Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. ISSN 2076-6173
ÂICÍÈÊ Æèòîìèðñüêîãî äåðæàâíîãî óí³âåðñèòåòó ³ìåí³ ²âàíà Ôðàíêà

Issue 62 (2012)

Pavlenko O. O.  The Technological Component of the Customs Officers' Communicative Competence Model Formation / O. O. Pavlenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 3—7. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article considers the technological component of the customs officers' communicative competence model formation, which is implemented through the integrated informational and communicative technology. It is proved that this technology provides the organic combination of the modern informative communicative and PR-means with the traditional forms of the interpersonal interaction and it is based on the competence approach, the contents integration of the professional and human orientation, the accountability of an officer's personal communicative experience, the organization of his self-training.
Text of the article: 12poocmf.zip

Kukharchuk P. M.  Management Innovations in Education / P. M. Kukharchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 8—11. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article analyzes the management innovations in education in France, Russia and mechanisms for their implementation by educational institutions in Ukraine (in Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University). The financial support mechanism is grounded for innovative educational projects, programmes and grants by the state and regional authorities. It is determined that the perspective innovational technologies in the region's educational management are those that can qualitatively solve challenges between the old system and the needs in the qualitatively new education, the essential feature of which is its ability to influence on the general level of the teacher's professional activity, expand the innovational field of the educational environment in the educational establishment, region.
Text of the article: 12kpmiie.zip

Babeliuk O. A.  Chronotop Transformations in the Process of the Text Formation: from Dialogue to Cacophony / O. A. Babeliuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 12—16. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the main features of the postmodern chronotop and its stylistic transformations in the process of the postmodern text formation. It also focuses on the notion of dialogism from the point of view of the post-structuralism and the notion of the dialogisity from the point of view of the postmodern poetics. The dialogisity is treated as a stylistic and compositional device found mainly in the postmodern literary text. The article also focuses on its different displays distinguished in the postmodern literary text.
Text of the article: 12boadtc.zip

Bekhta I. A.  Target Studies of the Language Experimentation in the English Fiction of the XX Century: Endophasy Indirect Speech / I. A. Bekhta // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 17—21. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the analysis of the endophasy (inner) indirect speech in the English fiction of the XX century. The background of the language cleavage between the internal (unuttered) and the external (uttered) forms of direct, the indirect and the free-indirect speech can be traced back to their functional and psychological interaction which is rooted into the genetic dependency of the inner speech from the external speech, as because the inner speech is defined as the language activity inside the translation in the reduced form.
Text of the article: 12biaeis.zip

Oguy A. D.  The Linguistic Theory of Sign Under the Epistemological Aspect / A. D. Oguy // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 22—25. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the theory of the sign which was worked out by A. A. Biletskyi, in modern linguistics, released on the postnon-classical stage of the development. This theory is traditionally, due to F. de Saussure, the dychotomic one, because it is based on the non-classical opposition and the combination of the form and contents. Within the new concept of the Maturana & Varela’s postnon-classic linguistic system, the author suggests the introduction of the third, the functional aspect of the linguistic sign as the rules of its use. Such an approach allows optimally to analyze (on the basis of the sign-symbol) phenomena of pragmatics, linguistic culture studies, literature, etc.
Text of the article: 12oadtea.zip

Andreichuk N. I.  The Contribution of Different Subdivisions of Linguistics into the Lingual Semiotic Research of Parliamentary Acts / N. I. Andreichuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 26—29. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the lingual semiotic research of the parliamentary act. The latter is defined as a repeated functional and semantic unity of the lingual signs possessing the systemic organization and brought to life by the social institution of the parliament. The semiotic approach to the parliamentary act research is viewed as the procedure of studying mechanisms involved in the interpretation of different act components. It is substantiated that the achievements of the political linguistics, lingual cultural studies, cognitive studies and the theory of speech acts are important for the parliamentary act in the lingual semiotic dimension.
Text of the article: 12anirpa.zip

Bekhta T. O.  The Genre Frames of the Classical Detective / T. O. Bekhta // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 30—33. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the stereotypical narrative structure and characters of the classical detective which are determined by the conditions of the genre. The stereotypical genre concepts of the classical detective are reproduced through the cognitive models – frames. On the example of the genre frames construction of the A. Christie’s novel "The Pale Horse" its correspondence to the prototype is shown and its genre individuality is identified because the hierarchically built detective narration in every single case is being developed in an individual manner.
Text of the article: 12btotcd.zip

Boitsan L. F.  The Linguocognitive Aspect of the Appositive Constructions Functioning in the Verbalization of the Image Space of the Modern English Poetry and the Problems of Translation / L. F. Boitsan // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 34—36. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the mechanism analysis of the appositive constructions functioning in the poetic text through the prism of the cognitive approach to the analysis of linguistic phenomena. Thorough attention is paid to the appositive constructions which are represented by the conceptual metaphors as the article regards a metaphor as one of the means of realization of addressee’s presence in the poetic text. The analysis of the semantic cognitive peculiarities of the concepts LIFE and DEATH in the modern English writers' poetic works is carried out.
Text of the article: 12blfpot.zip

Vanina G. V.  Discursive Ways of PR Communication Verbalization in the Framing Structure of the Concept PR / ϲÀÐ / ÏÈÀÐ / G. V. Vanina // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 37—40. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The problem of the concept PR / ϲÀÐ / ÏÈÀÐ existence is examined as the part of the frame organization of the communicative situation. The semantic analysis of words for the mediator in the PR-communication verbalization is given. Models are proposed for the formation of nominations in the lexical semantical group 'names of persons who are engaged in the transmission of information'. Their general and specific features of the language and discursive realization are presented on the examples of English, Ukrainian and Russian periodicals.
Text of the article: 12vgvppp.zip

Vorontsova N. G.  The Verbalization Means of the Presence Category as the Component of the Conceptual Model of Time in the English Language Discourse / N. G. Vorontsova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 41—44. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the analysis of the lingual means of actualization the temporal category of presence as a component of the conceptual model of time in the English language discourse. It provides the analysis of the peculiarities of this model realization the in the various communicative contexts. The essence of the temporality category has been revealed in the English language discourse, and the set of this category’s functional markers has been differentiated and systematized. The differentiation is grounded on the functional semantic field model of presence, with its subdivision into the nucleus, pre-nucleus and peripheral (marginal) spaces.
Text of the article: 12vngeld.zip

Garmash O. L.  The Fractal Structure of the Modern English Vocabulary / O. L. Garmash // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 45—50. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article focuses on those key problems of the English vocabulary development, which have a direct relation to the detection of fractal linguistic phenomena with the help of both cognitive and synergetic interpretation. In this work, the author’s view on the conceptual system in the fractal interpretation is proposed. The basic principles of organizing and maintaining the balance within the conceptosystem are considered. It is concluded that the conceptosystem of the English language exists and develops according to the general laws of the fractal symmetry and self-similarity. In addition, the perspectives of the cognitive research of the English vocabulary development are grounded in the paper.
Text of the article: 12golmev.zip

Derba S. M.  Problems of Ranking and Terms Formation / S. M. Derba // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 51—54. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with two actual problems in the field of the modern Ukrainian terminology, namely, problems of terms formation and principles of their standardization. The question concerning the investigation and systematization of the Ukrainian terminology is of key-importance due to the widening of application spheres of the computer linguistics. Foundations of allocation of terms are analyzed in the article. Problems of adoption, synonymy, antonyms, ambiguity, polysemy are examined in the article.
Text of the article: 12dsmatf.zip

Yemets' O. V.  The Stylistic Convergence in the Fiction Text: the Pragmatic and Conceptual Aspects / O. V. Yemets' // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 55—58. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article is devoted to the investigation of stylistic convergence types in prose and poetical texts of the British and American writers. The special attention is paid to the stylistic convergences in the detective and science fiction texts by A. Christie, F. Forsyth, R. Bradbury. The major types of convergence are tropeic-phonetical and tropeic-syntactical. It is discovered that convergences give poetry to the prose and their components have particularly the conceptual character. The peculiarities of rendering convergences in poetry are considered, including the use of compensation and some change of the poetical matter.
Text of the article: 12yovaca.zip

Yesypenko N. G.  The Notional Element of the Concept "Gentlemanliness" Structure / N. G. Yesypenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 59—63. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the notional element of the conceptual structure of the cultural concept "gentlemanliness". The analysis of the dictionary definitions serves as a scientific tool for the notional element differentiation. The intensional and the implicational parts of the lexeme meaning which verbalizes the concept have been analyzed. The conclusions are drawn about a detailed indication of the semantic features of the lexeme "gentleman" in the dictionaries. The meaning of the lexeme has been extended by new semes while the image of a gentleman expanded in the minds of language bearers. The nuclear-periphery model of the notional element of the concept has been elaborated.
Text of the article: 12yngccs.zip

Ivanyts'ka M. L.  "Selves" and "Others" in the Theory of Translation and within the Structure of the Translator's Language Identity / M. L. Ivanyts'ka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 64—67. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article presents the characteristics of "alterity" / "unfamiliarity" as the significant heuristic concepts in the philosophy and cultural studies. It also defines the traits of alterity relevant to the translation science from the different aspects. The source language is alien to the recipient, whereas the cultural identity of the source, its literary tradition, and author's world view are alien to the translator. Some groups of translators are classified within the field of Ukrainian-German translation having different correlation of selves and others in the structure of their language identity, which depends on the conditions that shape the multicultural constituent part of their personalities, such as their national origin, domicile or education.
Text of the article: 12imltli.zip

Ivakhnenko A. A.  Profanity (Swearing) Lexicon in English and the Way of its Translation into Russian and Ukrainian / A. A. Ivakhnenko, T. O. Diakova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 68—70. — ISSN 2076-6173.
This article deals with the problems of profanity (swearing) lexicon translation into Russian and Ukrainian. The analysis of the translations of Chuck Palahniuk’s novels has been made ("Tell All", "Fight Club", "Invisible Monsters", "Rant: A Biography of Buster Casey", "Stranger than Fiction") taking into account the above mentioned aspect The main morphologic, semantic and textual expressivity levels have been identified in the Ukrainian and Russian variants of the text (reduced, negative and neutral).
Text of the article: 12iaadto.zip

Kiyko S. V.  Homophones in the Modern German / S. V. Kiyko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 71—75. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the analysis of homophones of the modern German. Their quantitative and qualitative structures are analyzed, the reasons of their occurrence are established and their speech part, phonetic and morphological typologies are found out. Among 190 homophonic paradigms 82 are formed of the words of the one part of speech and 108 consist of homophones of different parts of speech. The occurrence reason of lexical homophones is the coincidence in the phonetic development of genetically various words, lexico-grammatical and grammatical homophones – morphological modifications in one of the components of homophonic groups.
Text of the article: 12ksvtmg.zip

Kiyko Yu. Ye.  German and Ukrainian Newspaper Articles in the Information Aspect / Yu. Ye. Kiyko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 76—81. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the comparative analysis of the German and Ukrainian newspaper articles in the information aspect on the materials of two leading daily newspapers. By the comparison of parallel texts in the different linguacultural discourses features of information giving of one event on the macro- and microlevels are found out. The German newspaper article focuses on the neutral information illumination for the easy recåption. For the Ukrainian newspaper article difficult analytical passages are characteristic which complicate the understanding of this newspaper genre.
Text of the article: 12kyuyea.zip

Koziarevych L. V.  The Ethnic Fascination in the Context of the International Communication Theory / L. V. Koziarevych // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 82—85. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the ethnic fascination through the spectrum of the international communication theory. The ethnic fascination is defined as a set of expressive features of a certain culture aimed at attracting attention, evading, fascinating, manipulating. A complex of attractive behaviour stereotypes developed in the course of the historical progress, is reflected in the language forms. In the investigation it is postulated that the ethnic fascination is factual and crucial in the aspect of the successful intercourse of the international communication. In the work the notion of ethnic fascination is identified, the patterns of the communicative behaviour of representatives of different linguocultures which are fascinative are analyzed.
Text of the article: 12klvict.zip

Kostusiak N. M.  Classification Foundations for the Grammatical Categories Study / N. M. Kostusiak // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 86—89. — ISSN 2076-6173.
In the article a comprehensive study of the grammatical categories of the Ukrainian language is carried out; the state of the development and the main directions of the research on this problem at the present stage are analyzed; the system of the classification features that underlie the selection of the analyzed linguistic phenomena is described; the two sides of grammatical categories (the presence of the content and formal features) are specified; these units according to the level of the language system are considered; the categorical features against the background of association with the parts of speech are traced.
Text of the article: 12knmgcs.zip

Lazarenko O. O.  The Lexical-Morphological Word-Formation Mode of Idiomatic Derivatives in the Modern German / O. O. Lazarenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. Ó ñòàòò³ äîñë³äæåíî ëåêñèêî—ìîðôîëîã³÷íèé ñïîñ³á âèíèêíåííÿ îäíîñë³âíèõ îäèíèöü òðåòèííî¿ íîì³íàö³¿ íà îñíîâ³ ôðàçåîëîã³çì³â í³ìåöüêî¿ ìîâè; âñòàíîâëåíî éîãî ïðîäóêòèâí³ñòü; âèâ÷åíî ñòðóêòóðíî—ñëîâîòâ³ðí³ îñîáëèâîñò³ äåôðàçåîëîã³÷íèõ äåðèâàò³â, à òàêîæ ôàêòîðè, ùî âèçíà÷àþòü âèá³ð êîìïîíåíòà òâ³ðíî¿ îäèíèö³ ÿê îñíîâè ïîäàëüøîãî ñëîâîòâîðåííÿ; ïðîàíàë³çîâàíî ïðèíöèïè âçàºìî䳿 äåôðàçåîëîã³÷íèõ äåðèâàò³â ³ç áàçîâèìè ôðàçåîëîã³çìàìè òà îäíîêîðåíåâèìè ëåêñè÷íèìè îäèíèöÿìè, ùî óòâîðèëèñÿ â ðåçóëüòàò³ äåôðàçåîëîã³÷íî¿ äåðèâàö³¿; îêðåñëåíî øëÿõè ïîäàëüøèõ äîñë³äæåíü.. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article studies the lexical-morphological word-formation mode of the lexical units based on the German idiomatic expressions; establishes its productivity; studies the structural word-formation features of the idiomatic derivatives, as well as factors predetermining the choice of a formative unit component as the basis for the further word-formation; analyzes the interaction principles of the idiomatic derivates with the initial phraseological units and one-root lexical units, formed in the result of the phraseological derivation; determines the further ways of the research.
Text of the article: 12lootmg.zip

Laska I. V.  The Determination of Philosophical and Linguistic Bases of Translation in the Works by A. Arnauld / I. V. Laska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 95—98. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the philosophical and linguistic views by Antoine Arnauld, reveals the influence of the rationalistic grammar on the practice of translation in Port-Royal, the role of Arnauld in the development of the translation theoretical bases. His fundamental idea of the human thought universality approved the principle of translation’s possibility. Arnaud put forward the requirement of transferring the meaning and maintaining elements of the form, or the compensation for losses. He postulated the translator's fundamental moral independence from the criticism. His influence led to the change in the translation philosophical and linguistic paradigm.
Text of the article: 12livwaa.zip

Leleka T. O.  The Anglo-American Words-Composites in the Ukrainian and Russian Languages at the End of the XX – the Beginning of the XXI Centuries / T. O. Leleka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 99—102. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the words-composites status determination in the language. Different approaches according to the ways of their formation are shown. The lexical and syntactical mode of their word-formation is revealed despite the cases of the words combination in English. Thorough attention is paid to the Anglo-American composites and the borrowed composite components in the Ukrainian and Russian languages as a result of the interlinguistic and intercultural communication. Their orthographic peculiarities in two cognate languages are analyzed, the common and distinctive signs of their writing according to the data of the dictionaries of the loans in the Ukrainian and Russian languages in comparison with the English variant are determined.
Text of the article: 12ltoebc.zip

Materyns’ka O. V.  The Implicit and Explicit Means of Expressing the Whole in the Name of the Part / O. V. Materyns’ka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 103—107. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article focuses on the research of the meronymy semantics (names of the parts), in particular the implicit and explicit means of expressing the whole in the name of the part. In this paper the basic semantic features of meronyms are revealed and the interdependences between their structural and semantic patterns are traced. The research of their semantics is viewed upon as an important part of the systematic representation and modeling the semantic relations in the lexical system.
Text of the article: 12movwnp.zip

Mezhov O. G.  Predicates of Quantity in the Modern Ukrainian / O. G. Mezhov // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 108—111. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The investigation is dedicated to the semantic-syntactic category of quantity in the modern Ukrainian: its semantics, structure, system of functions. The article carries out the systematic analysis of the quantitative predicates in the semantic elementary and unelementary simple sentences on the material of the modern literary Ukrainian language. The semantic varieties are selected, the valency potential is found out, the morphological facilities of expression and formal syntactic positions of quantitative predicates are described. Two member sentences with the numeral compound predicate and the genitive subject have been outlined; genetically primary and functionally primary and secondary use of numerals has been delimited as well.
Text of the article: 12mogqmu.zip

Merinov V. V.  The Correlation of Grammatical Meanings and Grammatical Number Forms in the Semantic Class of Nouns that don’t Name Persons in the Modern Ukrainian / V. V. Merinov // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 112—115. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article considers the correlation of grammatical meanings and grammatical number forms in the semantic class of nouns that don’t name persons in the modern Ukrainian. The author analyzes the causes and ways of origin of this grammatical phenomenon, semantic-grammatical occurrences as its consequence, gives the list and classification of these nouns and also examples of their usage in the everyday speech. In particular, the author pays attention to the lexico-semantic groups of nouns that name animals, plants and their fruit, countable nouns that name food, small countable objects and things, types of settlement and also vehicles.
Text of the article: 12mvvpmu.zip

Moseichuk O. M.  The Word-Building Modeling of English One-Word Idioms / O. M. Moseichuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 116—120. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The paper specifies the principles of the English one-word idioms word-building. One-word idioms are created either on the basis of the pre-existing idioms of different structure and non-idiomatic units through the instrumentality of the semantic transformations only or by the means of permutations in the both semantic and formal scopes. The most productive ways of the word-building among one-word idioms are stem-composition, incorporation, conversion, affixation, reduplication, semantic derivation as well as their syncretic variations.
Text of the article: 12momowi.zip

Nychko O. Ya.  Plant Concepts and their Verbal Representation in the Fictional Novel (Based on the Novel "Lady Chatterley’s Lover" by D. H. Lawrence) / O. Ya. Nychko, T. O. Diakova, Yu. V. Bogdan // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 121—124. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article investigates phytolexemes – the specific areas of the linguistic image of the world in the literary text based on the novel "Lady Chatterley’s Lover" of the Victorian era written by the master of the psychological novel David Herbert Lawrence. In the novel, on the certain examples, the floristic symbolism concepts of forest, park, pine, larch, apple and ripe pear are traced. The herbal traditions of the English mentality are outlined in the given novel. The provisions of the cognitive linguistics, the branch of the linguistic theory, are summarized in the article. The concept of the categorization – mental representations in the human consciousness – is demonstrated.
Text of the article: 12noyaby.zip

Nuzhdak L. V.  The Globalization Influence on the Linguo-Cultural Formation of the Ukrainian Proper Names after the Fall of the Soviet Republic / L. V. Nuzhdak // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 125—128. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article analyzes the Ukrainian onims vocabulary in the field of the Ukrainian language culture after the fall of the Soviet Republic. It considers different factors which influence on the Ukrainian proper names formation. The special attention is given to the globalization trends of the post-totalitarian Ukraine, which negatively affect on the development of the Ukrainian onomastics, including the Ukrainian proper names. The problem areas in the Ukrainian proper names at the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXI centuries, caused by the influence of the globalizational processes and other extra- intralingual factors are determined.
Text of the article: 12nlvfsr.zip

Osovs’ka I. M.  The Strategic-Tactic Configurations and their Operational Realization in the German Parental Cooperative Discourse / I. M. Osovs’ka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 129—134. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article under review deals with the examination of strategic-tactic configurations and their operational realization in the German parental cooperative discourse. On the basis of the strategic and communicative policy and target (intentional) guidance of the text statements, the structure and specificity of the basic element structure, the arsenal of the basic actants of the German language tactics of the parental discourse and the prevailing discourse procedures of their realization is determined.
Text of the article: 12oimpcd.zip

Îstapovych Î. Ya.  The Verbalization of the Conceptual Sphere "Motherland" in the German Idioms. Topos of "home" / Î. Ya. Îstapovych // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 134—140. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the problem of the essential role played by the conceptual sphere "Motherland" in the semantics of the phraseological idiomatic units in the modern German, the definition of the most productive microconcepts, relations between the imaginary motives of home, family, relatives and parents for the modeling of the phraseological fragment of the German people’s national linguistic world view and the picture of reality. Based on the lexicographic and text corpora data including phraseological entities – full idioms, phraseological combinations and expressions, among them also proverbs, sayings and quotations – as well as on their quantitative analysis the predominance of anthropocentric and not local geographic constituents of the given conceptual field as well as its primary emotional foundations and radial concentric structure has been proved.
Text of the article: 12ooyith.zip

Pastukhova S. E.  Structural and Semantic Characteristics of Terminological Word- Combinations (on the Material of the Internet Special Vocabulary) / S. E. Pastukhova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 141—145. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article presents the peculiarities of the formal structure of the English two-, three- and four-component terminological word-combinations with the substantive nucleus, functioning in the field of the Internet. It suggests the productive structural models of the terminological word-combinations, distinguishes the features of the terminological word combinations that are opposed to a phrase and free word-combinations. The semantic problems of the terminological word-combinations motivation, hypero-hyponimic relations between the components, polysemy, absolute synonimity, lexical and word-formation antonimity phenomena are shown.
Text of the article: 12pseisv.zip

Petryshyn M. I.  The Lexical-Semantic Field Structure of Parametric Adjectives in the Old Greek Language (on the Material of Homer’s Epos) / M. I. Petryshyn // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 146—149. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the semantic field of adjectives with the meaning of size in the Homer's epos as a separate fragment of the Old Greek world linguistic picture. The place of such adjectives is determined in the word linguistic picture. The selection from "Iliad" and "Odyssey" were the basic material of the total volume about 1180 word combinations. Based on the Homer's vocabulary the structure and frequency characteristics of parametric Old Greek adjectives have been described.
Text of the article: 12pmimhe.zip

Rebrii O. V.  Constraints as a Factor of Translator’s Creative Activity: the Linguistic and Psychological Analysis / O. V. Rebrii // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 150—154. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article is dedicated to the defining and analyzing different types of constraints standing on the way of the creative reproduction of an original text in the translation. The translation is analyzed as a resource-limited and information-limited cognitive operation. It is proved that constraints in the translation activity are of both the positive and negative character. The negative role of constraints lies in the creating the effect of conservatism and dogmatism. The positive role of constraints lies in stimulating the translator’s creativity which forms the foundation of the target cultural, literary and lingual development.
Text of the article: 12rovlpa.zip

Sydelnykova L. V.  The French Alphabet as the Ordered System of Symbols / L. V. Sydelnykova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 155—158. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the study of the symbolic nature of the alphabetic written language. The presented article researches the semiotic of the Latin and French alphabets, establishes the symbolic connotation of French literal signs, their correlation with the number, systematizes and classifies the letter symbols of the modern French. It is proved that the French alphabet is the well-organized system of images, at the same time exposes the metaphysical function of the modern French written language.
Text of the article: 12slvoss.zip

Syngaivs’ka A. V.  The Original Metaphor as the Realization Device of the Defamiliarization / A. V. Syngaivs’ka, T. O. Diakova, Yu. V. Bogdan, Yu. A. Kupchyshyna // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 159—162. — ISSN 2076-6173.
This article deals with the analysis of metaphors as a means of implementing defamiliarization (ostranenie) in the literary text. The different linguistic approaches to the definitions of the metaphor are given. The conceptual original metaphor in particular, its evaluative and imaginative aspects are studied in the article. The basic properties of the original metaphor are systematized. The original metaphor is also defined as a fundamental stylistic means of expressing the defamiliarization notion. The human, nature, abstract and concrete notions are defined as the main objects of defamiliarization. The thorough attention is paid to the basic techniques of the defamiliarized objects: the anthropocentric and the animalistic aspects.
Text of the article: 12savkyu.zip

Slipets’ka V. D.  The Negative in the Communication, or the Manipulative Strategies and Tactics of the Conflict Communication: the Investigation Postulates and Perspectives / V. D. Slipets’ka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 163—166. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article focuses on the generalization of the theoretical postulates concerning the understanding of the conflict communication origin, the verbalization of the negative estimation, the predominance of the speech means of the negative estimation verbalization in the comparison with the speech means of the positive verbalization, that is caused by the communicative laws in general, the psychological nature of a human being. The reasons for the negative (conflict) communication motivation, the origin of its strategies and tactics have been generalized, the investigation perspectives have been determined.
Text of the article: 12svdipp.zip

Trots’ O. V.  Verbalizers of the Old Germanic Linguo-Cultural Concept FATE (WYRD / ORLOG) / O. V. Trots’ // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 167—170. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article focuses on the lexical units to denote the Old Germanic linguo-cultural concept FATE with the lexemes etymology and the linguistic areal of their spread being suggested. Two lexical groups are singled out to cover both words picked up from the Western Germanic manuscripts and from the Old Norse written documents. Semantic features of the concept, drawn up on the basis of lexico-semantic and etymological analyses, are aimed at unfolding the cultural side of the concept.
Text of the article: 12tovccf.zip

Chayka L. V.  The Verbal Conflicts as the Performative Infelicities / L. V. Chayka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 171—174. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the urgent problems of the verbal conflict analysis in the speech acts theory, views by L. Wittgenstein, J. L. Austin, J. Searle, D. Vanderveken, Z. Våndlår, P. F. Strawson, H. P. Grice and other pragmatists concerning the conditions, consequences and linguistic sense of the conflict communication. The methodological principles of building the verbal conflict typology on the grounds of the communicative act functions are proposed on the basis of this analysis.
Text of the article: 12chlvpi.zip

Chobanyuk M. M.  The Ukrainian Futurism in the Western Ukrainianists’ Comprehension / M. M. Chobanyuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 175—178. — ISSN 2076-6173.
This work is focused on the actual problem of the modern literary theory –the foreign western Ukrainianians' works. The experience of the western Ukrainian literary criticism hasn’t been studied thoroughly in the Ukrainian science. The author tries to appreciate objectively O. Il’nyts’kyi’s contribution to the understanding of the Ukrainian futurism peculiarity as this Canadian specialist was one of the first who gave it the opportunity to self-actualize in his history, theory and works.
Text of the article: 12chmmuc.zip

Shukalo I. M.  Lexical Units of the Advertising Discourse of the British Travel Agents: the Cognitive Aspect / I. M. Shukalo // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 179—182. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the lexical units analysis of the advertising discourse of the British Travel Agents from the cognitive perspective of the contemporary linguistic studies. It focuses on the representation of the advertising discourse fragment via the frame modelling. Such an approach has helped to outline and determine the elements of its lexical inventory that forms the general topical targeting of the advertising discourse of the British Travel Agents.
Text of the article: 12shimca.zip

Gladka N. V.  Narcissism: the Artistic Realization of the Self-Cognition Way / N. V. Gladka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 183—186. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article researches the semantic and symbolic content of narcissism as the concept. The understanding of this concept as the way of self-cognition is highlighted in the research. Narcissism gets a new life as a symbol of poetic self-expression and self-cognition. The interpretations are performed on the basis of the myth about Narcissus by Ovid and the dialogue "Narcissus" by Grygoriy Skovoroda. A particular attention is paid especially to the interpretation of the psychological phenomenon of narcissism. In connection with this the scientific works by Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan are analyzed.
Text of the article: 12gnvscw.zip

Balats’ka O. L.  The Explicit Evaluative Means in Criticism (on the Material of the English Language Scientific Articles) / O. L. Balats’ka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 187—190. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article analyzes one of the components constituting the English language scientific article – a genre of scientific discourse – namely, the critics, realized in the negative evaluative utterances. The research focuses on the explicit lexical means that express negative evaluation. The most typical of them appeared those represented by adjectives, followed by nouns and verbs that are presented by considerably smaller numbers, while the least typical are adverbs. The negative evaluative meaning was established with the help of the lexicographical sources which made it possible to reveal the correlation between a certain lexical unit and its hyperonym (bad).
Text of the article: 12bollsa.zip

Boboshko T. M.  The Dialogical Speech as a Subject of the Linguistic Research / T. M. Boboshko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 191—194. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the dialogical speech analysis in the system of the modern linguistic research. It studies the conceptual apparatus of the dialogue research with the regard to the main principles of the pragmatic linguistics and communicative-functional linguistics, emphasizes the communicative features of the dialogical discourse and presents the basic classifications of dialogues, suggested by well-known modern linguists. The possible prospects of the further researching of the dialogical unity elements, namely reactive remarks are determined, as at this stage they are studied less than question remarks.
Text of the article: 12btmslr.zip

Dekalo V. O.  The Evolution of the Term "Grammaticalization" Interpretation in the Grammar Theories / V. O. Dekalo // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 195—199. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The analysis of the treatments of the term "grammaticalization" from the historical point of view is investigated in this article. The definitions of the leading representatives of the Grammaticalization Theory and its predecessors are present in this linguistic exploration. The author notes that, traditionally, the term "grammaticalization" is considered in the narrow and broad sense. It has been brought to light, that the common generally accepted definition of the term "grammaticalization" does not exist; it depends on the researcher’s theoretical views. As a conclusion the author offers the most convenient interpretation of the term.
Text of the article: 12dvoigt.zip

Krasnitskaia K. V.  Associative Ties of the Macroconcept CARDINAL POINTS OF THE GLOBE with the Elements of the Semantic Sphere CLIMATE / K. V. Krasnitskaia // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 200—204. — ISSN 2076-6173.
This article represents a fragment of the study dedicated to the analysis of the semantic scope of the CARDINAL POINTS OF THE GLOBE concept. This particular section deals with the associative ties of the concept in the question with the concepts from the semantic sphere CLIMATE. The conclusion has been reached that the most probable ground for these semantic ties is the inclusion of the antonymic sememes cold, warmth in the semantic structure of all members of the analyzed macroconcept: the concepts SOUTH and WEST contain the semantic component warmth, the concepts EAST and NORTH contain the component cold.
Text of the article: 12kkvssc.zip

Musienko O. I.  The Paradigmatic Characteristics of the English Sociological Term System / O. I. Musienko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 205—209. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the system characteristics of the sociological terms in English. The paper identifies and provides a comprehensive analysis of the following types of paradigmatic relations as network, partonimic, frame-based, hyper-hyponymic, synonymic, antonymic, cyclic, chain, paradigmatic relations as well as those of contrastive sets. The problem concerning the relations determination and the ways of solving it have been considered.
Text of the article: 12moists.zip

Romanyuga N. V.  The Concept of the Semiological Adequacy in the Projection on the Translation Studies / N. V. Romanyuga // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 210—213. — ISSN 2076-6173.
Symbols, which are the main principle for the constructing the artistic reality, belong to the most essential markers of the ideological artistic dominants of the author’s style. Taking into consideration the lexical incorrespondence of the compared languages, which is the result of possible and obvious lingual and cultural barriers, the difficulties of recreation the image component of the author’s symbol are defined and the concept of the semiological adequacy is given in the article.
Text of the article: 12rnvpts.zip

Snisarenko Ya. S.  The Comparative Analyses of the Polysemic Words on the Example of the Socio-Political Lexis of the Ukrainian and English Languages / Ya. S. Snisarenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 214—218. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the comparative analysis of the polysemic words on the example of the socio-political lexis of the Ukrainian and English languages. The content and hierarchy of the lexical-semantic variants within the socio-political lexis of the Ukrainian and English languages are analyzed; the level of the polysemy development within the socio-political lexis of the analyzed languages is disclosed in the article.
Text of the article: 12syasel.zip

Tkhir M. B.  The Ñommunicative "Super State Propaganda" Strategy and the Lingual Means of Its Implementing in the USA President B. Obama’s Speeches / M. B. Tkhir // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 219—223. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article highlights the "super state propaganda" strategy and analyzes its use in the USA President Barack Obama's political speeches. The author investigates such tactics of "the super state propaganda" strategy as the tactics of the patriotic spirits formation, tactics of the ñountry fellows' positive presentation, tactics of the power demonstration and tactics of the positive future prediction, and also the lingual means of their implementing in the American presidential discourse. With the help of the analysis of this strategy, its tactics and lingual means the USA President Barack Obama’s image is formed.
Text of the article: 12tmbbos.zip

Chumak N. A.  The Lexical Assimilation of the French Ethnographic Realia in the Modern English on the Word-Formative Level / N. A. Chumak // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 224—227. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the analysis of the assimilation degree of the French ethnographic realia in the Modern English on the word-formative level. The peculiarities of the word-formative activity of the French ethnographic realia are studied in it. The article gives the detailed analysis of the most productive word formation ways of the French ethnographic realia and the most frequent types of the semantic shifts that occur in their derivatives. The notions of "word-formative activity", "conversion", "modification", "clear transposition", "complicated transposition" and "mutation" are revealed in it.
Text of the article: 12chnafl.zip

Shumeiko O. V.  The Verbal Realization of the Concept ANGER in the Modern American Prose / O. V. Shumeiko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 62. — P. 228—231. — ISSN 2076-6173.
The article deals with the analysis of the means of the emotive concept ANGER verbal representation in the prosaic works by the modern American writers. The psychological distinctive features of the anger emotion are examined and the linguistic units that denote the emotive concept ANGER in the modern American English are determined in this article. The classification of the latter is suggested, taking into account the present tendencies in the research of the verbal means of emotive concepts explication, which are classified into those, which nominate directly, describe and express emotions. It has been revealed that comparatively the third class of the linguistic units is often used to express ANGER in the modern American English that indicates the violent emotional experience of anger by the Americans.
Text of the article: 12shovap.zip
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