Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. ISSN 2076-6173
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Issue 31 (2007)

Toftul M. G.  The Problem of justice: ethical aspect / M. G. Toftul, R. P. Shmat // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 3—5.
The article deals with the definition of justice and its kinds, emphasizing this category contradictory interpretation. The process of justice principles realization in different historical epochs is investigated. Thus the political and public systems character is taken into account. The main principles of the approaches to justice principles theoretical understanding and practical implementation are considered on the example of the John Rawls’s conception.
Text of the article: 07tmgsea.zip

Stasyuk L. O.  The development of fatum concept from anthropological point of view in Calvin religion / L. O. Stasyuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 6—10.
The origin, contents features and importance of fatum concept from the classical European philosophy point of view and its transformation in the system of Calvin religion has been researched.
Text of the article: 07slozkv.zip

Gumenyuk S. M.  Biblical scriptural and byzantine sources as a basis of ostroz’ky philosophical traditionalism / S. M. Gumenyuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 11—15.
The biblical and byzantine sources’ influence on ostroz’ky traditionalism is researched in the article. Its role is marked in forming the adequate image of the Ukrainian national culture. the necessity of saving cultural orthodox basis is enlighted .
Text of the article: 07gsmoft.zip

Ivanovsky V. V.  Television and radio space of Ukrainian regions: problems and perspectives of development on a way to informative society / V. V. Ivanovsky // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 16—20.
Some problems which exist in Ukrainian television and radio organizations activity are examined and analyzed, the priority directions of their further development in conditions of globalization and information society formation are defined. On the basis of figures and facts the characteristic of a situation in regions’ television and radio information space is given, and also one of possible variants of state electronic MASS-MEDIAS reform is considered.
Text of the article: 07ivvsis.zip

Sangaevska N. L.  Saving motives in the Ivan Franko’s creation in the aspect of Christianity / N. L. Sangaevska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 21—23.
This article highlights the philosophical aspects in Ivan Franko’s creation, faith in the rescue as the main point of Christianity. Through the existential view the theme of a poet and a word in Franko’s creation are depicted. He distinguished the point of the spiritual culture of Ukrainian people. According to it spiritual experience of the mankind must appeal to the whole human ideas. The subject of Ivan Franko’s morality as the point of Christian study goes from the thoughts of the man’s being.
Text of the article: 07snlfah.zip

Antonova O. Ye.  The problem of the correlation of the abilities and gifts / O. Ye. Antonova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 24—27.
Approaches to understanding the essence of the notion abilities are analysed in the article. The possibilities of their development in the process of the personality indusion into different types of activity, the notions "potential", "abilities", "gifts" are also compared.
Text of the article: 07aoeszo.zip

Vavryk R. V.  The evauation of military teacher’s theoretical and pedagogical readiness to|by| pedagogical activity / R. V. Vavryk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 28—31.
The foundations of methodolody of evaluating of theoretical and pedagogical readiness to pedagogical activity by the separate evaluation of analytic, prediction, project and reflection abilities for an exposing high, enough high, middle, low or elementary level of military teacher’s abilities development are defined in the article.
Text of the article: 07vrvvpd.zip

Velychko D. O.  Mathematics, art, design education are the basses of education / D. O. Velychko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 32—34.
The problems of necessity of links’ establishing between mathematical education, art and design education, their mutual penetrating are considered in the article. The examples of teaching separate mathematics topics for the students of higher educational establishments’ pedagogical departments as the prospective teachers of primary school are given. For this purpose the certain specified problems from geometry, combinatorics with engaging of design education teaching material and fine arts are considered. The separate requirements of ergonomics and aesthetics for teaching material construction are considered.
Text of the article: 07vdodfo.zip

Vitvytska S. S.  Òeacher ñreative self-realization in the context of V.Î. Sókhomlónskó’s ideas / S. S. Vitvytska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 35—38.
The article analyzes the V.Î. Sókhomlónskó heritage in the context of modern approaches to pedagogical creative activity, ideas and thoughts about the pedagogical creative activity problem, ways of teacher’s creative self-realization are determined. The directions of pedagogical creative activity formation are presented.
Text of the article: 07vsskis.zip

Voskresenska N. V.  Mathematical design education in students’ out-of-class activity / N. V. Voskresenska, R. P. Shmat, V. P. Tymenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 39—41.
The article deals with the analysis of mathematical design education in students’ out-of-class activity. Individual orientated technology of mathematical design education in students’ out-of-class activity is presented. Main components of technological ensuring the students’ educational process at higher educational establishments are theoretically motivated. The realization of organization integrated forms, active and interactive educational methods is reflected in the article.
Text of the article: 07vnvpds.zip

Zadorozhna I. P.  Psychological and pedagogical prerequisites of forming the individual learning style of higher educational establishments’ students / I. P. Zadorozhna // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 42—46.
Psychological and pedagogical prerequisites of forming the individual learning style have been analysed; the ways of forming individual learning style of higher educational establishments students (providing the freedom of self-expression, personal interest; individualization of education; raising motivation, forming capability for self -control and reflexive self-evaluation) have been grounded in the article.
Text of the article: 07zipvzo.zip

Miroshnichenko V. I.  The prospective officers’ activity development in the process of their training to the pedagogical activity / V. I. Miroshnichenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 47—50.
The article deals with pedagogical technologies of the prospective officers’ activity development. Special attention is paid to one of active methods. It is social and psychological training and task approach.
Text of the article: 07mvippd.zip

Oliynyk S. V.  Actualization of Music-Creative Potential of Prospective Teacher Personality as a Mechanism of his Spiritual Formation / S. V. Oliynyk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 51—53.
Spirituality as personality defining feature is considered in the article. In the conditions of education humanization cultural and art humanity achievements acquire significance. Their mastering is one of the ways of the prospective teacher personality spiritual development. Mechanism of spiritual base formation of student, who gets music specialization in higher educational establishment is his music-creative possibilities actualization.
Text of the article: 07osvjds.zip

Polishchuk O. P.  Artistic thinking in the design-education context / O. P. Polishchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 54—56.
The article deals with the problem of evrictic and creative potential of artistic thinking as kind of human thinking, the issue of its nature and specific is under consideration. The souses of artistic thinking are linked with the personality aesthetic information and motivation. The artistic thinking is considered as a generic one relatively to the artistically-figurative and design-thinking.
Text of the article: 07popmkd.zip

Semenets S. P.  Statement and ways of the decision the problem of the prospective mathematics teachers’ scientific-theoretical thinking development in the system of methodical preparation / S. P. Semenets // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 57—59.
The author's approach to the decision of the problem of the prospective mathematics teachers’ scientific-theoretical thinking development in the system of methodical preparation is submitted, the most significant factors are allocated, the structure of a teaching material is determined, students’ cognitive reference points in the process of mathematical tasks decision are submitted.
Text of the article: 07sspsmp.zip

Tarasov V. G.  The Aesthetics of mathematical research / V. G. Tarasov, R. P. Shmat, V. P. Tymenko, L. P. Nizdray,   // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 60—62.
The article considers educational and stimulating possibilities of mathematical research (by the process and its results) aesthetic influence on pupils. The role of the research in the formation of stable interest to mathematics is analysed. The aphorisms of prominent mathematicians and amateurs on the great aesthetic and heuristic value of rational, elegant mathematical arguing are cited.
Text of the article: 07tvgemp.zip

Timenko V. P.  The Formation of academic design-education / V. P. Timenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 63—67.
The analysis and generalization of foreign and home experience of educational interactive methods in the process of the academic design education formation. A highlights the problem of unceasing system of design education. Types of design education are defined. Main functions of modern design are destinguished. The author’s projects of language and mathematical design education are offered.
Text of the article: 07tvpado.zip

Kharchenko T. G.  The ideas of humanism in the epoch of French Renaissance / T. G. Kharchenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 68—71.
The attempt to observe the changes both of the pedagogical and philosophical views on the problem of the person’s formation and on the role of education in the formation of a person as a free and all-round intelligent personality in the epoch of French Renaissance.
Text of the article: 07ktgefv.zip

Yaksa N. V.  Poly cultural principles of prospective teacher pedagogical education formation / N. V. Yaksa // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 72—75.
The prospects of higher pedagogical education development that is based on poly cultural principles taking into account the modern state of prospective teachers’ professional preparation in Ukraine are exposed in the article. The dynamics of poly cultural ideas’ development in the history of pedagogical thought are analyzed, the main head,leading blocks of values in prospective teachers’ poly cultural preparation in the system of higher pedagogical education are presented represented.
Text of the article: 07ynvomv.zip

Ganzha M. V.  The reflection peculiarities of the design rules and demands in the design education primary course / M. V. Ganzha // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 76—77.
The article deals with the necessity of particular approach to the projecting of educational and up bringing process in the design education primary course and the ways of design rules and demands reflection in it are suggested.
Text of the article: 07gmvpkd.zip

Mokrytska A. M.  Nature as a Source of Children’s Creative Development in the design / A. M. Mokrytska, R. P. Shmat, V. P. Tymenko, L. P. Nizdray,  , V. V. Tanska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 78—80.
Nature as a source of Children’s Creative Development in the design is considered in the article Children’s creative work can be realized in work with natural materials collected on excursions and travels. Fruits leaves, flowers, rootlets of trees and shrubs, feathers molluscan shells, stones are good for children’s design work.
Text of the article: 07mamdtd.zip

Plyushchyk Ye. V.  The symbolism of light and colour in the art of stained glass and the idea of art’s synthesis in pupils’ artistic activities / Ye. V. Plyushchyk, R. P. Shmat, V. P. Tymenko, L. P. Nizdray,  , V. V. Tanska, G. V. Yamchynska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 81—85.
The article deals with the history of stained glass, the notion of burning style, peculiarities of "rose" windows, light and colour ideas in different countries. The art of stained glass after L. Tiffany, tools and equipment used in stained glass are examined in article. Peculiarities of polyphonic music sounding in gothic buildings, the elements of stained glass at the lessons of arts and music are defined.
Text of the article: 07pevhds.zip

Savynets N. P.  On the Experience of the Design Education Foreign Methodologies Application at the Lessons in Mathematics in Primary Education / N. P. Savynets, R. P. Shmat, V. P. Tymenko, L. P. Nizdray,  , V. V. Tanska, G. V. Yamchynska, G. I. Ivanchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 86—88.
The article highlights the importance of the primary design education as well as distinguishes the unrealized opportunities of Mathematics lessons as to the formation of graphic project skills, the development of spatial perception and imagination. It also presents the results of Ukrainian und German text-books analysis together with the implementation of the system of tasks for the designer's skills and abilities formation at primary school Mathematics lessons.
Text of the article: 07snpmpk.zip

Tyagur V. M.  Design Teaching at Pedagogical Educational Establishments / V. M. Tyagur // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 89—92.
The article deals with different points of view on the design essence. The attempt to define its basic functions is made, the question of modern condition of design-education in Ukraine is considered. Problems, prospects and some directions of new technology developing training – design-education introduction in an education system from an elementary school to the higher school are examined.
Text of the article: 07tvmpnz.zip

Agapova M. B.  Substantial characteristics of the structure of the professional vocational students' interests / M. B. Agapova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 93—98.
The article deals with the structure of the professional students' interests at vocational school. It contains motivational, essential, practical, emotional, regulatory and result components. The main characteristics of the structural elements and the connections between them were investigated.
Text of the article: 07ambpnz.zip

Baltremus V. Ye.  A developed system of seft-government as a condition that determines school democratization / V. Ye. Baltremus // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 99—102.
The article studies the organizatinal-pedagogical conditions and the mechanisms of pupil’s self management democratization in the schools of West Europe and the USA and characterizes organiztional, educational and cultural work of different schools types according to the forms of influence on pupils’, teachers’ and parents’ activity.
Text of the article: 07bveuds.zip

Velichko I. A.  The Unification of Mathematics and Design in the integrative educational process / I. A. Velichko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 103—105.
The attempt of theoretical analysis to unite the sciences of mathematics and design was done in this article; their theme, tasks and aims as school subjects, the opportunity of their integrative unification in the educational process of the school system and advantages of individual oriented education are explained. The results of scientific pedagogical researches at school establishments in Ukraine and abroad are represented.
Text of the article: 07viainp.zip

Gorobets S. A.  Theoretical bases of the problem of prospective specialist’s professional competence formation / S. A. Gorobets // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 106—109.
The main theoretical approaches to the problem of prospective specialist’s professional competence formation are considered in the article. The of the category of competence is analyzed in different fields of knowledge and from different scientific approaches. Instrumental and system competences of prospective specialist and levels of their forming are distinguished in the article.
Text of the article: 07gsakmf.zip

Ivantsova O. P.  Module system of educational process organization and its varieties / O. P. Ivantsova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 110—113.
Module system of educational process organization had its prospects in the decision of tasks of students’ progress quality increase. The varieties of this innovative system are examined in the article: module-developing, module-credit, module-project and module-rating. The most suitable system for teaching the students of economic specialities at college is presented.
Text of the article: 07iopsnr.zip

Kovalenko V. V.  Module-rated system in physics teaching / V. V. Kovalenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 114—117.
The main topic of the article is module-rated system using on school physics lessons. The first part of the article contains analysis of traditional school lesson system weakness. The second part of the article includes common information about module-rated system and recommendations to its application on the school physics lessons.
Text of the article: 07kvvsnf.zip

Kondratyuk G. O.  The role and the place of geometry lessons in primary design education / G. O. Kondratyuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 118—120.
The article considers the role and the place of geometry knowledge in the pupils primary design education. Experimental data on primary design education implementation at the geometry lessons in the 7-9th forms are given. The pupils worked out design projects using the rule of "golden ratio". This task helps senior pupils to use their theoretic knowledge in practice.
Text of the article: 07kgopds.zip

Krukovska I. M.  Social, Economical and Political Aspects of Medical Education Development in Volyn Province / I. M. Krukovska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 121—124.
The historical and social features of medical ensuring system formation in Volyn province are examined in the article, the process of creation of medical establishments of different level and their providing with staff is analyzed.
Text of the article: 07kimmov.zip

Lisnevska O. S.  Integration of mathematics and productive skills developing lessons as a mean to develop primary school pupils’ creative thinking and spatial imagination / O. S. Lisnevska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 125—127.
The article examines some types of work on mathematics and productive skills developing lessons, which help to develop primary school pupils’ spatial imagination and creative thinking, provide development of their intellectual and mathematical skills, increase children’s interest towards education, teach them to compare and analyze.
Text of the article: 07losums.zip

Maistrenko I. V.  Scientific methods in teaching perspective at the fine arts lessons in the context of design / I. V. Maistrenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 128—130.
The article considers methods in teaching perspective at the fine arts lessons in the system of interior space organization study with pupils of the 5th-7th , forms and the historical aspect of this problem. The leading role of mathematics in the work on interior projections is underlined; tasks for teachers work with pupils at the fine arts lessons are given. The formation of harmony, integrity, creative thinking in the single whole space at perspective study lessons in the context of design is emphasized.
Text of the article: 07mgvmkd.zip

Mozharovska I. V.  The formation of mathematical concepts in junior pupils through arts and crafts / I. V. Mozharovska, R. P. Shmat, V. P. Tymenko, L. P. Nizdray,  , V. V. Tanska, G. V. Yamchynska, G. I. Ivanchuk, S. A. Teslenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 131—133.
The article considers practical work in primary school students’ introduction with mathematical concepts, and geometry fundamentals as an example, through arts and crafts. Skills in arts and crafts are formed on the basis of systematism and consistency which are necessary in teaching children calligraphy and gives pupils possibility to develop their abilities in sciences.
Text of the article: 07mivzdm.zip

Orel L. O.  Students Training in mathematics in the context of primary design education / L. O. Orel // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 134—136.
The article considers training students as prospective primary school teachers in mathematics in the context of primary design education. The article use of certain mathematical notions in design activitys is analysed underlines the role of mathematics in the students aesthetic development, in harmonizing their thinking, feelings, outlook, that helps students to implement design education.
Text of the article: 07olokpd.zip

Rovenko K. K.  The history of design and the use its elements at the lessons of fine arts / K. K. Rovenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 137—139.
The article considers the development of world design the use its elements in the fine arts curriculum for the pupils of the 1-4th, 5-7th forms of general secondary school in Ukraine. On the basis of experimental teaching in Teterivka general secondary school in Zhytomyr district a series of design lessons was elaborated to direct pupils in world art and to help them to make their own works of art. The topical points in such lessons elaborating are links with aesthetic and mathematical subjects.
Text of the article: 07rkkuom.zip

Rudkovska Ê. À.  Usage of design-education elements as a mean to increase primary school pupils’ interest towards education / Ê. À. Rudkovska, R. P. Shmat, V. P. Tymenko, L. P. Nizdray,  , V. V. Tanska, G. V. Yamchynska, G. I. Ivanchuk, S. A. Teslenko, O. N. Yanushevich // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 140—142.
This article examines some elements of design education as a methodological process which provides enhancement of the junior school pupils’ creative skills and interests, helps them to understand the beauty of nature, to possess the basics of art and also increases their interest towards studying on mathematics, arts and other creative-thinking developing lessons.
Text of the article: 07rkaupk.zip

Papizhuk V. O.  European Integration as a Factor of Reforming School Education Contents in France / V. O. Papizhuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 143—146.
The paper considers the European integration influence on the contents of school education reform in France. The dependence of changes in school education contents on the general European processes in education system is presented and analyzed. It is demonstrated by political decisiveness in solving complicated problems of school education in France. This fact is proved by the adoption of the new Education Law in April 23, 2005.
Text of the article: 07pvosof.zip

Piddubna O. M Folk-Art Creativity in the Professional Competence Formation of Prospective Art Teacher /   // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 147—149.
The article highlights the state of art education in secondary schools and efficiency of the folk-art creativity usage in the prospective art teachers’ professional competence formation. The demands to the prosrective teachers of art training and the Programs of Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science for the subjects of artistic aesthetic curriculum in secondary schools are analyzed.
Text of the article: 07pomvom.zip

Polevicov I. O.  Pedagogical and music inheritance of Ukraine as pre-condition of the personality oriented education realization at musical school / I. O. Polevicov // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 150—154.
In the article the problems of fortepiano pedagogics of post revolutionary years which were interlinked with the problems of art are considered in a historical aspect. The active researches of the Kiev teachers-musicians of the 20-es in the sphere of children’s musical education, majority from which found afterwards wide application in practice and became pre-condition for realization of the personality oriented education at musical school are highlighted.
Text of the article: 07piovms.zip

Postova S. A.  Problem of conflict in teacher’s professional activity / S. A. Postova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 155—157.
The cases of conflicts arising in teacher’s professional activity are examined in the article. The essence of pedagogical conflict and reasons of its arising are exposed. The possible variants of teacher’s actions in conflict situations with the purpose of their solving are described.
Text of the article: 07psapdp.zip

Prylutska N. S.  Preferential directives and fundamental aims of adult's professional training development / N. S. Prylutska // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 158—162.
The article provides a clear-cut explanation of such notions as "education throughout the life", "elongated professional training" and "complementary training". It reviews the dominant grounds of such issues as education and professional training throughout the life as well as conceptual fundamentals of adults’ professional training. Much attention is paid to the attainment of primary aims and solution of principle problems related to the professional retraining.
Text of the article: 07pnsppd.zip

Sitnyakovskaya S. M.  Handicraft Education In The Classical Pedagogical Theories of XVIII – XIX centuries / S. M. Sitnyakovskaya // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 163—167.
In the article the place and the role of handicraft education as professional – technical way of educational system of XVIII – XIX centuries in European pedagogical theories are observed. The greater part of the article is devoted to studying the handicraft education of children and youth in pedagogical theory of J. Lokk, G.G. Russo, Y. Pestaloccy.
Text of the article: 07ssmept.zip

Khomyarchuk A. P.  The usage of the mathematical knowledge while forming junior pupils design thinking / A. P. Khomyarchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 168—170.
The article exposes the topicality of junior pupils artistic-aesthetical education by the facilities of design. It marks the application of mathematical knowledge while forming the designing thinking and sets the row of problems of design activity.
Text of the article: 07kapmms.zip

Shmelyova T. V.  Diagnostics of the prospective teachers preparation level of primary pupils’ aesthetic world outlook formation / T. V. Shmelyova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 171—173.
The prospective teachers’ preparation level of primary pupils’ aesthetic world outlook formation by means of art are researched in the article. The levels, criteria and indicators of the prospective teacher’s preparation level primary pupils’ aesthetic world outlook formation are determined in the article.
Text of the article: 07stvsms.zip

Omelchenko L. F.  Semantics and "inner" syntax of English compounds / L. F. Omelchenko, R. P. Shmat, V. P. Tymenko, L. P. Nizdray,  , V. V. Tanska, G. V. Yamchynska, G. I. Ivanchuk, S. A. Teslenko, O. N. Yanushevich, L. F. Solovyova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 174—179.
The article highlights the process of coining compound words in Modern English due to specific semantic condensation of hybrid verbal-substantive or attributive-substantive word groups. A word group loses its syntactic peculiarities by blending into a compound word. Thus, making up compounds mirrors common trends to "condensation", to the economy of syntagmatic means.
Text of the article: 07olfsak.zip

Danilyuk S. S.  Morphological Peculiarities of Modern Linguists’ English Electronic Texts / S. S. Danilyuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 180—186.
Morphological peculiarities of modern linguists’ English electronic texts of their home pages are investigated in the article. Nouns, pronouns and verbs are subject to morphological analysis. Much attention is paid to the nominal category of case, peculiarities of personal, possessive and demonstrative pronouns usage as well as to such verbal categories as person, tense and mood.
Text of the article: 07dssisl.zip

Zhukovs’ka V. V.  Interrelation between morphological and grammatical characteristics of the English verb in a literary text / V. V. Zhukovs’ka // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 187—190.
The article studies the interaction of the English verb characteristics which belong to different language levels. It is confirmed that there exists interrelation between syntactical and morphological verb characteristics. This interrelation manifests itself in the fact that some groups of conjugated verb forms are predominantly used in certain models of grammatical combinability. It is proved that realization of grammatical characteristics of the verb on the syntactical level takes place simultaneously with lexical ones.
Text of the article: 07zvvdht.zip

Mazokha G. S.  Polyphonism as an important factor in the poetics of epistolary genre (based on V. Blyznets’ letters of the 70-s) / G. S. Mazokha // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 191—195.
The article analyses polyphonism as an immanent characteristic of epistolary genre on the material of V. Blyznets’ private correspondence (the 1970-s). The attempt of the new comprehension of polyphoniesm and ways of modeling someone’s speech in the correspondence of his acguaintances and colleagues is made.
Text of the article: 07mgsmlb.zip

Moloduchyk O. A.  The linguistic means of the actions localization in the Ukrainian folk ballads / O. A. Moloduchyk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 196—200.
This research is devoted to the linguistic means analysis of the denoting the location notions on the Ukrainian folk ballads’ textual basis. It is noted that spatial localization of action is carried out by the means of languages, the most productive lexemes, which in a ballad genre localize action are such words as fields, forest, sea, mountain.
Text of the article: 07moaunb.zip

Koval’ova T. P.  ˳íãâîñòèë³ñòè÷í³ îñîáëèâîñò³ êîì³÷íîãî â³äîáðàæåííÿ ä³éñíîñò³ ó ðîìàíàõ Ò.Ê. Áîéëÿ "The Road to Wellville" òà "The Tortilla Curtain" / T. P. Koval’ova, R. P. Shmat, V. P. Tymenko, L. P. Nizdray,  , V. V. Tanska, G. V. Yamchynska, G. I. Ivanchuk, S. A. Teslenko, O. N. Yanushevich, L. F. Solovyova, C. Boyle’s novels "The Road to Wellville" and "The Tortilla Curtain". Lingual and stylistic peculiarities of comic description of reality in T. // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 201—204.
The article deals with linguopoetic peculiarities of man-made nature descriptions, which form a setting of a literary action, in the modern American fiction. The textual functions of man-made nature descriptions, as well as their correlation with the idea content of the novels have been examined. Lingual and stylistic means of comic description are investigated from a lexico-semantic and textual perspective.
Text of the article: 07ktpttc.zip

Sokolovska S. F.  Functional-stylistic domination in publicistic text translation / S. F. Sokolovska, R. P. Shmat, V. P. Tymenko, L. P. Nizdray,  , V. V. Tanska, G. V. Yamchynska, G. I. Ivanchuk, S. A. Teslenko, O. N. Yanushevich, L. F. Solovyova, C. Boyle’s novels "The Road to Wellville" and "The Tortilla Curtain". Lingual and stylistic peculiarities of comic description of reality in T., L. B. Grechyna // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 205—209.
The research is done to show functional-stylistic peculiarities of translation of publicistic texts from German into Ukrainian. The article offers the methodology and ways of translation which would reflect as close as possible the style of the original text.
Text of the article: 07ssfppt.zip

Golovetsky V. M.  Cliche in telejournalism / V. M. Golovetsky // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 210—212.
The article deals with the review of scientific definition of the notion "cliche". The general definition of the term "cliche in telejournalist" is given. The examples of typical television cliche which influence the information user negatively are presented. Characteristic linguistic, delineating, stylistic, assembly and other cliches in telecast of regional and ñentral Ukrainian television are analyzed, their main causes are determined.
Text of the article: 07gvmsht.zip

Prischepa V. A.  Society neurosis –"neurosis" of dramatic art of Austria after the World War II / V. A. Prischepa // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 213—215.
The article deals with the Austrian society ambivalence as a manifestation of man’s neurosis that is socially and historically determined and is reflected in dramas of P. Handke, V. Bauer, T. Berngard. The author tries to point out that social disillusionment, the lack of ideals, the mechanical character of modern life, its triviality, emptiness and dullness influenced the development of the Austrian drama of 60-70ies.
Text of the article: 07pvpdsv.zip

Prischepa O. V.  Intertextuality of the Bertold Brecht theory of "V-effekt" / O. V. Prischepa // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 216—218.
The article deals with the evolution of "V-effekt" and the ways of its manifestation in traditions of European and Oriental art and also its reflection in the theory of "V-effekt" of Bertold Brecht. The article also deals with the similarities and differences of "V-effekt" that are found in Oriental and European art systems, process of mutual exchange of stylistic methods and devices.
Text of the article: 07povobb.zip

Tovstenko L. I.  Names of religious holidays in Samovydets’s annals / L. I. Tovstenko // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 219—221.
Names of religious holidays as one of time space expression means in an annalistic genre are considered in article. It is noted that in all shown illustrations of georotonims’ implement a main function above all things – naming, to name a holiday, timed to a certain religious personality.
Text of the article: 07tlisls.zip

Ulanchuk I. B.  Features of the initial report of sale and purchase certificates (on material of Piryatyn’s city books) / I. B. Ulanchuk // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 222—224.
Features of structural components of sale and purchase certificates’ initial report in the Ukrainian language of the end of the 17th – second third of the 18th centuries are considered in the article. On numerous examples specific signs of actually Piryatyn’s acts are illustrated, and also exposed common lines, which were typical for office work of that time.
Text of the article: 07uibpmk.zip

Kudoyarova O. V.  Dynamic aspects of theme organization of medical professional conflict discourse / O. V. Kudoyarova // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 225—228.
The article focuses on the theme organization dynamic aspect in medical professional conflict discourse: the types of scenarios are subjected to analysis; including monotopical and multitopical; these types serve the basis of interactional plane organization in the discourse under study; the theme organization role is defined.
Text of the article: 07kovpkd.zip

Stadnychenko A. P.  The Effect of Hydroquinone on the Level of Pyruvic Acid in the Organs of Visceral Sack of Unio Conus (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae) / A. P. Stadnychenko, R. P. Shmat, V. P. Tymenko, L. P. Nizdray,  , V. V. Tanska, G. V. Yamchynska, G. I. Ivanchuk, S. A. Teslenko, O. N. Yanushevich, L. F. Solovyova, C. Boyle’s novels "The Road to Wellville" and "The Tortilla Curtain". Lingual and stylistic peculiarities of comic description of reality in T., L. B. Grechyna, L. M. Yanovych // VISNYK Zhytomyrskogo Derzhavnogo Universytetu Imeni Ivana Franka. — 2007. — ¹ 31. — P. 229—232.
The paper studies the effect of hydroquinone (in 2 LPC, 5 LPC, 10 LPC concentration) on the level of pyruvic acid in the organs of visceral sack of Unio conus (exposition – 1, 7, 14 days).
Text of the article: 07sapmbu.zip
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