Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. ISSN 2076-6173
ÂICÍÈÊ Æèòîìèðñüêîãî äåðæàâíîãî óí³âåðñèòåòó ³ìåí³ ²âàíà Ôðàíêà

Issue 55 (2011)

Pinchuk E. A.  Human Ideal in the Education of Modern Times and under Present Problems / E. A. Pinchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 3—7. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article the author considers the features of education that shaped the ideal of personality that still exists in the present-day European educational culture. It is stated that the educational ideal of the Modern age, mainly characterized by a person's formation from the position of his/her "usage", mainly preserve its traditional meaning till the present time that proves the necessity of its transformation in the direction of humanization and universalization.
Text of the article: 11peyaps.zip

Melnichuk I. A.  Role and Psychological Readiness of Political and Intellectual Elites in the Conditions of Changing Reality: Adequate Answer for the Global Threats and Calls of the XXI Century / I. A. Melnichuk, O. Y. Melnichuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 8—14. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article is devoted to the adequate answer from the side of political and intellectual elites on the new threats and calls which expect humanity in the XXI century. The row of new calls, as authors consider, appearing today in the world in the whole and in Ukraine in particular is analyzed. The possible ways of decision of the sharpest problems are offered, including the sphere of education and training of new generations.
Text of the article: 11miazvs.zip

Polischuk O. S.  The Influence of the Myths on the Social-Political Existence / O. S. Polischuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 15—19. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article investigates the essence of the myth. The attention is concentrated on its universal functions which affect the development of social-political existence. The attempt is done to reveal on the concrete examples the subject of myths creation and the purpose of these myths in the society and in the human being.
Text of the article: 11pospbo.zip

Sabadash J. S.  Renaissance Conception in the Åugenio Garin’s Research / J. S. Sabadash // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 20—24. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article analyzes E. Garin’s research devoted to the Renaissance culture, emphasizes the distinguished role of humanism ideas and states that the most important feature of the Renaissance is the interplay and interpenetration of all spheres of culture, i.e. the synthesis of various areas of knowledge and art.
Text of the article: 11syusga.zip

Nagilenko I. A.  Logic-Structural Analysis of Individual Harmony / I. A. Nagilenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 25—34. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In this article an attempt to make a logic-structural individual’s analysis is made. The components of the individual's structure are disclosed. Also an attempt to find the optimal correlation of the individual’s structure components is made. This will allow approaching to the understanding of the harmony.
Text of the article: 11niaaig.zip

Gudzenko I. O.  Holiness as an Aesthetic Ideal within the Limits of Orthodox Culture / I. O. Gudzenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 35—39. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article investigates the holiness phenomenon as an aesthetic ideal within the limits of orthodox culture, analyzes the problem of selection of an aesthetic ideal in general and holiness as an aesthetic ideal in particular in the cîntext and various spiritual, moral and aesthetic necessities of the Ukrainian society in the conditions of cultural present time.
Text of the article: 11geyopk.zip

Dupak V. G.  Historical and Philosophical Aspects of the Formation of "Virtual Reality" / V. G. Dupak // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 40—43. — ISSN 2076-6173.
This article investigates the historical and philosophical aspects of the formation of "virtual reality" in order to develop the conceptual apparatus of the phenomenon of virtual reality and consider the ratio of the key concepts of the phenomenon of virtual reality. The main essential and categorical characteristics of the notion "virtual reality" are pointed out.
Text of the article: 11dvgpvr.zip

Marasyuk S. S.  Modelling of the Ñontemporary Ukrainian Statehood Development Taking into Account Ethnonational Complexity of Society / S. S. Marasyuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 44—49. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article the importance of use of social and political processes modelling in the state-building is substantiated. Ethnonational bases of the contemporary Ukrainian statehood formation are analyzed. The attempt of perspective models constructing of the contemporary Ukrainian statehood is realized. It is proved that unitary model which is characterized by the balance of power centralization and democratic representation of citizens completely corresponds to the circumstances of the development of Ukraine.
Text of the article: 11mssess.zip

Antonova O. Ye.  Senior High Students' Investigative Skills Development by Means of Small Academy of Sciences (Based on the Experience of the Pupils' Scientific Society "Erudite" in Ovruch Comprehensive School I-III Levels ¹ 3) / O. Ye. Antonova, O. Y. Melnichuk, A. V. Yakimenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 50—53. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article analyzes the modern approaches, determining pupils' investigative skills essence and structures. On the grounds of scientific society "Erudite" experience in Ovruch comprehensive school I-III levels ¹ 3 the authors specify effective forms and methods of pupils' participation in the scientific research and the teacher's influence on the work efficiency.
Text of the article: 11aoeysz.zip

Bereka V. Ye.  Genesis of Scientific Views on the Problem of Management Competence / V. Ye. Bereka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 54—57. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article views the evolution of the development of the concept "management competence" as a base for the development of modern views system towards this issue. Formation stages of scientific views regarding management system are pointed out. The essence of the notion "management competence" as well as the requirements concerning management are determined.
Text of the article: 11bveyuk.zip

Erfort Yu. A.  Ìåòîäè÷í³ àñïåêòè êîíòðîëþ çíàíü ñòóäåíò³â íà îñíîâ³ òåçàóðóñíîãî ï³äõîäó / Yu. A. Erfort, O. Y. Melnichuk, A. V. Yakimenko, control. Test control is viewed as a form of knowledge control, which corresponds entirely to the determined requirements. Erfort I. Yu. Methodical Aspects of Students' Knowledge Control on the Grounds of Thesaurus Approach. Methodological foundations of students' content education control in terms of knowledge control get further development. On the basis of thesaurus approach preconditions, requirements are determined for students' academic progress objective // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 58—61. — ISSN 2076-6173.
ijñòàëè ïîäàëüøîãî ðîçâèòêó ìåòîäè÷í³ îñíîâè óïðàâë³ííÿ çì³ñòîì íàâ÷àííÿ ñòóäåíò³â â ÷àñòèí³ êîíòðîëþ çíàíü. Íà îñíîâ³ òåçàóðóñíîãî ï³äõîäó âèçíà÷åíî ïåðåäóìîâè òà ñôîðìóëüîâàíî âèìîãè, íåîáõ³äí³ äëÿ îá’ºêòèâíîãî êîíòðîëþ óñï³øíîñò³ íàâ÷àëüíî¿ ä³ÿëüíîñò³ ñòóäåíòà. Òåñòîâèé êîíòðîëü ðîçãëÿíóòî ÿê ôîðìó êîíòðîëþ çíàíü, ÿêà íàéá³ëüøå â³äïîâ³äຠçàçíà÷åíèì âèìîãàì.
Text of the article: 11eyuytp.zip

Zablotska O. S.  Substance Characteristics' Chain as a Methodological Problem in Chemistry / O. S. Zablotska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 62—66. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article states results of historical analysis of methodological approaches towards substance study in the course of chemistry made on the workbooks and books of learning and methodological character as well as curricula for secondary and higher schools, theses and scientific articles. Substance characteristics order relevant to modern scientific level is denoted. Expediency of such characteristics is substantiated.
Text of the article: 11zosmep.zip

Kapchenko L. M.  Modelling Foundations in the Management of the Vocational Schools / L. M. Kapchenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 67—70. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article justifies theoretically the ways of forming new management models and their implementation into the vocational schools. The structure and forms of the methodical work in the vocational schools are presented. The algorithm of modelling management plans in the methodical work structure in the vocational schools is established.
Text of the article: 11klmtnz.zip

Kulchytskyj V. Y.  National-Educational Potential of Rebellion’s Art in the First Half of the XX Century / V. Y. Kulchytskyj // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 71—74. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article elucidates the role of national-educational potential of rebellion’s art in the formation of self-awareness of the young generation of Ukraine, opens up the essence of the concept" insurgent creation", characterizes rebellion’s art of the organizations of national direction and national-liberation poetry of sichovykh striltsiv; analyzes educational and personal approach in the poetical inheritance of the representatives of poetry of resistance.
Text of the article: 11kvypps.zip

Ovcharov S. M.  Development of Future Teachers’ Creativity in Computer Studies in the Process of Performing Individual Tasks / S. M. Ovcharov // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 75—78. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article covers different approaches to the definition of a person’s creativity and the description of the possible ways of development in the process of professional computer science teachers' training while students are performing individual tasks. The opportunities of credit-unit education system in the process of future teachers' creativity development are disclosed.
Text of the article: 11osmviz.zip

Oliynyk L. V.  Achievement Motivation as a Condition of Prospective Masters' Efficiency Learning Upgrading in Military Universities / L. V. Oliynyk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 79—83. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article investigates efficiency learning upgrading mechanisms by activating future masters' achievement motivation in military universities. The theoretical basis of pedagogic learning motivational aspects is determined. The notions "motive", "motivation"," needs for effective learning achievement" are examined. The interrelation between aims and future masters' learning motives in military universities is established.
Text of the article: 11olvmvu.zip

Pastovenskyi O. V.  The Monitoring of the Tendencies of Secondary Education Management System Development / O. V. Pastovenskyi // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 84—87. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The methodology of monitoring of the tendencies of secondary education management system development is offered in the article – from state to state-public, public-state, public models based on the defining the coefficients and ranges of influence of public factors on the components of administrative cycle – minimum, minoritarity, parity, dominant, maximal.
Text of the article: 11povzso.zip

Ratynska O. N.  Social-Pedagogical Correction of Accentuated Juveniles’ Social Deviations / O. N. Ratynska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 88—93. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the modern theoretical approaches towards the problem of accentuated juveniles' social deviations, analyzes the content of social-pedagogical work with this category of people. In the article two classifications of character accentuation types are analyzed. The research results can be used by psychology students, social pedagogues, teachers and parents while working with accentuated juveniles, trying to reduce or, at best, eradicate negative phenomena, leading to the character accentuations.
Text of the article: 11romvap.zip

Semenchuk Yu. O.  The Criteria of Selecting Authentic Professional Texts in Teaching English for Professional Communication Students Who are Major in Economics / Yu. O. Semenchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 94—97. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the problems of authentic texts selection to provide effectiveness of teaching English for students professional communication students who are major in Economics. Having analyzed the latest researches and considered the professional needs of future specialists, the criteria of selecting educational material have been suggested.
Text of the article: 11syuoam.zip

Scherba N. S.  Learning and Communicative Strategies and Techniques Catalogue in a Would-be Foreign Language Teacher's Professional Development / N. S. Scherba // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 98—102. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article the author analyzes some reasons for insufficient pupils' progress while learning foreign languages and suggests ways of improving the situation, key words' definitions are given ("a strategy in a foreign language acquisition", "memory-related strategy", "cognitive, compensatory, metacognitive, social, social-affective, affective strategies"), extracts from the catalogue of learning and communicative strategies and techniques in a foreign language learning are suggested.
Text of the article: 11schncm.zip

Glazunova L. Î.  Aesthetical Education of Young People by Means of Ukrainian Ethnopedagogics / L. Î. Glazunova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 103—106. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article presents the use of means and methods of Ukrainian Ethnopedagogics in the youth aesthetical education, the specific features of their usage in the process of personality’s culture level increase. The main ideas of ancient sources referred to the ethnopedagogical knowledge are discovered here. The attention is drawn to the effectiveness of teaching and education of young generation based on the fundamental ethnopedagogical knowledge.
Text of the article: 11glosze.zip

Dudchak G. I.  The Problem of Pedagogic Management of Future Teachers' Independent Work in the Scientific and Pedagogic Literature / G. I. Dudchak // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 107—111. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article analyzes the genesis history of pedagogic management of future teachers' independent work in the scientific pedagogic literature. The principal periods of the investigated problem formation such as pre-Soviet, Soviet and modern are defined. The tendencies of each period are revealed. The essence of definitions, outstripping the establishment of the notion "pedagogic management of future teachers' independent work" is investigated.
Text of the article: 11dginpl.zip

Kolos K. R.  The Main Psychological and Pedagogical Prerequisites of Teacher’s Professional Competences Development in Distance Learning / K. R. Kolos // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 112—115. — ISSN 2076-6173.
Teacher’s professional development has been studied and analyzed in the article. The main psychological and pedagogical prerequisites of teacher’s professional competences development in distance learning have been determined on every stage of teacher’s professional development. The tutor’s role in providing rational introduction of distance learning in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education is highlighted.
Text of the article: 11kkrudn.zip

Kotlovyi S. A.  The Influence of Social Status on the Person’s Conflict Behaviour / S. A. Kotlovyi // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 116—120. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article is devoted to the influence of social status on the person’s conflict behaviour. The author raises the problem of assumption and performance of social roles. The types and importance of social roles in an individual's life are considered. The types of the conflict behaviour depending on the performance of social roles and also the ways of conflict behaviour preventive measures are displayed.
Text of the article: 11ksakpl.zip

Orlova O. A.  Andragogical Aspect of Teachers' Preparation in the System of Postgraduate Education / O. A. Orlova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 121—125. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article considers the essence of Andragogy as the science about grown-ups' teaching and education. The route of Andragogy as an independent science in the Pedagogy is traced. The necessity of andragogical approach in the course of teachers' academic process organization in the system of postgraduate education is justified.
Text of the article: 11ooaspo.zip

Grebin-Krushelnytska N. U.  The Synthesis of the Methodological Approaches on the Problem of Professional Self-Realization of Future Workers of Internal Affairs / N. U. Grebin-Krushelnytska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 126—130. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article is devoted to the methodological aspects of studying the problem of military student's professional personality self-realization. Methodological approaches for analyzing the phenomenon of military students' professional personality self-realization are determined. The sense of systematic, subject-active, synergetic, anthropological approaches is analyzed. The synthesis of the above mentioned approaches together with the ideas of the acmeological approach is carried out.
Text of the article: 11gknyus.zip

Avramenko S. R.  The Peculiarities of Time Movement in Toni Morrison's Novel "Beloved" / S. R. Avramenko, O. Y. Melnichuk, A. V. Yakimenko, control. Test control is viewed as a form of knowledge control, which corresponds entirely to the determined requirements. Erfort I. Yu. Methodical Aspects of Students' Knowledge Control on the Grounds of Thesaurus Approach. Methodological foundations of students' content education control in terms of knowledge control get further development. On the basis of thesaurus approach preconditions, requirements are determined for students' academic progress objective, T. V. Cherepovska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 131—134. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article is devoted to the investigation of the factors, which contribute to either acceleration or slowing down the fictional time movement in Toni Morrison’s novel "Beloved". Time described and time experienced are considered separately. Accordingly, 3 groups of language means were distinguished into those denoting: slowing down of both time described and time experienced (7 means); slowing down time described and acceleration of time experienced (5 means); acceleration of both time described and time experienced (5 means).
Text of the article: 11asrtmu.zip

Bashmanivskyi O. L.  The Lexical-Semantic and Grammar Peculiarities of the Adjective White in English Language / O. L. Bashmanivskyi // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 135—139. — ISSN 2076-6173.
This article investigates the lexical-semantic and grammar peculiarities of the adjective white in English, on the grounds of American and English writers’ classical texts. The most common phraseological units that include this koloronim are analyzed and the most significant ties with nouns are investigated. The translation peculiarities of this adjective into Ukrainian are determined.
Text of the article: 11bolwam.zip

Vyshyna M. Y.  The Paradigm of Key Notions of Mythological Analysis of Literary Text / M. Y. Vyshyna // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 140—143. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article the key notions of mythological analysis of literary text – "myth", "mythem", "myhtologem", "archetype", "legend" – are marked out and characterized. The author also distinguishes the main components of mythological adoption such as image, motive, plot and points out the variability character of their adoption. The author’s methodology of mythological analysis of literary text is suggested.
Text of the article: 11vmyuht.zip

Gaiduchenko L. V.  The German Mindset in the Stable Figurative Comparatives / L. V. Gaiduchenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 144—147. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article investigates German stable figurative comparatives in terms of their participation in the formation of national ethnical mindset. Figurative comparatives are analyzed from the perspective of the comparative process as the important mental operation by determining the main codes that are of current concern for the German language picture of the world and extracting the conceptual notion of investigated language units.
Text of the article: 11glvsop.zip

Yevchenko A. V.  The Problem of Modern Man's Estrangement in M. Frisch's Trilogy / A. V. Yevchenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 148—152. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article focuses on M. Frisch's intellectual novels "Schtiller", "Homo Faber", "Let my name be Gantenbein" within the context of existential concepts. The last novel is analyzed from the point of view of the author’s investigation of subject-object and subject-subject relations in communication, bringing about the disclosure of modern man's phenomenon in the western post-industrial society conditions.
Text of the article: 11eyovtf.zip

Kogut O. V.  Symbolically-Rendered Images in the Modern Ukrainian Drama / O. V. Kogut // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 153—157. — ISSN 2076-6173.
This article continues the cycle of author's publications in the exploration of plot archetypes and characters in the modern national drama. In this article the peculiarities of neobaroque plots stylization are analyzed in the modern Ukrainian drama. The author studies the initiation model, the archetypes of Hero, Wise Old Man, Self, Anima and Shadow in the plot of A. Vyshnevskyi's play "Mamai and the Keys to Heaven".
Text of the article: 11kovsud.zip

Matushek Î. Yu.  Holy Trinity in the Ukrainian Baroque Sermon / Î. Yu. Matushek // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 158—162. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article considers the representation methods of Holy Trinity in the Ukrainian Baroque sermon in the second half of the XVII century. The sources of the problem became the issue-related sermons of Lazar Baranovych and Antoniy Radyvylovskyi. The baroque ecclesiasts use the theory of acute mind, analogies, illustrations, examples and devotional formulas for disclosure one of the most mysterious articles of faith.
Text of the article: 11moyubp.zip

Yurchuk O. O.  Anticolonialism in Lesya Ukrainka’s Works (àfter a Dramatic Poem "Boyarynya") / O. O. Yurchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 163—166. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The subject of the article is the analysis of the phenomenon of anti-colonialism in Lesya Ukrainka’s works. The poetess defends not only the necessity of Ukrainians’ national liberation but also refers to the opposition of Russian colonial discourse. Taking into account this problem, great attention is paid to the poem "Boyarynya", where the poetess tests national modernism narrative and expresses her anticolonial position.
Text of the article: 11yuoopb.zip

Vygivsky V. L.  The Ideographic Parametrization of Military Homophrases / V. L. Vygivsky // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 167—172. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article on the basis of the modern lexicographical materials the author suggests a thematic classification of military homophrases with the aim of their ideographic parametrization. The military discourse is considered as an actual context of functioning homophrases. The ideographic parametrization of military homophrases distinguishes a considerable number of thematic groups, the vast majority of which serve the professional communication of military men and enter the kernel zone of the military discourse. The homophrases of peripherical zone of this discourse type ensure an indirect relation with a professional activity of servicemen.
Text of the article: 11vvlpvo.zip

Hyryn O. V.  Functional and Pragmatic Aspects of the English Unbound Reflexive Anaphors / O. V. Hyryn // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 173—176. — ISSN 2076-6173.
Functional and pragmatic aspects of the use of unbound reflexive anaphors in English have been studied in the article. It has been proved that the usage of a reflexive pronoun in the position where a personal pronoun can occur, performs the following pragmatic tasks: perspective interpretation, contrastive emphasis, specified reference, illustrating reference, unpretentious positioning.
Text of the article: 11govvza.zip

Yevchenko N. V.  Intertextuality as a Means of Text Organization in P. S?sskind’s Post-Modernism Novel: "Perfume. The History of a Murderer" / N. V. Yevchenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 177—182. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article the S?sskind’s novel is regarded as an intertext in which the popular genres of mass culture are ironically reconsidered. The romantic code is used through stylization together with the presence of a number of world's literature classics’ models. The peculiarities of the work style according to the artistic principle of literary game were analyzed.
Text of the article: 11eynvov.zip

Matyushenko O. M.  The Peculiar Features of News Discourse Functioning in World Wide Web / O. M. Matyushenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 183—186. — ISSN 2076-6173.
This article deals with predominant conceptions of discourse and its typologó, focusing on polyparadigmatic character of modern Linguistics. Having analyzed Internet news discourse, we described its characteristic features and structural and semantic peculiarities.
Text of the article: 11momnmi.zip

Feshchenko O. V.  Communicative Situations as Constituents of American Investigators' Discourse / O. V. Feshchenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 187—190. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the analysis of communicative situations constituting the discourse of American investigators. The relevant situational factors are defined as the basis for working out the communicative situations of the conceptual models. The list of typical ones is presented, the definition of others as secondary or additional is grounded.
Text of the article: 11fovdas.zip

Hrabivska H. I.  Ivan Franko’s Participation in Foreign Encyclopedic Publications: the Article "Ukrainians" / H. I. Hrabivska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 191—195. — ISSN 2076-6173.
Ivan Franko’s synthetic historical and literary work "Ukrainians" has been analyzed in the article. It deals with the author's views on the uniqueness of ancient Ukrainian literature, its national identity. The general principles and features in the development of the earliest Ukrainian literature in Franko’s conception are deduced.
Text of the article: 11ggivsu.zip

Kapanajko I. J.  Debate on the Ukrainian Language Spelling Formation in Ivan Franko’s Interpretation (on the pages of the newspaper "Kurjer Lwowski") / I. J. Kapanajko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 196—201. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article envisages Ivan Franko’s considerations dealing with Ukrainian language spelling system formation in the magazine "Kurjer Lwowski". On the material of the newspaper articles and notes, translated into Ukrainian, linguistic problems of those days are analyzed in Ukrainians’ life and publicist’s clear standpoint is shown in the debate regarding the phonetic and etymologic spelling. Writer’s statements prospects for the development of modern linguistics are determined.
Text of the article: 11kiyakl.zip

Kovrigina L. M.  Historically- Biographical Prose by Zinaida Tulub (on the materials the novel "In the Vast Steppe Beyond the Urals") / L. M. Kovrigina // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 202—206. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article envisages the writer's achievements in the genre of historical-biographical prose. On the grounds of reliable facts and artistic fiction comparison, Zinaida Tulub creates highly artistic novel about Taras Shevchenko's deportation in the Cossack's steppe. The author of the article investigates innovative features of the novel and Zinaida Tulub's contribution to the research of Shevchenko's works.
Text of the article: 11klmpzt.zip

Myslyva-Bun’ko I. Ya.  Compound Words in the Printed Mass-Media Language of the XXI century / I. Ya. Myslyva-Bun’ko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 207—211. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article examines various structural types of compound words - composites, juxtapositions, abbreviations; defines functions of common, colloquial, loan, personal author’s complex lexemes in the language of newspapers. Stylistic features of complex derivatives in the logical informative and standard rational speech of modern printed mass-media such as expressivity, emotionality, evaluation, creation of images, characterization, lyricism and irony are discovered.
Text of the article: 11mbiyas.zip

Oksen L. E.  "Wieland, or, the Transformation" by Charles Brockden Brown: American Development of European Gothic Fiction / L. E. Oksen // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 212—214. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article analyzes transformation peculiarities of European gothic tradition in the American prose of the XVIII century on the basis of Brockden Brown’s "Wieland". Generally avoiding the political implication of the German Gothic Fiction and moralization of the British one, Brown emphasized the psychological state of a character, seeing Gothic not in the supernatural phenomena, but in the person’s distorted perception.
Text of the article: 11oleyeg.zip

Ruban V. O.  The Problem of Interpretation of the Notion "Anglicism" and the Categorization of English Borrowings in the French Linguistics / V. O. Ruban // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 215—219. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with different approaches to the problem of categorization of English borrowings. The differentiation of anglicisms according to the character of changes is made. Special attention is paid to the differences in interpretation of the notion "anglicism" by French linguists.
Text of the article: 11rvozfm.zip

Tavrina O. V.  Antonymy Analysis: Problems and Perspectives / O. V. Tavrina // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 220—224. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article focuses on the notion of antonymy as viewed by systemic-structural, speech-functional and integrative approaches. The status of antonymic relations carriers is modified, the characteristic features of antonyms as language/speech units are systematically described, the adequacy of treating word meaning in terms of integrative language theory, involving the notion of discourse, is argued. The categorical features of antonyms are determined, proceeding from the criteria of the presence / absence of negation formal expression and the contextual factors influence.
Text of the article: 11tovapp.zip

Yasrteblyanska M. V.  Developmental History of China's Linguistic Tradition / M. V. Yasrteblyanska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2011. — ¹ 55. — P. 225—228. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article summarizes the conception and development of Chinese linguistic tradition, Sinology as a new study about China, and Chinese language. By showing the interest in the research of the Chinese language simultaneously by Western and Chinese scholars, it evaluates what changes occurred inside the country, especially from the beginning of 19th century to present days.
Text of the article: 11yamvtp.zip
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