39. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with specific aspects of the humanistic educational environment as a means of forming professional skills of future teachers. Modern education is aimed at preserving humanistic values, and developing tolerant attitude to them, constructing the patterns of behavior, which characterize the system of interrelations between the subjects of educational processes.
Text of the article: 10vommps.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4369

Voznyuk O. V.  Integral and System Approach to the Analysis of Pedagogical Creativity / O. V. Voznyuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 40—43. — ISSN 2076-6173.
Integral and system, synergic approach to the analysis of pedagogical creativity is grounded in the article. It is shown, that creative activity is characterized by synergic traits, therefore a creative teacher reveals the phenomenon of creative multidimensionality, when separate talent of a teacher consists of the sum of his talents, when this teacher is able to combine different cognitive strategies, styles of activity and the character's traits.
Text of the article: 10vovapt.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4370

Hryban H. V.  Role of Intersubject Connections in Molding of the Communicative Scope of Students / H. V. Hryban // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 44—47. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article is revealed the value of intersubject connections in the study of language and literature as the mean of an increase in the efficiency of the teaching of these objects. Intercommunications of language and literature are examined as the important factor of forming of communicative competence of students, enriching of dictionary supply, capture the norms of language, forming of skills to express the opinions in a verbal and writing form, and also the functions of intersubject connections are determined at teaching of language.
Text of the article: 10ggvkku.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4371

Derevyannaya L. ².  Pedagogical Conditions of Improving the Process of Development of Creativity of Future Social Workers at the University / L. ². Derevyannaya // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 48—52. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article analyzes the concept of creativity in the professional formation of social workers, examines the problem of enhancing the development of individual creativity of future social workers, characterized by an optional course "Creativity in social and educational activities" and the issue of creativity in the process of training the individual teacher in the institute.
Text of the article: 10dlispv.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4372

Dupak N. V.  Standardization in Area of Education as a Complex Problem / N. V. Dupak // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 53—57. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In article are considered the problem to standardizations of the education, importance of the educational standard as object of the designing, the necessity of a flexible approach to standard development in the field of education, with provision for domestic and international experience to standardizations. Conclusions are formulated about expedience of account at development of standards of world tendencies and domestic experience, rates of development of informative-technical revolution, results of socio-economic prognostication on national and regional levels.
Text of the article: 10dbvokp.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4373

Zablotska O. S.  Methods of Would-be Ecologists' Subject Competencies Development in the Course of "Environmental Control as One of Key Tasks of Biochemistry" Issues Teaching / O. S. Zablotska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 58—61. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article the author suggests methods of students-ecologists' subject competencies development while learning "Environmental control as one of key tasks of biochemistry" issues as a unit of "Chemistry with basic biogeochemistry" subject. The competencies-oriented content of a lecture, an independent and a laboratory work is worked out. Some methodic approaches towards a level development control of students' subject competencies in chemistry are defined.
Text of the article: 10zossek.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4374

Korinna L. V.  Pedagogical Mastery of a Teacher – the Guarantee of the Success and Vital Activity of Educational Establishment / L. V. Korinna // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 62—65. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article contains the thoughts of the author and the options of the scientists as to the role and place of the pedagogical mastery in modern educational process. The author analyses the ways and methods of its improving and on the concrete educational establishment investigates how the high level of the pedagogical mastery of its teachers promotes the formation and development of the creative student’s personality.
Text of the article: 10klvzhz.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4375

Kucheruk Î. À.  The ²ntegration of the Language Teaching Methods / Î. À. Kucheruk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 66—70. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article covers a notion of the integrative teaching method. There is analyzed advisability of the integrative approach in choosing language teaching methods as a partial manifest of the didactic integration. The ways of application of the complex approach to the modes of dealing with drills and train wing tasks in the language education framework are observed.
Text of the article: 10koamnm.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4376

Myronchuk N. M.  The Peculiarities of Vital Self-determination and Senior Schoolchildren’s Professional Intentions Formation / N. M. Myronchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 71—74. — ISSN 2076-6173.
This article deals with peculiarities of professional self-determination of youth, the role of interest and abilities in professional self-determination of schoolchildren is defined and the personality characteristics, which further favour the success of young man in professional activity are pointed out. The stages of organization of teacher's work with professional upbringing are outlined and some forms and methods of professional orientation work with pupils are mentioned.
Text of the article: 10mnmpns.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4377

Miroshnychenko O. A.  The Orientation of Future Teachers the Personality / O. A. Miroshnychenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 75—78. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article analyzes the system of socially relevant personality characteristics, analyzes the basic concepts of research. Formation of socially significant qualities of future teachers considered in the context social orientation of the individual. Dedicated components such socially important traits: social, professional and humanitarian approach, manifested in cognitive, communicative and reflective teacher areas.
Text of the article: 10moaomv.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4378

Pavlyk N. P.  Consideration of the Psychological Features of Social Orphans as a Precondition for Social Teacher Pedagogical Skills / N. P. Pavlyk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 79—82. — ISSN 2076-6173.
This article presents an analysis of psychological and educational literature on the issue of identity formation of deprived children and adolescents; generalized are the social-psychological characteristics of children development in closed orphan institutions, the priority directions of social teacher work with orphans are set.
Text of the article: 10pnpmsp.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4379

Semenets S. P.  The Problem of Developing Training in the Methodical Preparation of Future Teachers of Mathematics: Results of the Experiments / S. P. Semenets // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 83—86. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article presents the results of the experiments conducted to test the effectiveness of the developed didactics of developmental education in the methodical preparation of future teachers of mathematics; conclusions regarding the practical relevance and characteristics of the implementation of the study are made.
Text of the article: 10ssprpe.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4380

Smagin I. I.  Evaluation of the Quality of Textbooks on Jurisprudence for the 9th Grade of Secondary Schools / I. I. Smagin // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 87—91. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The problems of evaluating educational literature are discussed in the article. An approach to evaluation of the level of textbooks on jurisprudence quality from the standpoint of the requirements of the educational systems of academic subjects is suggested. The conclusion on the feasibility of using the suggested approach by the authors of textbooks and experts during the validation study of literature in teaching practice is made.
Text of the article: 10siizsh.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4381

Sulym-Karlir I. F.  Pedagogical Conditions of Self-Organizing Extracurricular Work in the Process of Learning Foreign Languages by Students of Economics / I. F. Sulym-Karlir // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 92—95. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article analyzes the domestic and foreign experience of intensive search methods and forms of work of students in extracurricular time to the effective exploitation of foreign language. We consider the pedagogical conditions for self-organizing extracurricular work in the process of learning foreign languages by students of economics.
Text of the article: 10skifes.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4382

Agapov Yu. Yu.  Methodological Bases of the Private Education in Volyn’ Region Formation and Development Problem Investigation / Yu. Yu. Agapov // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 96—101. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article the methodological bases of the private education formation and development problem investigation are presented. The peculiarities of using the principles and approaches of philosophic, general scientific and specifically-scientific methodology are considered; the expediency of their application in the research problem context is grounded.
Text of the article: 10ayuyuv.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4383

Berezenska L. I.  Methodological Skill Formation of a Future Foreign Languages Teacher through Creative Tasks / L. I. Berezenska, N. P. Sivayeva // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 102—105. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article focuses on the problem of methodological competence formation of a future English teacher. The expediency and importance of the creative tasks on the methodology of teaching foreign languages at the practical classes are analyzed and the ways of usage of these technologies in the process of higher school students’ methodological autonomy formation are characterized. Sample tasks and modes of their fulfillment are suggested.
Text of the article: 10blidkz.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4384

Gusun T. U.  The Achievements of Ukrainian Choreographic Art in the 30-70-s of the 20th Century / T. U. Gusun, N. P. Sivayeva, M. S. Guzun // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 106—109. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article the topical questions of Ukrainian choreographic art development, the creation of child ballet theatre for the children of different age in Ukrainian dance schools are analysed. The experience of the past decades and contemporary discoveries being interestingly and variegated displayed in the ballet masters' creative activity are studied.
Text of the article: 10gtuhms.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4385

Zakharchuk N. V.  Teacher Skill as a Condition of Successful Preparation of Students for Intercultural Communication / N. V. Zakharchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 110—113. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article gives the analysis of the role of cross-cultural communication in professional students’ training for international collaboration. It studies the problem of pedagogical art as the leading condition for successful training to participate in cross-cultural activities, the elements of pedagogical art and the ways to implement them in the training process.
Text of the article: 10znvsmk.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4386

Kovalenko V. A.  The Formation of Spirituality in the Process Of Extra Curricular Activity / V. A. Kovalenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 114—117. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with problems of formation of spirituality of young people, gives the definition of such notions as spirituality, distinguishes pedagogical and principles of upbringing, that provides the formation of spirituality of students in educational process with the help of Extra Curricular Activity.
Text of the article: 10kvappr.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4387

Koval M. V.  The Situation of the Problem of Didactic Training of Future Teachers on the Basis of Autonomous Learning / M. V. Koval // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 118—121. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the problem of didactic training of the future teachers on the basis of autonomous learning in modern Ukrainian high school. The didactic principles which should be used during the process of studying are figured out during this research. The ways of the improvement of didactic training of the future teachers through individualization of studying, through personally-targeted approach and autonomous learning of students are given in this article.
Text of the article: 10kmvoan.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4388

Serman L. V.  The Influence of the Technical Progress on the Communicative Skills' Formation / L. V. Serman // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 122—125. — ISSN 2076-6173.
This article is about the influence of technical progress on the formation of communicative skills of future teachers in the sphere of physical education. The role of television, internet, distant learning is analyzed. The comparison of positive and negative sides of modern technologies of learning is made. The problem of preparedness of people to the life and activity in absolutely new conditions of information society is lighted up. The attention is paid to the values of real communication.
Text of the article: 10slvfku.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4456

Tarasenko S. M.  Forming of Future Officer Culture of Non-Verbal Communication through Teaching of Humanitarian Disciplines / S. M. Tarasenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 126—129. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article focuses on the essence of non-verbal communication and basic non-verbal means used to express person’s emotional state. The author considers kinds and functions of non-verbal components of communication and their role in the communication activity, as far as there are situations, in which the speaker prefers exactly non-verbal components, as they are more compact, convenient or present the only way of delivering information.
Text of the article: 10tsmdgc.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4457

Yakovenko O. À.  Using the Experience of Folklore in Modern Education / O. À. Yakovenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 130—133. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the using of folk-lore in circumstances of modern education. The author proves the necessity of creation of corresponding circumstances and giving necessary knowledge which will help to form the folk-lore competence in upper professional level. Using a folk-lore component, we can hope for a successful work of educational system.
Text of the article: 10yaanso.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4458

Verbivsky D. S.  Peculiarities of Personnel Professional Ethics Formation / D. S. Verbivsky // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 134—138. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with some peculiarities of the foundation and development of professional ethics. The approaches of foreign scientists to the determination of sense and content of enterprises ethics are presented. The main features and demands system to the profession ethics are described. The main problems and some regularities of professional ethics are given. Presented are the general characteristics of specialist's ethic behavior. Further improving of professional ethics of managers is described.
Text of the article: 10vdspep.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4459

Hahina N. V.  Dialogue as the Basis of Manager’s Constructive Interaction in the Situation of Conflict / N. V. Hahina // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 139—142. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the study of dialogue as the basis of manager’s constructive interaction in the situation of conflict. The author considers the core characteristics of dialogue, its main principles of conducting and the necessary conditions of dialogical interaction created by the manager as a party to conflict.
Text of the article: 10gnvmsk.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4460

Dainyuk L. V.  Teacher Training During the Great Patriotic War / L. V. Dainyuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 143—147. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article on the basis of publications and archival materials the functioning of teacher training schools in 1941-1945 is considered, because at that time the system of higher education was minimized. Also the analysis of specific institutions in conditions of war is conducted, the education policy in Nazi period is characterized.
Text of the article: 10dlrvvv.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4461

Derkach O. I.  Teacher’s Preparation for Nature Protection Activity of Junior Pupils / O. I. Derkach // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 148—151. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The first scientific impressions of aesthetic perception of nature by children appear in junior school age. The life of an adult person, his attitude to environment depends upon the foundations laid by his teachers. That’s why the author analyses his experience in formation of ecological abilities and skills among junior schoolchildren.
Text of the article: 10doimsh.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4462

Ivanova S. V.  Criteria and Indicators of Biology Teachers Professional Competence in the Institutions of Postgraduate Teacher Education / S. V. Ivanova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 152—156. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In this article the basic criteria and indicators of the level of biology teachers' professional competence are defined. The influence of institutions of postgraduate education on the development of professional competence of the teacher is substantiated. The objective criteria of professionalism of teachers are selected and analyzed.
Text of the article: 10isvppo.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4463

Kotsuta A. A.  The Meaning Polycultural Determinate of the Jewish Schools Becoming in Volyn Region in the end of the 18th – the Beginning of the 19th Century / A. A. Kotsuta // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 157—160. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article the retrospective analysis of Jewish Schools becoming polycultural determinate meaning in the polylogue of cultures in Volyn region is conducted. The dynamics of growth and settling of Jewish people in Volyn region is analysed. The aspects in the sphere of Volyn educational establishments in the end of the 18th – at the beginning of the 19th century are presented.
Text of the article: 10kaapps.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4464

Kuzyakina M. L.  The Structure of Citizenship Education of Comprehensive School Pupils in Germany / M. L. Kuzyakina // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 161—165. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In article on the basis of the pedagogic literature the author's structure of citizenship education in Germany is presented; its purposes, tasks, principles and methods are found out; the comparative analysis with the Ukrainian achievements in this area is carried out.
Text of the article: 10kmlshn.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4465

Kucherenko N. V.  The Differentiation of the Qualities Influencing the Realization of the Professional-Pedagogic Activity of a Teacher / N. V. Kucherenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 166—169. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article the professional important qualities, professional significant personal qualities, professional subjective and objective qualities, professional teacher qualities are studied. All studied phenomena imply the system of individual-psychological features of a person which promote further progress of pedagogical activity and form during future teacher training.
Text of the article: 10knvpdv.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4466

Milenina Í. S.  Upbringing for Life: Socialization of a Personality in Pedagogic of S. Russova and M. Montessori / Í. S. Milenina // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. . — ISSN 2076-6173.
Recently a literary heritage of S. Russova and M. Montessori attracts an interest among the scientists and pedagogues-practitioners in Ukraine. In the article are clarified the views of the Ukrainian and Italian pedagogues on the socialization of a personality in a process of upbringing. It is placed for consideration the alternative approaches to realize the idea of socialization and upbringing. It is revealed the following question: an arrangement of an environment, principles, methods and condition which ensure the successful upbringing of a personality.
Text of the article: 10mgsprm.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4467

Nazarenko I. M.  Musical Theatre as a Means of Formation Art-Creative Potential of Junior Pupils / I. M. Nazarenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 174—178. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article was analyses an action of arts on the childs state of mind, defined peculiarits of musical and theatrical activity in a process of forming art-creative potential of young school-children, methodical recommendations towards organization of kid's opera on the basis of general educational school are presented here.
Text of the article: 10nimmsh.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4468

Sokolovska S. M.  Possibilities of Credit-Module System of Training for Realization of Professional Self-Development of Future Mathematics Teachers / S. M. Sokolovska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 179—184. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In this article the comparative analysis of educational process organization systems is made. The possibility of professional self-development tasks realization of future mathematics teachers in terms of training credit-module system is considered. The features of students training forms use in credit-modular system are analyzed.
Text of the article: 10ssmmum.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4469

Soloschenko V. M.  The Main Features of Introduction the System of Estimation the Quality of Higher Education Establishments in Germany / V. M. Soloschenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 185—190. — ISSN 2076-6173.
Genesis of concept "quality of higher education" is examined in the article. The main features of accreditation policy in Germany are outlined. The reason of institutional changes in the activity of the universities of country is defined. Interdependence of quality of university studies and international academic ratings of the world is analyzed. Maintenance of the national program of participation of universities of the country in a scientific competition "initiative of quality" is exposed. Conception of high-quality improvement of work of higher educational establishments of Germany is described.
Text of the article: 10svmdvn.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4484

Omelchenko L. F.  English Military Compounds / L. F. Omelchenko, N. P. Sivayeva, M. S. Guzun, D. V. Vasilenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 191—195. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article is dedicated to the research of military terms in the English language expressed by composite terms. Basic structural-semantical patterns of military compounds have been revealed. Some intra- and extralinguistic factors involved in the formation of lexical units in question have been researched. The article defines the role of such units in the general process of language semantic condensation.
Text of the article: 10olfavk.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4485

Glukhoman I. V.  The Philosophical Context of Roman Jakobson’s Linguistic Theories / I. V. Glukhoman // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 196—201. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article is devoted to Roman Jakobson’s linguistic conceptions in the field of slavistics and semiotics. On the basis of this analysis the mutual influence of philosophy and linguistics was proved. Modern language philosophy forming is firmly connected with Roman Jakobson’s linguistic conceptions who made the additions and specifications to Ferdinand de Saussure’s linguistic theories.
Text of the article: 10givtya.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4486

Kuznetsova G. V.  The Communicative-Pragmatic Features of Interview Texts in the Modern American Press / G. V. Kuznetsova, N. P. Sivayeva, M. S. Guzun, D. V. Vasilenko, V. V. Boleyko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 202—206. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article focuses on the communicative-pragmatic features of interview texts of the modern American press. Basic language means used with the purpose of realization of communicative intentions and pragmatic options of interview authors are defined. The structural and linguistic features of infiltrative, contaminative, amalgamative and accommodative texts of interview are investigated.
Text of the article: 10kgvsap.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4487

Podkorytova Y. P.  The Poetic Nature of Satire in the Novels by Kurt Vonnegut / Y. P. Podkorytova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 207—213. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article examines the problems and the poetic nature of satire in the novels written by an American writer Kurt Vonnegut. It focuses on the analysis of the philosophic, ideological and artistic concepts and the peculiarities of the creative work of the writer. It is stated that the dominant motif of Kurt Vonnegut's creative work is his profound concern with the enslavement of an individual in the standardized world of scientific and technical progress that inevitably results in the moral and spiritual degradation and degeneration of humanity.
Text of the article: 10poprkv.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4488

Revchuk T. I.  The Role of Semantic Macrostructures in the Realization of Manipulative Strategies in the Context of the War in Iraq / T. I. Revchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 214—217. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article focuses upon the peculiarities of the verbal influence on the recipient’s consciousness by means of semantic macrostructures. In defines a strategy of manipulative silence and a strategy of semantic textual structure within the principal macrostrategy of the manipulative interaction in the context of the war in Iraq which is based on the archetypal opposition WE – THEY.
Text of the article: 10rtikvi.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4489

Yeroshenko T. N.  To the Problem of Individual Language Picture of the Author’s World Research / T. N. Yeroshenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 218—220. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article is dedicated to one of the issues of contemporary linguistics – determination of the place of individual language picture of the author’s world in conceptual picture of the world. It also focuses on the role of individual language picture of the author’s world in the modern world. Individual language picture of the author’s world is embodied in the basic author’s concepts.
Text of the article: 10eytmks.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4490

Makovska Yu. M.  Typological Parallels in I. Frannko’s Novel "Perekhresny Stezhky" and Play "Ukradene Shchast'a" / Yu. M. Makovska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 221—224. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with typological analysis of works by Ivan Franko on the topic "female problem". The author traced the features of characters of Ann and Regina. In the article described facilities of achievement of happiness each of women. It was proved that Franko’s characters started the straggle for male and female equality.
Text of the article: 10myumif.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4492

Samochornova O. A.  Text Information Richness and Text Informativity / O. A. Samochornova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2010. — ¹ 52. — P. 225—228. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the problem of redundant textual information. It focuses upon the basic textual category of informativity and investigates factual, conceptual and implied textual information. Among the ways of information representation the article analyses the linguistic principles of economy and redundancy.
Text of the article: 10soanit.zip Link to Eprints (*.pdf): http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/4493
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