Bulyga I. I. Religion and Politics: the Practice of Interaction in the Modern Ukraine
/ I. I. Bulyga // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 3—6. — ISSN 2076-6173. The paper analyzes the features of the relations between the religion and politics in the contemporary Ukraine. Indeed, the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXI centuries tend to notice the growing influence of the religious factor in the political life of many countries, among which, is Ukraine. The active penetration of religion into the social consciousness and a corresponding increase in the role of the Church in the State can not but reflect on politics. The attention is paid to the role of different faiths in the political and spiritual life of society. The emphasis is made on the research of the cooperation peculiarities between the political forces and various Christian confessions (Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant) in the conditions of the electoral campaign.
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Naichuk A. V. Transformation of the Social Relations in the Modern Epoch
/ A. V. Naichuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 7—10. — ISSN 2076-6173. This article is based on the socio-philosophical analysis and deals with the transformation of social relations of modernism era, which has been reflected in the terms of "individualism" and "differentiation". Individualism is distinguished as the establishment of "leading" role of the personality in the structure of society. By means of differentiation the relations are defined in all spheres of social life: economic, social, political. It is determined that political institutes of modern are built on the complex of norms that have identified the ways of formation and solving problems dealing with the power acquisition.
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Prepotens'ka M. P. Metropolis as the Special Type of the City Life. The Existential Aspect
/ M. P. Prepotens'ka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 11—15. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article is devoted to the determination of life specificity in the metropolis. In the review of the metropolis researches the necessity of the existential approach is grounded to the city analytics. The metropolis essence features are determined in their integrity: immensity and mass character, intensive tempo rhythm, germination in the historical time, fractal structure ("fractal nest-doll"), metaphysical subjectivity, ability to be cultural artifact, technogenic nature. It is shown that each of these parameters determines the metropolis man's boundary life.
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Stovpets' O. V. Social-Philosophical Aspects of Informational Technologies Development in the Context of the Informational Censorship and Intellectual Property Protection Problems
/ O. V. Stovpets' // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 16—20. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article is dedicated to the social-philosophical research of contradictions that the modern society faces in the progress of informational technologies from the perspective of the social philosophy, and the consideration of the philosophical and legal problems of the intellectual property institute development in the informational sphere. The issue of the informational censorship is also considered. The triumvirate of the mutually determined categories such as informational exchange – informational censorship – anti-counterfeit policy that characterize the informational society nowadays is pointed out.
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Shadiuk T. A. Existentially-Ontological Bases of Human Sufferability Idea in the S. Frank and M. Berdyaev's Creative Work
/ T. A. Shadiuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 21—26. — ISSN 2076-6173. The idea of sufferability is considered in the context of S. Frank and M. Berdyaev's authorial philosophical concepts, through which its ontologically-existential background is found out. The difference in meaning content regarding the setting and interpretation of the sufferability idea between thinkers is revealed, which is based on the specific features of their philosophical reflection. A number of concepts is determined, in which the idea of sufferability is constituted as a problem of the modern philosophical anthropology. It is established that the common for the both thinkers in the sufferability idea statement is its viewing as the ontologically-existential bases against the background of the differentiate personal-ontological (S. Frank) and personal-existential (M. Berdyaev) philosofism.
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Dupak V. G. Metaphysics of Virtual Reality: an Analysis of Philosophical Concepts
/ V. G. Dupak // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 27—31. — ISSN 2076-6173. This article analyzes the nature of the concept "virtual reality" by its ontological status, explores the philosophical concepts of virtual reality and outlines the problems associated with the entry of virtual reality in the contemporary social reality. The theoretical approaches analyzing the phenomenon of virtual reality in the context of the development and diffusion of information technologies are considered and the authorial definition of the notion ''virtual reality'' is proposed. It is determined that there is the hierarchical structure of realities where the virtual reality can both generate the virtual reality of upper level, being a constant relatively it, and can be as the virtual object for the constant reality of the higher level.
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Kokhan Yu. V. Gender in the Modern Ukrainian Society: World View Aspects of the State Approach
/ Yu. V. Kokhan // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 32—36. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article analyzes world view aspects, public demand relating the complex state gender policy implementation. The top-priority trends of the realization the gender equality ideas in the Ukrainian society are determined. The civil influence of the gender theory upon Ukraine as one of the ways of the Ukrainian integration into the European context , inclusion to the European values is brought to light. It is concluded that the development of the gender research ways will allow to determine the Ukrainian specificity of movement to the European society.
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O. V. Sabadukha. Dialectics of Formation of Civil Society and Sense of Responsibility in Subjects of Social Field in the Age of Enlightenment and New Era
/ V. Sabadukha. O. // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 37—40. — ISSN 2076-6173. This article contains the investigation connected with the issue of civil society and formation of sense of people's responsibility in the Age of Enlightenment and New era. The essence and genesis of "civil society" concept are thoughtfully analyzed. And it is proved that civil society was forming, on the one hand, while socio was recognizing the need to observe legal norms, and on the other hand, in process of the need comprehension to be the subject of activity. It is also clarified that humanity developed the sense of responsibility during the formation of civil society: people developed into responsible and conscientious civilians during the process of knowing commons (norm, morals and right). The object of individual's responsibility during the formation process of civil society is defined.
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Loboda S. M. The Periodization of the Formation and Development of the Ukrainian Educational Press during the 20th Century as a Reflection of the Issue of a Teacher's Educational Creativity
/ S. M. Loboda // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 41—47. — ISSN 2076-6173. The periodization of the Ukrainian pedagogical press development of the XX century in the context of the social and pedagogical determinants is established. The content, tendencies, peculiarities of teachers' pedagogical creative activity in the different periods of the pedagogical press development with due consideration of the principal ideas of Ukrainian Pedagogics in the period are highlighted. It is determined that the learning of the Ukrainian pedagogical periodical press and pedagogical sociopolitical journalism gives the opportunity to use the historical heritage in the teacher's creative personality formation in the terms of the contemporary higher educational establishment.
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Semenets S. P. The Conception of Developing Studies in the System of Future Mathematics Teachers' Methodical Preparation: the Results of Researches
/ S. P. Semenets // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 48—51. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article sums up the work during the decision of the developing studies issue in the system of future mathematics teachers' methodical preparation, exposes the conceptual principles of the research, presents the theoretical and practical results of the scientific search, determines also the pedagogical problems that need a further study. The results of studies are referred to four groups: conceptual-theoretical, methodical-substantive, methodical-procedural and experimental-practical. On the basis of the systematic analysis the conceptual model of developing professional pedagogical education is worked out, realized at the level of professional-educational, pedagogical, didactic and technical systems.
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Smagin I. I. The Legal and Pedagogical Meaning of the Notion "Scientific and Methodical Work" in the System of the Secondary Education
/ I. I. Smagin // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 52—55. — ISSN 2076-6173. The paper analyzes the regulatory and pedagogical content of the concept "scientific and methodical work." It is stated, that widely used on the level of the subordinate legislation of the educational system the notion "scientific and methodical work" in the popular teaching practice should be understood as the methodical work on the scientific basis. The extension of the concept "scientific and methodical work" requires its regulatory definition in the subordinate legislation.
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Buzins'ka Ya. M. Modeling the Process of Preparing Future Teachers to Implement Interdisciplinary Connections in the Elementary School
/ Ya. M. Buzins'ka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 56—62. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article considers the problem of modeling the process of preparing future teachers to implement interdisciplinary connections in the elementary school in the modern conditions of the Ukrainian state. It is shown that the model has the following structural components: motivational, conceptual, reflexive and realizable. It is proved that the target component model of training primary school teachers to implement interdisciplinary communication is the social order – the formation of skills and habits to implement interdisciplinary connections of primary school teachers, the preparation aim and tasks to implement interdisciplinary connections.
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Voinalovych L. P. The Content of the Professional Teachers' Training in the Teachers' Training Colleges for National Minorities in Ukraine in the 20-s of the XX Century
/ L. P. Voinalovych // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 63—66. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article highlights the problems of teachers' training for satisfying cultural-educational demands of national minorities in the sphere of higher professional pedagogical education in the 20-s of the XX century. The article cites figures about the system of teachers' training colleges that functioned in Ukraine for different reprisentatives of national minorities. Òhe content and procedure aspects of pedagogical training of future teachers in the teachers' training colleges for national minorities in Ukraine in the second half of the 20-s of the XX century are analyzed. Also the article studies subsidiary educational establishments that promoted to entering the national teachers' training colleges, namely preparatory courses.
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Zhurba Î. V. The Use of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky's Pedagogical Legacy at the Lessons of Ethics
/ Î. V. Zhurba // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 67—70. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article features the role of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky's pedagogical legacy for the students' cognitive activity organization in the course of ethics in the fifth and sixths grades of the secondary educational institutions. It describes the experience of the creative use of the great teacher's pedagogical ideas in the modern schooling practice. It is highlighted that when teaching ethics, special attention should be paid to the development of the students' ability to take a moral position and formulate, explain, and ground their own standpoint and behaviour, as well as the position of other people in relation to the moral and ethical requirements and rules.
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Zakharchuk N. V. The Ways of Improving the Communicative Component of the Curricula and Textbooks Content for the Future Environmentalists
/ N. V. Zakharchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 71—74. — ISSN 2076-6173. The paper analyzes the curricula and textbooks for the Humanities (Principles of Psychology and Pedagogy, Ukrainian and Foreign Cultures, Business Ukrainian Language, Foreign Language), wich are used to prepare future ecologists in the higher educational institutions. The context of the textbooks for the Humanities, which promotes to the professional intercultural communication competence of the future specialists in ecology, is studied. Besides, the ways to improve the communicative component of the humanities curricula are suggested within the integrative approach to teaching.
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Karpliuk S. O. The Development of E-Learning as a Way to Intensify the Future Informatics Teachers' Preparation Process
/ S. O. Karpliuk, A. TS. Franovsky // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 75—77. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article analyzes the problem of developing e-learning pattern during the future informatics teachers' preparation. The definition of e-learning is clarified. The classification of e-learning on the methodological purpose is specified. The didactic principles, which form the basis of their creation and usage are considered. The benefits of training future teachers of computer science through the use of e-learning are given.
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Koval' P. M. The Specifics of Different Types of Arts and their Usage in the Students' Vocational Training in the Highest Technical Educational Institutions
/ P. M. Koval' // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 78—81. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article defines the importance of artistic means usage in the teaching and educational process for students of the highest technical educational institutions. The attention is drawn on the specific features of different types of arts which are components of future experts' vocational training of the technical direction. It is concluded that the special role belongs to the teacher, as to the main thing in the professional training.
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Kupchyk R. M. Informational Technologies in Training Designers in the Context of the Current Educational Trends
/ R. M. Kupchyk, A. TS. Franovsky, Yu. V. Prusak // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 82—85. — ISSN 2076-6173. Possibilities of personal oriented character of modern informational technologies in future designers' preparation are explored. Educational, communicative and professional directions of the computer technique usage and aspects of the systematic approach are examined. The historical review is conducted and the prospects of computer technologies introduction in the educational process of the designers' preparation in Ukraine are considered in the article.
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Levchenko O. O. The Psychological and Pedagogical Drill Practice of Diagnosis Methods of Facilitative Style in the Pedagogical Cooperation of the Young Teachers of the Social-Pedagogical Disciplines
/ O. O. Levchenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 86—92. — ISSN 2076-6173. The principle research methods of the facilitative competence formation, influencing on the teacher's pedagogical interaction style, are determined. The separate methods of the active professional-psychological preparation are disclosed; nevertheless it doesn't mean that they are sufficient for the specialist's competence formation in the humanitarian field. It is concerned with the thing that this is one of the approaches of the diagnostics practice evaluating the results of the professional preparation.
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Lytniova T. V. Transformation of Aims of Foreign Language Teaching in Ukraine in the Context of the European Educational Tendencies
/ T. V. Lytniova, A. TS. Franovsky, Yu. V. Prusak, L. V. Razinkina // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 93—96. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article analyzes the process of transformation of the aim-centered component of teaching foreign languages in Ukraine according to the modern European tendencies. The expediency of determination and formulation of the traditional aims of foreign language teaching at the stage of introducing the competence-based approach into the foreign language education is substantiated. Grounded on the official documents and school curricula, the article deals with the contents of practical, educational, cultural and developmental aims within the competence-based educational paradigm. The essence of the competences defined in the domestic foreign language curriculum is revealed. The idea of building up the pupil’s intercultural communicative competence is focused on.
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Malynivs'ka L. I. Students' Acquirement of the Scientific Knowledge System, Humanistic Ideals, Values, Persuasions and Methods of Activity at Emergencies
/ L. I. Malynivs'ka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 97—99. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article reveals some features of forming the civil defense culture and students' life safety in the higher school by means of acquirement of the scientific knowledge, humanistic ideals, values, persuasions and methods of activity at emergencies. Structural components (motivational, cognitional, technological, and reflexive) and indexes of students' civil defense culture are considered. The formation of the civil defense culture and life safety is the main, system-forming factor of the student, future specialist, valuable subject's becoming as the personality of the safe type in the society.
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Oliinyk Yu. I. ICT Competence as the Means of the Creative Personality's Development
/ Yu. I. Oliinyk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 100—103. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article is devoted to the research of the informational and communicational technologies (ICT) impact for the creative personality's development in preparing teachers of artistic disciplines. The aspects of the formation and development of the ICT competence in the art education, psychological and pedagogical conditions for the ICT usage as the multifunctional art tool, as well as a number of issues about computer technology usage in the today's professional art education are considered. The essence of the concept "competence" is clarified.
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Papizhuk V. O. Reforming the Contents of the General Secondary Education in France and Ukraine at the Beginning of the XXI Century
/ V. O. Papizhuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 104—109. — ISSN 2076-6173. The reforming of French and Ukrainian school educational systems is compared in this article. The following criteria for comparison are defined: the structure of the studied systems, the study duration in the secondary school, the aims of education, the conceptual basis of the educational content formation, the annual teaching capacity for a student, the content of curricula, the selection of textbooks, the time limits for reforms, the directions of the reforming, the role of state and society in the reforming the school education content, the monitoring of students' progress in mastering the content of curricula. As a result, the comparative analysis of the pedagogical innovations in the field of the school education content in Ukraine and France identifies common trends for both countries in this area as well as differences in the implementation of reforms.
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Piddubna O. M. The Value of Sketches in the Future Fine Art Teachers' Artistic-Creative Activity
/ O. M. Piddubna // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 110—113. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article considers the issue of future fine art teachers' artistic-creative activity. It is set that the implementation of sketches helps the quick mastering of artistic materials, empowers with the practical abilities and skills of the integral seeing of nature and image, is a condition for the students' professional growth, exposure of their interests and projects. The principles of work implementation are analyzed: from general to concrete, from main to second-rate. Materials and techniques of sketches execution are represented. The specific of the working process on the sketch, stages of implementation, aims and methods of realization are exposed.
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Prusak V. F. The Teacher' Preparation to Implement Future Designers' Environmental Education on the All Levels of Learning
/ V. F. Prusak // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 114—117. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article considers the future designer's preparation in the context of its ecologization. The necessity of the pedagogical staff's readiness to the future designers' ecological preparation on the all levels of learning in the higher educational establishment is justified. It is determined that the necessity of the pedagogical staff's preparation in the higher educational establishments to solve the tasks of future designers' ecological education is the current issue of the contemporary pedagogical science. It is proposed that the way of solving this issue is the pedagogical staff's common work.
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Samarinà S. ². The Issue of Methods Formation of Pupils' Discipline in Schooling of Ukraine: the Historical and Pedagogical Context
/ S. ². Samarinà // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 118—122. — ISSN 2076-6173. The historical and pedagogical analysis of methods formation of the pupils' discipline in the institutions of the secondary education in Ukraine is carried out. The essence of the methods used in the school practice of the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century is disclosed, their comparative analysis in the context of the modern pedagogical theory and practice is conducted. The particular attention is paid to the features of using methods as the most popular methods of influence during the formation pupils' discipline in the invest³gated period.
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Sydorchuk N. G. A Medieval University: the Art of the Pedagogical Action
/ N. G. Sydorchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 123—126. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article considers on the basis of the general description of the university education as the social cultural phenomenon of the medieval Europe the mechanisms of becoming the professional and pedagogical activity as a special type of the art pedagogical action. The conclusion is made as to the organizational condition of the activity of the medieval universities that have provided the teaching personnel training with non-verbal means: through the system of the non-verbal knowledge, direct participating in the practical pedagogical activities under the tutor's direction, by bringing the students to the pedagogical activities within the frames of receiving the scientific degree.
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Storozhuk A. I. The Original Lyrics of the Eastern Podillia as the Means of Future Teachers' National Self-Consciousness Formation
/ A. I. Storozhuk, A. TS. Franovsky, Yu. V. Prusak, L. V. Razinkina, Ì. A. Moroz // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 127—131. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article is devoted to the authentic lyrics of the Eastern Podillia. The classification is proposed and the brief characteristics of the main features of the family songs is given. The urgency of the research problem and the study of the people's melodiousness as the base of the young people's national consciousness formation, in particular the future teachers, is noted. It is determined that the series of the folk songs, that are preserved and are present in our life, belong to the song tradition, rooted in the antiquity of ages.
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Baida M. V. The Experimental Verification of the Methods of Future Teachers-Philologists' Training to the Implementation of the Cooperative Learning
/ M. V. Baida // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 132—136. — ISSN 2076-6173. Using statistical Fysher’s criterion ?*, the hypothesis concerning the difference between two statistical sample groups of students (the control group and the experimental one) in the terms of forming five components of the model of future teachers-philologists' training to use the cooperative learning in their future professional career is verified. The data of the level of components’ formation before and after the experiment is presented. The overall effectiveness of the suggested model is proved. With the help of the methods of mathematical statistics the effectiveness of future teachers-philologists' training to use the cooperative learning is proved.
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Garashchuk K. V. Characteristics of the Concept ''Educational Reform'' in the Native and Foreign Pedagogy
/ K. V. Garashchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 137—141. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article highlights the ''educational reform'' concept in the broad and narrow understanding. The characteristics of its interpretation by native and foreign educators is given. The exposure of the meaning of the ''educational reform'' concept with the help of the comparative, diachronic and content analysis is suggested. The classification of educational reforms is analyzed. The correlation of the concepts ''educational reform'' and ''educational changes'', ''innovation'' and ''transformation'' is considered. The theories of the educational changes, levels of the secondary education reforming are analyzed. The phases of the educational reforms, the mechanisms of promoting reforming initiatives are distinguished and the difficulties on the reformation way are defined.
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Denicheva Î. I. The Facilities of Implementation of Austrian Liberal Education Reforming Experience in Ukraine
/ Î. I. Denicheva // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 142—145. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article deals with the update trends of liberal education content in Austria, the facilities of educational identical innovations in Ukraine and the prospects for Austro-Ukrainian relations in the humanitarian area. The expediency of changes in the national education system by following the trends of the liberal education reforming in Austria is substantiated. It analyzes the liberal education development in Ukrainian school after adopting the legislative acts aimed at the revival of Ukrainian culture in the European society. The peculiarities of the liberal education reforming in both countries are examined. The upgrade directions of the Ukrainian educational system in gymnasiums are proposed.
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Zymovets' O. A. The Integrated Specialized Courses with Using the Informational and Communicational Technologies as the Means of the Prospective Humanities Teachers' Professional Skills Formation
/ O. A. Zymovets' // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 146—151. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article deals with the problem of the prospective humanities teachers' professional skills formation with the help of the informational and communicational technologies. The classification dealing with the prospective humanities teachers' professional skills with the regards of the information society's requirements is given, the role and place of the integrated specialized courses with using ICT in the system of future bachelors' professional skills formation are determined. The developed author's specialized course ''Using ICT in the Prospective Humanities Teachers' Professional Activity'' is suggested, its structure according to the aims, tasks and demands to its planning is described.
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Lukianchuk S. F. The Multicultural Education in the Ukrainian School: the Present State
/ S. F. Lukianchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 152—156. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article deals with the analysis of the multicultural education in the comprehensive educational establishments of Ukraine. The problem of the multicultural component integration to the curriculum and textbooks is highlighted. The attention is drawn to the problem of discrepancy between the level of prospective teachers' training in the higher educational establishments and demands, which appear in the connection with the task of the pupils' multicultural education. It is suggested that the enactment of the base conception of the multicultural education will become the legislative basis for the effective multicultural education implementation.
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Goncharuk T. V. Raising Ecological Awareness by Means of High School Students' Creative Potential Activization during Practical Activities in the Environment
/ T. V. Goncharuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 157—159. — ISSN 2076-6173. This article is devoted to the environmental education and upbringing in the modern educational process in the secondary schools. The interrelation between the concepts of "ecological culture" and "creativity" is disclosed. The main trends of the environmental education through the introduction of culture into the practice of school subject-subjective models of the educational process are grounded.
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Ditkivs'ka S. I. The Development of Foreign Language Education in the Women's Secondary Schools in the Russian Empire in the Late Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries
/ S. I. Ditkivs'ka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 160—163. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article deals with the process of foreign language education in the secondary female education in the Russian empire in the second half of the nineteenth – early twentieth centuries, analyzes the characteristics of female secondary schools establishment and factors that have influenced on their development, explores the political, pedagogical conditions in which this process has taken place and their impact on the society. The types of contemporary women's educational secondary schools (schools of the Ministry of Education Department, Mariinsky women's schools, diocesan schools) and peculiarities of foreign languages teaching are considered.
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Zhukovs'kyi E. I. Physical Education in the Ancient East and Antiquity
/ E. I. Zhukovs'kyi // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 164—168. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article describes the physical education formation and development in the civilizations of the Ancient East, Greece and Rome. It is shown that even in the Sumerian civilization the elements of physical education have become one of the requirements for the strong warrior's upbringing. It is determined that the physical education has been the inseparable part of the ancient Indian and Chinese cultures, in Egypt the sport has been the leisure time for pharaohs while in Greece and Rome the physical education has been military-oriented. It is established that the countries of the Ancient World have developed the educational means and forms of physical exercises that helped to be physically fit.
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Kovalenko V. O. The Complex Approach to the Organization of Extracurricular Activities
/ V. O. Kovalenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 169—172. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article illuminates forms and possibilities of extracurricular work, discovers its influence on the future medical specialist's individual development peculiarities, presents traditional and authorial forms of extracurricular work, contributing to the top-grade medical workers' preparation in the system of higher education; outlines the main principles of rational and essential implementation of innovational forms of research work concerning the extracurricular activity organization in the modern multilevel system of higher nursing education.
Text of the article: 12kvoopd.zip
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Konyk O. G. The Problem of the Methodological Work in the Psychological and Pedagogical Science
/ O. G. Konyk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 173—176. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article considers the problems of the scientific and methodological work organization in the psychological and pedagogical science; shows the relevance of this phenomenon; conducts the comparative analysis of the current foreign and domestic experience in the research of the pedagogical culture improvement management process. It is concluded that the solution of the issue concerning the methodical work organization in the psychological and pedagogical science is in the search of the effective psychological-pedagogical conditions of the educational process organization.
Text of the article: 12kogppn.zip
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Kurylo T. V. The Prognostic Importance of the Educational Humanization Ideas in the 1960s for the Modern Pedagogical Science and Education
/ T. V. Kurylo // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 177—180. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article distinguishes and discusses the prognostic importance of the educational humanization ideas in the 1960s. The educational press role as a significant factor of educational humanization during the period under examination is defined. The humanistic approach during the period under examination is proved to be a specific tendency in the national educational development on the basis of determining the educational purposes, tasks, content, methods and means aimed at the personality’s all-round formation and development.
Text of the article: 12ktvpno.zip
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Mosiiuk O. O. The Teacher's Innovational Process Model
/ O. O. Mosiiuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 181—184. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article outlines the origin of the concept "innovation". The correlations of definitions of the innovative pedagogical and the innovative educational processes are disclosed. The teacher's innovational process model is represented as an open system, determining the main directions of influence on the production process of innovations, and its fundamental elements are pointed out. Also the basic directions for the further prospective psycho-educational researches on the implementation of the educational innovative technologies are described.
Text of the article: 12mooipp.zip
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Moskaliuk A. M. The Influence of Subjects of the Artistic and Aesthetic Unit on the Primary Schoolchildren's Emotional and Aesthetic Development
/ A. M. Moskaliuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 185—188. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article describes the conceptual foundations of teaching subjects of the artistic and aesthetic unit and their impact on the primary schoolchildren's emotional aesthetic development. Taking into the account the theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching subjects of artistic and aesthetic unit, the purpose, objectives, subjects' structure and prospects for the further development of the primary schoolchildren's emotional and aesthetic sensations, using various kinds of art are determined.
Text of the article: 12mammsh.zip
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Sorochynska Î. À. The Organization of the Pupils' Extracurricular Ecological and Naturalistic Work of the General School
/ Î. À. Sorochynska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 189—193. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article analyzes different approaches to understanding the notions essence "young naturalist", "naturalistic activity", "ecological and naturalistic activity", "extracurricular activity" in the different periods of the pedagogical and biological science development. The aim, tasks and forms of the extracurricular work with the pupils of general school are examined and some examples of this work are cited. The existing classifications of extracurricular work forms are considered and the division of types of the extracurricular ecological and naturalistic activity is proposed.
Text of the article: 12soaosh.zip
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Goncharuk V. V. Folk Historical and Philosophical Views on the Issue of Education
/ V. V. Goncharuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 194—197. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article analyzes the peculiarities of education in various nations from ancient times to the present. The interdependence between the formation and development of education from the society's development of society and the dominant values of human life measurement is shown. The historical and philosophical approach in the development of education systems, providing the definition patterns and directions of the modern educational system perfection and especially its management component is considered. The historical basis for the formation of modern approaches of the educational management on the public-voluntary basis is represented.
Text of the article: 12gvvpro.zip
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Shcheglov A. Yu. Cadets' Scientific Research in the Educational Environment of Higher Educational Military Institution
/ A. Yu. Shcheglov // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 198—202. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article determines the role and place of cadets' scientific and research work in the learning process of higher educational military institution. The analysis of essence and content of cadets' scientific and research work is accomplished; the objective and subjective factors of its organization are presented. The basic components and levels of cadets' readiness for the independent cognitive activity and scientific inquiry are considered. It is clarified that spatial-time characteristics of the educational process in the military higher educational establishment reflect universal characteristics of time (duration, uniqueness, dynamism, inconvertibility) and general qualities of space (space, unity of periodicity and continuity, simultaneity of the existing phenomena).
Text of the article: 12shayuz.zip
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Anisimova A. À. The Detection of Interference in Training the Professional-Oriented Translation (Based on German, English and Ukrainian)
/ A. À. Anisimova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 203—205. — ISSN 2076-6173. The paper considers the interference within the non-meaningful parts of speech and difficulties in the translation that caused by syntactic and punctuation peculiarities of the language. The comparison of grammatical systems of contacting languages enables to avoid some difficulties caused by the interference by means of their conscious comparisons. It is emphasized that just the account of the sings of interference in training the professional-oriented translation can ensure the effectiveness of the educational process of future translators' training.
Text of the article: 12aaapop.zip
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Diagileva Zh. A. The Linguistic Culturological Aspect of the Research of Word-Formation Potential of Lexemes with Value Freundschaft in the German Language
/ Zh. A. Diagileva // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 206—209. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article describes the derivative words as nominees of the concept FREUNDSCHAFT in the German language. It proves the urgency of word-formation potential of lexemes for their linguistic culturological researches. The most productive type of the word-formation of the lexemes with the meaning Freundschaft in the German language is considered, historical changes in the semantic filling of the morphemes of some derivative words are exposed. Owing to singled out semes the semantic structure of the concept in question is specified and the groups of derivative words in conformity with semantic components of the concept FREUNDSCHAFT are indicated.
Text of the article: 12dzhanm.zip
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Kantur K. O. The Analysis of Linguistic Mechanisms of the Anthroposemic Euphemy
/ K. O. Kantur // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 210—214. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article deals with the phenomenon of euphemy in the anthroposemic linguoconceptual sphere of the unrelated languages. It focuses on the questions of linguistic mechanisms of euphemisms functioning in four languages (Ukrainian, Russian, English and French). Applying the methods of component analysis and content analysis, the pragmatic functions of the specified euphemisms in different communicative situations are analyzed. The social factors that stipulate the enriching of the euphemistic field with new items are discussed.
Text of the article: 12kkomae.zip
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Kratasiuk L. M. Functional and Content Types of Speaking as an Expression of the Textual Category of the Informativity
/ L. M. Kratasiuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 215—218. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article highlights one of the main problems of text linguistics – its filling with categories, in particular the category of the informativity. The analysis of the scientific literature concerning the functional and content types of speaking as the main type of information expression is made. The role of the functional and content types of speaking in the structural organization of the informativity category is stated. The emphasis is made on the special language facilities, which represent a content organization of different types of texts.
Text of the article: 12klmtki.zip
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Glushchuk-Oleia G. I. Semantic Groups of the Denominative Causative Verbs (on the Material of the Spanish Language)
/ G. I. Glushchuk-Oleia // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 219—221. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article analyses the semantic structure of derivate denominative verbs with causative meaning. It reveals different approaches to the classification of the indicated verbs of the Spanish language to distinguish general semantic signs of denominative causative verbs as nominative unities with the composite semantic structure. The division on different semantic groups is offered, which gives the possibility to outline their semantic structure.
Text of the article: 12ggivkd.zip
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Nadtochii Yu. N. Anglo-American Loan Words in the Political Texts in the German Language
/ Yu. N. Nadtochii // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 222—225. — ISSN 2076-6173. This article is devoted to the research of the Anglo-American loan words, terms in the modern German language in the political texts and scientific researches of their functioning and the problems, occurring during their translation. The attention is paid to the modern approaches to the research of the pragmatic potential of the political text and the usage of the Anglo American loan-words. The precise pieces of advice are worked out as to the pragmatic aspect, and the rightness and effectiveness of the proposed concept by the Anglo American loan words translation are grounded.
Text of the article: 12nyunnm.zip
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Skibits'ka O. V. Pragmatic Idioms in the English Electronic Tourist Texts and their Rendering by Means of the Ukrainian Language
/ O. V. Skibits'ka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 226—230. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article deals with the usage of pragmatic idioms in the English tourist texts on the Internet pages and analyzes methods and means of their adequate translation into the target languages. The research is based on the examination of about 100 privately and state-owned organizations sites somehow or other related to the international tourism field. The particular attention is paid to the adequate rendering of the source text of the author's pragmatic and communicative intention on the translated pages.
Text of the article: 12sovzum.zip
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Tykhonovs'ka G. S. The Definition of the Concept of ''Gender'' and Gender Investigations in the Modern Linguistics
/ G. S. Tykhonovs'ka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 231—234. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article uncovers the principle of the social and biological characteristic, with the help of which things as ''man'' and ''woman'', their psychosocial and socio-cultural roles as personalities are defined. The article is devoted to the analysis of the gender as a social and linguistic category, in contradistinction from sex, which shows the biological differences. Here are considered different approaches to the definition to the concept of ''gender'' from the point of view of different scientists, its basic functions, aspects and some problems of the modern linguistics, especially of that of gender. The investigations of the last years, conducted in this field by modern native and foreign scientists are analyzed. Some examples that show the gender factor in different languages are given.
Text of the article: 12tgsdsl.zip
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Stakhmych Yu. S. Adequacy and Equivalence of Translation in the Context of Computer Linguistics
/ Yu. S. Stakhmych // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2012. — ¹ 66. — P. 235—238. — ISSN 2076-6173. The article deals with the existing approaches to the investigation of the translation adequacy and equivalence. The definitions of the terms are specified in the context of the computer linguistics. The main attention is paid to the methods of the machine translation investigation and ways of quality assessment. The method of the computer-based linguistic analysis of the text is proposed. The criteria of the machine translation quality assessment are described. The mistakes effecting the adequacy and equivalence of the machine translation are named. The ways of enhancing the existing machine translation systems are described.
Text of the article: 12syuskl.zip
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